The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments. C. Shealy Norman
Interested in politics
Dislikes heat
Loves luxury
Loose stools, diarrhea
Strong appetite
Great thirst
KAPHA is a combination of mostly Water and some Earth. Its qualities are heavy, cold, oily, slow, slimy, dense, soft, static, and sweet. Kapha is the heaviest of the doshas, and is portrayed by yellow. Kapha people tend to be large-framed and often overweight, with thick, pale, cool, and oily skin; thick, wavy and oily hair, either very dark or very light; strong white teeth, and a large mouth with full lips.
Slow speech
Needs lots of sleep
Sluggish, steady appetite
Heavy sweating
Large, soft stools
Good memory
Passive, almost lethargic
Dislikes cold and damp
Likes good food, familiar places
Back pain
Circulation problems
Digestive complaints
High blood pressure
Irritability and emotional stress
Skin problems
Water retention
Ayurveda will keep the immune system strong and capable of fighting off infection, and able to address chronic disorders
YARROW Gandana
Yarrow is a sacred plant to many cultures. Yarrow balances emotional upsets, and is a frequent addition to treatments during menopause.
Yarrow is bitter, pungent, astringent, cooling, and drying. It acts as a diaphoretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, and tonic. Yarrow is carminative, alterative, sedative, vulnerary, and emmenagogic.
Part of Plant Used Leaves, stalks, flowers, and fruit.
Conditions Treated Used for hemorrhages, ulcers, measles, colds, fever, nosebleeds, abscesses, vaginitis, varicose veins, headache, menopause, hemorrhoids, gout, cellulite, acne, sunburn, smallpox, and chicken pox.
Form Taken Skin patches, lotion, bath, compress, massage oil.
Used with Other Herbs? Angelica, cedarwood, cinnamon, clove, lavender, lemon, licorice, myrrh, myrtle, sarsaparilla, St. John’s wort, turmeric.
For wound treatment, simply press fresh leaves and flower tops into cuts and scrapes on the way to washing and bandaging them.
Place the seeds in a pot and add boiling water.
As an infusion to relieve menstrual cramps or hot flashes, steep 2 teaspoons of the dried herb in a cup of boiling water for about 10 minutes. Add honey to taste, and drink warm.
Do not administer yarrow to children under two years old.
Those with sensitive skin may be irritated when exposed to the sun while using yarrow.
It should not be used in cases of high vátha.
Also known as sweet flag or myrtle flag, this rhizome is a reddish, hairy root, known throughout Asia for its medicinal properties.
This herb is pungent and bitter, with astringent qualities. It is a stimulant, a heating/drying agent which warms vátha and decreases kapha states. It can be used as a decongestant and expectorant. Calamus root is emetic and anticonvulsive; it is a bronchio-dilator, and increases circulation to the brain.
Part of Plant Used The root.
Conditions Treated Calamus strengthens the adrenals, improves muscle tissue, helps circulation, and is useful in periods of weakness. It has a beneficial effect on gingivitis (gum disease), and a massage with calamus oil will stimulate lymphatic drainage.
Form Taken Use in a compress or as massage oil.
Used with Other Herbs? Mixes well with ginger, yarrow, lemon, orange, cinnamon, and also with cedar.
Calamus reduces kapha and vátha, and increases pitta.
Calamus root is often used to improve the memory.
A simple formula for boosting your brain power: mix ¼ of a teaspoon of the powdered root with a ½ teaspoon of honey. Take internally every morning and evening. Use any time you are experiencing mental stress and overstimulation. A great help at exam time!
Calamus can cause bleeding disorders, such as nosebleeds and hemorrhoids, if used in excess.
Use only the recommended dose.
Calamus can have a very strong and long-lasting odor. It may be appropriate to use it in conjunction with rosemary, lavender, or a sweet-smelling herb.
ONION Dungri
Onion and its relative garlic are members of the lily family. They are some of the oldest-known medicinal plants, rich in trace elements, minerals, and sulfur.
Onion is a pungent, sweet bulb with heating and drying qualities. It is an excellent stimulant, carminative, and expectorant.
Part of Plant Used The bulb.
Conditions Treated Onion has been used to treat a broad spectrum of ailments, including nerve rejuvenation, colds, skin disease, parasites, bronchial disorders, asthma, joint problems and arthritis, cysts and growths, fluid retention.
Form Taken Onion can be peeled and eaten raw, cooked, powdered, juiced, taken as a tea, decoction, infusion, in food, and as an oil.
Used with