Inspector Alleyn 3-Book Collection 5: Died in the Wool, Final Curtain, Swing Brother Swing. Ngaio Marsh

Inspector Alleyn 3-Book Collection 5: Died in the Wool, Final Curtain, Swing Brother Swing - Ngaio  Marsh

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what do you think he was doing?’

      At last she looked full at him. ‘You ask the station cook what he was doing. Ask Albert Black. Cliff won’t tell you anything, and he won’t tell me. It’s my idea and he’d never forgive me if he knew I’d spoken of it.’ She got up and walked to the door, staring out into the sunshine. ‘Ask them,’ she said. ‘That’s all.’

      ‘Thank you,’ said Alleyn, looking thoughtfully at her. ‘I believe I shall.’


      Alleyn’s first view of the station cook was dramatic and incredible. It took place that evening, the second of his stay at Mount Moon. After their early dinner, a silent meal at which the members of the household seemed to be suffering from a carry-over from last night’s confidences, Fabian suggested that he and Alleyn should walk up to the men’s quarters. They did so but, before they left, Alleyn asked Ursula to lend him the diamond clip that Florence Rubrick had lost on the night she was murdered. He and Fabian walked down the lavender path as the evening light faded and the mountains began their nightly pageant of violet and gold. The lavender stalks were grey sticks, now, and the zinnias behind them isolated mummies crowned with friable heads. ‘Were they much the same then,’ Alleyn asked, ‘as far as visibility goes?’

      ‘The lavender was green and bushy,’ Fabian replied, ‘but the thing was under one of the zinnias and had no better cover than there would be now. They don’t flourish up here and were spindly-looking apologies even when they did their stuff.’

      Alleyn dropped the clip, first in one place and then in another. It glittered like a monstrously artificial flower on the dry earth. ‘Oh, well,’ he said, ‘let’s go and see Cookie.’

      They passed through the gate that Florence had used that night and, like her, turned up the main track that led to the men’s quarters.

      Long before they came within sight of their objective, they heard a high-pitched, raucous voice raised in the unmistakable periods of oratory. They passed the wool-shed and came within full view of the bunkhouse and annexe.

      A group of a dozen men, some squatting on their heels, others leaning, relaxed, against the wall of the building, listened in silence to an empurpled man, dressed in dirty white, who stood on an overturned box and loudly exhorted them.

      ‘I howled unto the Lord,’ the orator bawled angrily. ‘That’s what I done. I howled unto the Lord.’

      ‘That’s Cookie,’ Fabian murmured, ‘in the penultimate stage of his cups. The third and last stage is delirium tremens. It’s a regular progression.’

      ‘… and the Lord said unto me: “What’s biting you, Perce?” And I answered and said: “Me sins lie bitter in me belly,” I says, “I’ve backslid,” I says, “and the grade’s too hot for me.” And the Lord said: “Give it another pop, Perce.” And I give it another pop and the Lord backed me up and I’m saved.’

      Here the cook paused and, with extreme difficulty, executed a peculiar gesture, as if writing on the air. ‘The judgement’s writ clear on the wall,’ he shouted, ‘for them as aren’t too shickered to read it. It’s writ clear as it might be on that bloody bunk’ouse be’ind yer. And what does it say? It says in letters of flame: “Give it another pop.” Hallelujah.’

      ‘Hallelujah,’ echoed a small man who sat in an attitude of profound dejection on the annexe step. This was Albie Black, the rouseabout.

      ‘A couple more brands to be snatched from the burning,’ the cook continued, catching sight of Alleyn and Fabian, and gesturing wildly towards them. ‘A couple more sheep to be cut out from the mob and baled up in the pens of salvation. A couple more dirty two-tooths for the Lord to shear. Shall we gather at the river?’ He and the rouseabout broke into a hymn, the melody of which was taken up by an accordion player inside the bunkhouse. Fabian indicated to the men that he and Alleyn would like to be left alone with the cook and Albie Black. Ben Wilson, who was quietly smoking his pipe and looking at the cook with an air of detached disapproval, jerked his head at him and said, ‘He’s fixed all right.’ He led the way into the bunkhouse, the accordion stopped abruptly, and Alleyn was left face to face with the cook, who was still singing, but half-heartedly and in a melancholy key.

      ‘Pretty hopeless, isn’t it?’ Alleyn muttered, eyeing him dubiously.

      ‘It’s now or never,’ Fabian rejoined. ‘He’ll be dead to the world tomorrow and we’re supposed to ship him down-country the next day. Unless, of course, you exercise your authority and keep him here. Perce!’ he said loudly, placing himself in front of the cook. ‘Come down off that. Here’s somebody wants to speak to you.’

      The cook stepped incontinently off his box into mid-air and was caught like an unwieldy ballerina by Alleyn.

      ‘Open up your bowels of compassion,’ he said mildly and allowed them to seat him on the box.

      ‘Shall I leave you?’ asked Fabian.

      ‘You stay where you are,’ said Alleyn. ‘I want a witness.’

      The cook was a large man with pale eyes, an unctuous mouth and bad teeth. ‘Bare your bosom,’ he invited Alleyn. ‘Though it’s as black as pitch it shall be as white as snow. What’s your trouble?’

      ‘Whisky,’ said Alleyn.

      The cook laid hold of his coat lapels and peered very earnestly into his face. ‘You’re a pal,’ he said. ‘I don’t mind if I do.’

      ‘But I haven’t got any,’ Alleyn said. ‘Have you?’

      The cook shook his head mournfully and, having begun to shake it, seemed unable to leave off. His eyes filled with tears. His breath smelt of beer and of something that at the moment Alleyn was unable to place.

      ‘It’s not so easily come by these days, is it?’ Alleyn said.

      ‘I ain’t seen a drop,’ the cook whispered, ‘not since …’ he wiped his mouth and gave Alleyn a look of extraordinary cunning, ‘not since you know when.’

      ‘When was that?’

      ‘Ah,’ said the cook profoundly, ‘that’s telling.’ He looked out of the corners of his eyes at Fabian, leered, and with a ridiculously Victorian gesture laid his finger alongside his nose. Albie Black burst into loud meaningless laughter. ‘Oh, dear!’ he said and buried his head in his arms. Fabian moved behind the cook and pointed suggestively in the direction of the house.

      ‘Haven’t they got some of the right stuff down there?’ Alleyn suggested.

      ‘Ah,’ said the cook.

      ‘How about it?’

      The cook began to shake his head again.

      Alleyn took a deep breath and fired point-blank. ‘How about young Cliff,’ he suggested. ‘Any good?’

      ‘Him!’ said the cook, and with startling precision uttered a stream of obscenities.

      ‘What’s the matter with Cliff?’ Alleyn asked.

      ‘Ask him,’ the cook said and looked indignantly at Albie Black. ‘They’re cobbers, them two –’

      ‘You shut your face,’ said Albie Black, suddenly furious. He broke into a storm of abuse to which the cook listened sadly. ‘You shut your face, or I’ll knock your bloody block off. Didn’t I tell you to forget it? Haven’t you got any sense?’ He pointed a shaking finger at Alleyn. ‘Don’t you pick what he is? D’you want to land us both in the cooler?’

      The cook sighed heavily. ‘I thought you said you’d got the fine work in with young Cliff,’ he said. ‘You know. What you seen that night. I thought you’d fixed him. You know.’

      ‘You come away,’ said Albie in great alarm, ‘I’m not as sozzled as what you are and I’m telling you. You come away.’


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