The Betrayer. Kimberley Chambers

The Betrayer - Kimberley  Chambers

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to help the way she was. He was sure that she loved him, though, because he hadn’t had money when she married him. He’d always be indebted to Wendy and her family, as it was her dad who had set him up in the scrap-metal game and lent him the money to start his first business.

      Kenny knew the reason for Wendy’s bad moods. They’d had a lot of problems in the past, which had left his wife feeling bitter and blaming him. For ages they’d unsuccessfully tried for a baby. Finally, they’d gone for tests and were told the problem lay with him. The doctors said that they were unlikely to conceive naturally, because of his low sperm count, but not to give up trying.

      Wendy had never seemed the same towards him since that day. Feeling a failure, Kenny had thrown himself into work. His business had thrived and he tried to compensate his wife in other ways. A big house, foreign holidays, cars, clothes and jewellery. Wendy wanted for nothing, but still she wasn’t happy. The one thing she really wanted was the one thing he couldn’t give her.

      ‘Pull over by them bushes, son. I’m bursting for a slash.’

      Ethel annoyed Kenny. She knew that Wendy hated that kind of talk and he was sure his mother purposely tried to wind her up.

      ‘Can’t you wait a minute, Mum? I’ll find a garage or something. They’ll have a proper toilet there.’

      Ethel nudged Maureen. She loved winding Wendy up. The stuck-up cow gave her son a dog’s life.

      ‘No, I can’t bleedin’ wait. You know I’ve got a weak bladder. Pull over quick, before I piss meself on the seat.’

      Kenny quickly pulled over. Maybe it was a mistake to bring Wendy with him. He hadn’t realised his mum was coming. If he’d known, he wouldn’t have brought his wife.

      James screamed with laughter. ‘Quick, look at Nanny. Look, quick!’

      Wendy glanced out of the window and was disgusted at the sight of Ethel’s fat arse. Stony faced, she glared at her husband. ‘Never again. I mean it, Kenny.’

      Maureen and James couldn’t stop laughing. ‘We saw your bum, Nanny,’ James informed Ethel as she returned to the car.

      ‘Ain’t you got no decorum, mother?’ Kenny said, awkwardly.

      ‘No, I ain’t. Now shut up and fuckin’ drive.’

      Ethel winked at Maureen. She hadn’t even wanted a wee and she’d flashed her arse on purpose, just for Wendy’s benefit.

      Freddie and Tommy were in high spirits as they waited for their visitors to arrive. Tommy couldn’t wait to see his little brother. Freddie was just as excited, because his mum was coming with his auntie Pauline. Tommy was positive that James hadn’t said anything about sneaking out in the night and hiding the black bag for him. If he had blabbed, his mother would have gone apeshit and disowned him for good. His mum idolised James, and she certainly wouldn’t be visiting him if she thought he’d involved his kid brother in a murder charge.

      Kenny pulled the Jag into the car park. Jumping out, he opened the back door for his family.

      ‘Me and Wendy are gonna grab a bite to eat, so I’ll meet you back here in a couple of hours. You’ll probably be hungry yourselves by then. Shall I bring back some sandwiches?’

      ‘We’re fine, Kenny. Thanks ever so much for bringing us,’ Maureen said, gratefully.

      ‘You might be fine, I’m bleedin’ starving,’ Ethel said. ‘I’ll have summink and none of that fancy shit. James’ll be hungry as well, so get us both a bit of grub.’

      Kenny nodded, sent his regards to Tommy and quickly got back in the car. Wendy had a face on her like a bulldog chewing a wasp and he knew he was in for an earful.

      Maureen was surprised to see how happy and well her son looked. On her previous visit, he’d been tearful and had looked depressed and ill. Today, he looked like a different boy. James wouldn’t leave his brother alone. He clambered onto his lap, refused to budge, and wouldn’t let anyone else get a word in edgeways. Maureen had tried to explain on the journey down there that Tommy wouldn’t be coming home with them, but James was having none of it.

      ‘You must come home, Tommy. You can’t stay here, I won’t let you,’ he told his brother.

      Tommy laughed and ruffled James’s hair. He didn’t have the heart to tell him that he wouldn’t be allowed home for Christ knows how long.

      Ethel made Tommy roar with laughter at the story of her near arrest.

      Maureen tutted. ‘Watch what you say in front of James, Mum.’

      Ethel didn’t take a blind bit of notice. ‘The two Old Bill were soppy cunts, wet behind the ears,’ she continued.

      Maureen stood up and grabbed her by the arm. ‘Come on, let’s go and get a cup of tea. It’ll give James some time on his own with Tommy. Explain that you’re not coming home to him,’ Maureen mouthed, as she dragged Ethel away.

      Tommy lifted James off his lap and sat him on the seat next to him. ‘I take it you never said anything about that night when you hid the bag for me?’

      James shook his head. ‘You said it was our secret, Tommy.’

      Tommy lifted his brother’s chin towards him. ‘It is. You must never tell anyone about that, not ever, Jimmy boy.’

      James nodded. He understood perfectly. ‘Are yer gonna come home with us, Tommy?’

      Tommy shook his head. ‘I can’t, Jimmy, I’ve been a naughty boy. I had a fight with someone and now I’ve gotta be punished. That’s why I’ve gotta stay here.’

      ‘Can yer come home soon, though?’

      Tommy sighed. He wished his mother had done the explaining. He wasn’t much good at this type of thing.

      ‘It won’t be soon, mate. I’d love to come home with yer today, but I’m not allowed.’

      James sat silently for a minute or so. He wanted to ask something, but wasn’t sure how to. ‘Did yer kill someone, Tommy? Everyone at school said yer did.’

      Tommy shrugged. ‘I did, but I didn’t mean to. I swear to yer, Jimmy boy, it was an accident.’

      Seeing tears in his older brother’s eyes, James grabbed his hand. ‘Don’t be upset. I believe yer and I won’t tell anyone. I don’t think uncle Kenny knows, so it’ll be another one of our secrets.’

      Tommy nodded. He was relieved that his mum and nan were walking towards him. He felt all soppy and emotional explaining things to his brother. Freddie was only two tables away and he didn’t want to make a prat of himself in front of him.

      ‘Thanks, Mum,’ he said, as she handed him the plastic cup and a Kit-Kat.

      Maureen smiled when Tommy pointed out his best mate, Freddie, and spoke fondly about their antics. The day he’d been arrested and admitted to murder, she’d sworn that she was going to wash her hands of him for good, but her decision hadn’t lasted long, and two days later, she’d been begging to see him again. She knew he was a fucker, but he was her son and she loved him. She’d never be able to totally forgive him for what he’d done, but deep down, she knew he wasn’t a bad lad. If anyone, it was her Susan that was rotten to the core, not Tommy.

      As the bell signalled the end of visiting time, James began to cry. He clung to his brother like a jellyfish and refused to let him go. ‘If Tommy can’t come home with us, can’t I stay ’ere with him?’ he sobbed as he was finally prised away.

      Tommy tried his utmost to not get upset himself and somehow managed it.

      ‘Bye Mum, see yer, Nan. Love yer, Jimmy boy,’ he shouted as his family left the building.

      Kenny was waiting in the car park as promised. Wendy had been a complete bitch to him over lunch. ‘Your family are absolutely disgusting. I look at them and sometimes I’m glad that all you could fire was

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