The Baby Mind Reader: Amazing Psychic Stories from the Man Who Can Read Babies’ Minds. Derek Ogilvie
said, ‘but I’m scared that if I do it’ll be the wrong colour.’
I just couldn’t resist so I butted in.
‘Do you not know the sex of your baby then?’ I asked, knowing full well what sex the baby was.
‘No. I’m waiting for a surprise.’
‘Well, I won’t spoil your surprise, but I’m certain that if you buy that top you won’t need to exchange it.’ You should have seen the look she gave me. It was priceless!
I also started connecting with the spirits of those who had passed away. During my first months in the cottage I regularly saw the spirits of dead people. Although this may sound strange, these sightings brought me a great deal of comfort. It was as if I had found my inner self and was completing myself when I opened up and communicated with the spirit world.
My psychic calling came in January 2001. After signing on the dole for five months I was beginning to get some hassle from the benefits office about finding a job. I hadn’t been looking for work as I felt that something would turn up for me. It was no surprise, therefore, when my gran’s spirit came to me one day and told me that I should give myself a shake, get positive about my life and my abilities and get my own radio show. I’d known that gran was watching over me because I could feel her presence in the cottage most nights.
I’d never been on the radio before so I was slightly apprehensive about putting myself forward for what could be a total catastrophe. I felt, though, that my gran wouldn’t tell me to do something that would hurt or embarrass me, so I got out my Yellow Pages and looked up radio stations. I called Scott FM and spoke to their controller, Jay Crawford. ‘Look Derek,’ he said. ‘I’m a bit of a sceptic so you’ll have to do something to really impress me.’
‘That’s okay, Jay. Is there anything I could say that would offend you in any way?’
‘Nothing at all will offend me, Derek. Just you go ahead.’
‘Okay Jay. Firstly, when I tune in to your voice vibrations I’m being told that you are getting a new car in the next few days, a blue one. There is also something coming through about you being embarrassed when you’ve been intimate with a lady friend.’
‘That’s enough, Derek!’ interrupted Jay nervously. ‘Call Dougie Jackson at Qfm, our sister station, and tell him I think you should be on air.’
And that was that!
Qfm was a small, homely station, and the people who worked there were very friendly. The minute I walked in I felt good about the place. When I met Dougie, he asked me to demonstrate my psychic abilities to him. Dougie sat down beside me and I started to connect with his voice vibrations. The spirit who was standing by his side started to come through to me. I was a little nervous by this point but I concentrated and began to tune in. I needed this job badly.
‘I keep getting shown that you are doing work in your back garden at the moment, Dougie. When I connect with and acknowledge the elderly lady who’s standing behind you, this message is very strong, very powerful. She keeps telling me that you have messed up that work, if I can be honest with you.’
‘Tell me more,’ said Dougie. He seemed intrigued.
‘Well, it’s the way you’ve set your garden out, Dougie. It’s ended up being a nightmare for you. I gather that you’ll now have to move a tree, and that a pathway has been laid in the wrong place. The opinion I’m getting through from the spirit world is that you’ll have to start the work again in order to get it right. Oh, and your gran, Dougie, she says hello.’
‘That’s impressive.’
‘And your radio station is haunted, Dougie.’ I was now on a roll. ‘There are loads of spirits walking about in here. It’s like a busy high street. Some look as if they are lost. It’s rather strange.’
‘It’s amazing how you’ve come up with that, Derek. Do you know what this building we are standing in used to be before it became a radio station?’
‘No, I haven’t a clue Dougie.’
‘It used to be a morgue!’
I got the job.
The first time I went on air, the DJ asked me some questions about my life as a psychic medium. The more I spoke, the more relaxed I felt. Soon we had our first caller: ‘Hello, hello is Derek there? I’m looking for a reading from the psychic on your show. I think he’s called Derek.’
I could sense immediately that the lady on the phone had a gentleman from the spirit world watching over her. He wasn’t that difficult to connect with, which was a blessing. My gran must have been watching over me as she said she would! I just closed my eyes, as I sometimes do during readings, and tried to tune in to the caller’s voice vibrations.
‘Hello,’ I said. ‘Now you’ve no doubt been listening to me talking about how this works. It’s important therefore that you tell me very little about yourself. As you’ve no doubt heard, I am a medium and I tune in to voice vibrations so in order for me to be able to help you I’d like to ask you your name, just your name. Could you tell me your name please and say it slowly to me?’
‘Hello, Derek. My name is Mary.’
By buying myself that little bit of time I could now fully connect with the spirit who was there. Now I say ‘there’ not to describe how far away that spirit was. I’m just using it to explain that when I connect through voice vibrations the energy I tune in to is actually beside me. So the spirit I was connecting with was actually ‘there’ beside me in the sound booth of the radio station! Immediately, the spirit showed me the letter ‘J’ for James.
‘Hello Mary, thanks for calling. Now you’re my first ever reading on radio so I’m a little nervous.’
‘So am I.’
‘Okay, then let’s just take this slowly. There is a man coming through to me when I connect with your voice vibrations and he keeps showing me the letter “J”.’
‘That may be my dad, although I’m not sure. It could really be anyone.’
‘Hang on a minute. The name James is important here, and before you jump to conclusions, I’m not talking about your son. This man is covered in black soot, and he’s carrying a coal bag.’
‘That’s amazing! My son is called James but my late father was also called James and he was a coalman!’
‘Well, your dad says hello and wants you to know that he’s watching over you and your family.’
‘Thank you so much, Derek. That’s just what I wanted to hear!’
‘Now he’s telling me that he passed away with a heart or chest problem. I can’t quite make that out. All I’m getting is a pain in my chest but I’m sure you’ll realize what he’s trying to say to me.’
‘My dad had a heart attack, Derek. Spot on.’ Mary seemed happy that I’d completely validated that the spirit of her late father had come through to her.
‘Well, he tells me that he’s not in any pain now but he’s been worrying about you. You must look after yourself a bit better. That’s your message. Thanks for calling, Mary.’
I was on my way! The first reading of the first show and it was fabulous.
The show was going really well and the calls just kept on coming. About two hours in, I was given a note saying that the next caller on line one was Margaret.
‘Hello,’ said line one. ‘Is the psychic there?’
‘Hello Margaret,’ I said.
‘Oh, my God!’ came the reply. ‘You are bloody psychic! My pal heard you on the radio tonight and told me to call in. She said that you were amazing and you really are! How on earth did you know my name?’
‘The producer of the show gave it to me on a card, Margaret, before you came