She Was the Quiet One. Michele Campbell

She Was the Quiet One - Michele  Campbell

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seemed to know that as well as Bel did. Or else he just smelled the pot.

      “Uh, no, I can’t,” he said, stopping in his tracks.

      “You don’t smoke weed?”

      “Not on campus I don’t. Surest way to get caught.”

      “This isn’t campus.”

      “Not technically. But if you think the faculty doesn’t know about the lean-to, you’re mistaken. They raid it regularly.”

      Darcy had never told Bel that, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t true. “Are you sure?” Bel asked.

      “Positive. A bunch of guys from my dorm got caught drinking here last spring. They all got kicked out.”

      “Wow. I had no idea.”

      “Yeah, although, they were nobodies. And two of them were black. I’m not saying the school excessively punishes poor, black kids. It’s the opposite. If you’re somebody important, you get away with stuff that normal kids get punished for. Those friends of yours—I know who they are. They’re connected. Maybe you are, too. But I’m not, so I should probably go.”

      Bel felt sorry for Zach. Plus, she hadn’t come this far just to turn around and leave without putting Darcy’s Brandon concerns to rest.

      “We don’t have to get high,” Bel said. “Let’s just go in the woods and hook up. You can’t get expelled for that, right?”

      He smiled. “I don’t know, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

      “Hold on. I’m just gonna let Darcy know that we’re going someplace more private.”

      She did. And they did. Their make-out session, which stopped well short of actual sex and was so forgettable to Bel, was now imprinted on Zach’s brain forever, to the point where he was making her life unbearable. She had to do something to get rid of him.

      Rose had promised Mrs. Donovan that she would make up with her sister. But as the days passed, she couldn’t bring herself to fulfill that promise. She was still smarting from that incident in the dining hall on the first day of class, when Bel allowed one of her new best friends to humiliate Rose, and didn’t speak up in her defense. It was on Bel to apologize to Rose for that first, and then Rose would meet her halfway. Okay, Bel had tried to apologize the day after it happened. But that was too early. Anybody could see that. The wound was too fresh; Rose had cut her off and walked away. Now that more time had passed, Bel ought to understand that it was time to apologize again. This time, Rose would graciously accept her apology, and they could make up. But Bel kept her distance, and things between the sisters remained icy.

      As angry as Rose was with her twin, she also missed her very much. Odell was a tough place, for all its glory. The pressure was intense, and the competition was crushing enough to pierce Rose’s healthy self-confidence. At Odell, one needed allies, and Rose didn’t make friends easily. Her pleasant rapport with Emma Kim was moving slowly toward friendship, but it would never match the history she shared with her sister. Bel wasn’t a natural soulmate for Rose; they were too different. But she was family, and nothing could change that.

      On a chilly evening in early October, Rose walked back to the dorm alone. She’d left dinner early, overwhelmed by the feeling of being alone in a crowd. Emma had disappeared from the dining hall lately because she was rehearsing nonstop for the fall orchestra recital. That left Rose to navigate the Moreland sophomore table on her own. She knew she ought to try harder to make other friends, but she was too proud to put herself out there. So tonight, and too often lately, she’d ended up sitting quietly while conversation swirled around her, feeling left out.

      The sharp chill in the air as she walked toward Moreland, the deep shadows cast by the setting sun, the empty paths, pressed on Rose’s heart. When she caught a glimpse of Bel in the distance, climbing the steps to Weston Library, suddenly that incident in the dining hall seemed frivolous. She couldn’t let it destroy her relationship with her only sister. If she and Bel could be friends again, Rose wouldn’t feel so lonely.

      Rose hurried up the steps and onto the dramatic main floor of Weston Library, with its three-story atrium and enormous windows. Bel stood by the reference desk, talking to a boy named Zach who was in Rose’s biology class. As Rose approached, Bel actually smiled at her.

      “Hey,” Bel said.

      “Hey,” Rose replied, surprised at the warmth of her sister’s greeting. Bel had barely acknowledged her in weeks.

      “Look, I have to go. I have plans with my sister,” Bel said to Zach.

      “Rose is your sister?” he asked.

      It made Rose stupid happy to realize that Zach Cuddy knew her name. He was worlds above your average Odell prepster dude, and the only boy she’d met so far who piqued her interest.

      “That’s okay, I can wait,” Rose said. “Or maybe the three of us should—”

      “No,” Bel said. “I need to talk to you. Now. Come on.”

      She grabbed Rose by the arm and yanked her toward the front door. Rose glanced back at Zach helplessly as they exited the library.

      “I’m so glad you want to talk,” Rose said, falling into step beside Bel out on the path. “I feel like we’ve been mad at each other long enough.”

      The sky was nearly dark, and the yellow glow of the lampposts illuminated the paths. Bel sighed with irritation, her entire demeanor changed from how she’d been a moment earlier.

      “So, you’re finally gonna forgive me? I apologized weeks ago, by the way,” Bel said, shaking her head irritably.

      Her sister’s tone annoyed Rose. Bel still didn’t get how hurtful her action—or her inaction—had been.

      “Put yourself in my shoes. Getting called fat on my first day of school in front of the entire dining hall. It was awful.”

      “Come on, she didn’t call you fat, and practically nobody heard her.”

      “Don’t minimize.”

      “Look, I said I was sorry, and I am sorry. Tessa’s a bitch, but that’s not my fault.”

      “If she’s such a bitch, why do you hang out with her?”

      “Because she’s Darcy’s friend.”

      “Why are you friends with Darcy?”

      Bel whirled to face Rose. “If this is going to turn into a rant about my poor choice of friends, then we’re never gonna make up. I miss you, Rose. I want us to be closer. But you have to back off with the judgment stuff.”

      “I miss you, too. I’m just worried about you. Those are, like, the most reckless kids in the school, and they’re bound to get you in trouble.”

      “Maybe I don’t care.”

      “How can that be? I don’t understand that.”

      “We’re different, okay?” Bel said, her eyes in the lamplight sparkling with unshed tears. “You have everything figured out. I’m just trying to get through my days. Darcy makes me feel like there’s some fun left in the world, since Mom died. Can’t you understand that?”

      Bel’s words hit home. Bel had been much closer to their mother than Rose had. Rose had resented their bond, and had felt left out. But Rose shouldn’t let that lingering resentment blind her to Bel’s real grief. Bel had taken their mother’s death much harder than Rose had. Rose reacted by trying to think about Mom as little as possible, and being grateful for her new life, where she could have a substitute mom like Mrs. Donovan. A better mom, really. Whereas Bel thought about their mother constantly. Rose had to admit, Bel’s reaction was the more normal one. It worried Rose sometimes, how little grief she

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