Funny Farm. Anna Lazareva

Funny Farm - Anna Lazareva

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I am sure. I know everything. I am very clever. Chloe is a little red kitten. That’s why she likes milk and can climb the trees. Because all cats like milk and, of course, all cats can climb the trees perfectly.»

      «Oh, thank you, Mrs Scratchy!» we say. We are very happy. Now Chloe knows who she is. She is a kitten!


      1. Circle the odd word out

      a) chicken, cow, puppy, kitten

      b) climb, run, sit, bush

      c) tree, bush, squirrel, grass

      d) long, nut, short, fluffy

      2. Match

      cow                                                  worms

      cat                                                    nuts

      chicken                                             milk

      squirrel                                             grass

      3. Guess

      Who am I?

      a) I can climb the trees perfectly. I am red. I like nuts. I live in a deep hole in the tree. Who am I?

      b) I am fluffy. My ears are long. I can jump. Who am I?

      c) I am big. I give milk to people. I like grass. I say: «Moo». Who am I?

      d) I am small and yellow. I like worms. Who am I?

      e) I can climb the trees perfectly. I like milk. I guard the farm from mice. Who am I?

      f) I guard the farm. I am big. I say, «Woof!» Who am I?

      4. Fill in the gaps with: am, is, are

      a) Fluffy rabbits ______ playing in the grass.

      b) It ______ warm today.

      c) I ______ a little puppy.

      d) Chloe _______ sad.

      e) Chickens ______ small and yellow.

      e) A deep hole ______ in the tree.

      f) You can climb the trees but you _______ not a squirrel.

      g) Our farmer Jack and his wife Mary ______ good people.

      5. Act

      a) You look like a hen.

      b) You look like a cat.

      c) You look like a cow.

      d) You look like a rabbit.

      e) You look like a squirrel.

      f) You look like a puppy.

      Chapter II

      It is early morning. The sun is rising. But everyone is still sleeping.

      Our cock Mr Rooster wakes up first. He comes out of the henhouse, flies upon the fence and begins to sing his morning song:

      «Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo!

                        The Sun is rising,

                       The Sun is shining

                       It’s time to get up!

                      Rise and shine, too!»

      All the farm begins to wake up. Farmer’s wife, Mary, feeds the animals. She gives some grain to the hens, some carrots to the rabbits, some hay to the goats, the sheep and a cow. She gives me a juicy bone. I am so happy! But I am not hungry now. So I must guard my beautiful bone that no one can take it. I put it into my bowl near the kennel. I am so proud. I guard my bone.

      «Hi, Tim!» say the rabbits. «Let’s go and play tag!»

      «Oh, I can’t. I must guard my bone,» I say.

      The rabbits go away. They run and jump. They have fun.

      I am sad. I want to play tag, too. But then someone can take my bone… or… of course! I can hide it!

      I take my beautiful bone and put it behind the kennel. Not bad. But there is a fence behind the kennel and Scratchy often walks on the fence. She can see it. I take my bone again and hide it in the middle of the flowerbed. No one can see it among the flowers. But the sheep like to eat flowers. They can eat all the flowers and find my bone. So I take it again and run to the garden. There is a big bush between two trees. I put my bone under the bush. Perfect! It’s safe now.

      «Hi, Tim!» says someone.

      I look on the left – there is no one. I look on the right – there is no one too. I look up and I can see Chloe in the tree.

      «Oh, Chloe, it’s you! Hello!»

      She climbs down the tree and asks, «What are you hiding there?»

      «Um… Nothing!»

      «But you are hiding it under the bush. What is it?» asks Chloe again.

      «OK,» I say. «It’s my bone. I must guard it but I want to play tags with the rabbits. And then someone can take this bone. So I must hide it.»

      Chloe comes up to the bush. She smells the bone.

      «Are bones tasty?» she asks.

      «Yes, they are,» I answer. «They are very tasty.»

      «Why don’t you eat it?» she asks again.

      «I am not hungry.»

      «But I am,» says Chloe and she begins to eat the bone.

      «What are you doing?» I cry. «It is my bone!»

      «I am helping you because I am your friend,» answers Chloe.

      «You are not helping me, you are eating my bone!» I say angrily.

      «Look, Tim! You are not hungry so you can’t eat your bone. You want to play tags with rabbits so you can’t guard it. That’s why I must eat it up!»

      «I can hide it there under the bush. No one can find it»

      «But I can find it under the bush,» she says. «I know where you want to put it.»

      There is nothing I can do so I say, «OK!»

      Chloe eats up my bone and we are going to play tags with the rabbits. I run after Chloe, she runs after the rabbits and the rabbits run after me. We jump and laugh. It is so funny! We have a great time together!


      1. Put the sentences in the correct order

      a) Mary gives to Tim a juicy bone.

      b) Tim puts his bone among the flowers.

      c) The sun is coming up.

      d) Chloe eats up the bone.

      e) Farmer’s wife Mary feeds the animals.

      f) Tim puts his bone under the bush.


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