The Age of the Warrior: Selected Writings. Robert Fisk
The man who will never apologise
Whatever you do, don’t mention the war
‘The best defender on earth of Lebanon’s sovereignty’
The cat who ate missile wire for breakfast
The torturer who lived near the theatre
‘Duty unto death’ and the United Nations
8 The cult of cruelty
‘Bush is a revelatory at bedtime’
The worse it gets, the bigger the lies
‘He was killed by the enemy’ – but all is well in Iraq
9 We have lost our faith and they have not
The childishness of civilisations
‘If you bomb our cities, we will bomb yours’
10 ‘A thing invulnerable’
What the Romans would have thought of Iraq
Who now cries for the dead of Waterloo?
Witnesses to genocide: a dark tale from Switzerland
‘You can tell a soldier to burn a village…’
Should journalists testify at war crimes trials?
Where are the great men of today?
11 America, America
Fear and loathing on an American campus
How Muslim middle America made me feel safer
Will the media boys and girls catch up?
Brazil, America and the Seven Pillars of Wisdom
12 Unanswered questions
Is the problem weather? Or is it war?
Fear climate change, not our enemies
The strange case of Gunner Wills
13 The last enemy
In the Colosseum, thoughts turn to death