Candida albicans. Leon Chaitow
its spread. Thus, other people, even without the added complication of factors such as antibiotics and steroid drugs, become ‘tolerant’ of spread of the yeast.
The most common areas of spread are the mouth, throat and vaginal areas. If this initially produces a degree of immune system reaction and activity, then we would see manifestations of the condition called thrush. This condition would flare up periodically when, perhaps, there are factors that lower the body’s general vitality. Eventually, in many cases, the condition might no longer trigger an acute flare-up, but would remain as a semi-permanent, chronic state. This happens when the body becomes ‘tolerant’ of the yeast and is no longer able to mount attacks against it. It is also an indication of impaired or deficient immune function. The many factors in our environment which can influence this state include stress factors, nutritional inadequacy and toxic pollution as well as the use of specific drugs which weaken the immune system (see above for discussion of steroid and antibiotic use).
Drugs and immune function
Nowadays, we are all familiar with the concept of tissue and organ transplantation. This involves the use of powerful drugs that are designed to prevent the body of the recipient from rejecting the new, foreign tissue or organ. These are called immunosuppressive drugs because it is their primary task to stop the natural defences from working adequately – in other words, to suppress the immune system. The risk of infection and of other diseases resulting from this is all too familiar to patients who have undergone such treatment.
Other drugs such as steroids (hormones) also have this effect. Steroids are used in a variety of conditions ranging from rheumatic disorders to asthma and hormonal imbalances. The most widespread use of steroids, however, is not for the treatment of disease, but in the form of the contraceptive pill. One of the most devastating effects of the long-term use of this type of medication is on the immune system in general, and on the ability of Candida to proliferate wildly, in particular. (The contraceptive pill is discussed more fully below.)
Immune system nutrient support
There is now a variety of nutrient substances known to be absolutely vital for the adequate functioning of the immune system.7 These include vitamins and minerals with antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are able to slow down, or stop, a process in which substances known as ‘free radicals’ can cause tissue damage. The major free-radical ‘scavengers’ are vitamins C and E (acting in conjunction with the mineral selenium) as well as certain amino acids (parts of the protein chain) such as methionine, cysteine and glutathione (which is itself a combination of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine).
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), zinc, manganese and other important nutrients have, when deficient, been shown to be involved in compromising the immune system.9, 10
As already mentioned, it is possible for any of the 40-plus nutrients vital to life to be required in extraordinary amounts by any given individual to meet unique inborn needs. Not only is there an inborn difference under normal life circumstances, but these needs can vary markedly during specific conditions, such as infection, stress or pregnancy, in the same person. This means that any vitamin, mineral or other nutrient is capable of upsetting the chain of complex biochemical interactions required for the immune system to function efficiently. The nutrients mentioned above just happen to have a more dramatic impact than some of the others.
Stress and immune function
Stress, which involves repeated, or constant, states of anxiety – and all that this entails in terms of depletion of vital nutrient reserves as well as imbalances of internal secretions and functions – is a major cause of immune incompetence. A new scientific discipline called psychoneuroimmunology studies the direct connection between our emotions and how efficiently, or otherwise, our immune system behaves. The evidence shows a clear link between the mind and the body operating through the defence system, which is meant to protect both. A dramatic demonstration of this connection is the fact that, during periods of stress (students during exam time, for example), people become far more prone to infection. This is an indication of the reduced efficiency of their immune system as well as the increased utilization by the body of vital nutrients, such as zinc and vitamin C, at such times.
The interaction between anxiety/stress conditions and nutritional imbalances leads to the immune system being unable to operate efficiently. If, at the same time, there is an increased demand on the immune system to function efficiently to counteract environmental or nutritional toxicity (air pollution, cigarette smoke, alcohol, caffeine-rich drinks such as coffee, chocolate and tea), then a complex picture emerges in which excess demands, inadequate nutrition (with associated deficiencies) and perhaps drug use, such as the contraceptive pill, will all interact to deplete immune function even further. Let us examine the manner in which commonly used drugs can further complicate the situation.
Antibiotics, the Pill and steroids
It is clear from years of research that the use of antibiotics removes the biological controls over the yeast that lives inside us. As has already been mentioned, a prime site for this to take place in is within the long, dark, warm and moist (ideal environment for yeast) digestive tract which, it should be noted, is also inhabited by upwards of 2.3 kg (5 lb) in weight of other microorganisms, most of which are ‘friendly’ and helpful to the body.
One such friend is Lactobacillus acidophilus, which helps to keep a check on the spread of yeast. When antibiotics are used to destroy pathogenic (harmful) microorganisms which may be causing harm to the body (as in treating an infection), the friendly bacteria in the bowel are also destroyed or severely damaged. When this occurs, yeast, which is totally unaffected by the antibiotic (not being a bacteria), is able to find room for expansion. This becomes even more likely since the resistance of the immune system will be compromised at that time. A similar thing happens with the use of steroid drugs such as cortisone (including cortisone ointments, so commonly prescribed for skin problems, which can cause a yeast increase by being absorbed into the bloodstream). All steroids, including those used in the contraceptive pill, will have a depressing effect on the immune system.
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