Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning. Collins Dictionaries
adj inductive
anymarferol adj impractical, impracticable
anymddiried vb to mistrust, to distrust
anymwybodol adj unconscious
anymwybyddiaeth nf unconsciousness
anynad adj peevish, petulant; brawling
anysgrifenedig adj unwritten
anysgrythurol adj unscriptural
anystwyth adj stiff, rigid
anystwytho vb to stiffen
anystyriaeth nf heedlessness, rashness
anystyriol adj heedless, reckless, rash
anystywallt, anystywell adj unmanageable
apelio vb to appeal
apostol (-ion) nm apostle
apostolaidd, apostolig adj apostolic
apostoliaeth nf apostleship
apwyntiad (-au) nm appointment
apwyntio vb to appoint
ar prep on, upon, over; ar gau closed
âr nm ploughed land, tilth; ground
Arab (-iaid) nm Arab
arab adj facetious, merry, pleasant
Arabaidd adj Arab
arabedd nm facetiousness, wit
Arabeg nf Arabic
arabus adj witty
aradr (erydr) nm plough
araf adj slow, soft, gentle, still
arafu vb to slow; to quiet; to moderate
arafwch nm slowness; moderation
arail vb to guard, to care for, to foster ▶ adj attending, careful
araith (areithiau) nf speech
arall (eraill) adj, pron another, other; else
aralleg (-au) nfm allegory
aralleiriad (-au) nm paraphrase
aralleirio vb to paraphrase
araul adj sunny, sunlit; serene
arawd nf speech, oration
arbed vb to spare, to save
arbediad (-au) nm save, salvage
arbedol adj sparing, saving
arbedwr (-wyr) nm: arbedwr sgrin screen saver
arbenigaeth nf expertise; specialisation
arbenigo vb to specialise
arbenigrwydd nm speciality, prominence
arbenigwr (-wyr) nm specialist
arbennig adj special
arbrawf (arbrofion) nm experiment
arbrofi vb to experiment
arbrofol adj experimental
Arctig nf: yr Arctig the Arctic
arch1 (eirchion) nf request, petition; bidding
arch2 (eirch) nf ark, coffin; trunk, waist
archaeoleg nf archaeology
archangel (-ylion) nm archangel
archddiacon (-iaid) nm archdeacon
archeb (-ion) nf order
archebu vb to order
archen nf shoe; clothing
archenad nm shoe; clothing
Archentaidd adj Argentinian
archesgob (-ion) nm archbishop
archesgobaeth (-au) nf archbishopric
archfarchnad (-oedd) nf supermarket
archiad nm bidding
archif (-au) nfm archive
archifdy (-dai) nm record office
archifydd (-ion) nm archivist
archoffeiriad (-iaid) nm high priest
archoll (-ion) nf wound
archolli vb to wound
archwaeth nm taste, appetite
archwaethu vb to taste, to savour
archwiliad (-au) nm audit; checkup; inspection, examination; exploration
archwilio vb to examine, to audit; to explore
archwiliwr (-wyr) nm examiner, auditor; explorer
ardal (-oedd) nf region, district
ardalydd (-ion) nm marquis
ardreth (-i) nf rent
ardrethu vb to rent
ardystiad (-au) nm pledge, attestation
ardystio vb to pledge, to attest
arddangos vb to show, to exhibit, to indicate
arddangosfa (-feydd) nf show, exhibition
arddegau npl teens
arddegol adj teenage
arddel vb to avow, to own
arddeliad nm claim, avowal; unction
ardderchog adj excellent, noble, splendid
ardderchowgrwydd nm excellency
arddodi vb