The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung
applies to their relationships as well, and they want these to work. They love the routine of family life and are extremely protective of loved ones, sometimes overly protective. The only danger is that they are vulnerable to flattery; if they aren’t getting admiration and respect from their loved ones, they may well try to seek it elsewhere.
Health Set a goal of eating one new fruit and vegetable a week!
An early-to-bed and early-to-rise routine, combined with a healthy, balanced diet rich in a wide variety of fruit and vegetables, and forms of competitive exercise such as swimming or athletics, will keep people born on this day running smoothly. Concerns and anxieties about appearance and/or aging should be managed not by quick fixes such as cosmetic surgery but by regular health check-ups, attention to diet and lifestyle, and a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. A few drops of the following essential oils on a handkerchief to breathe in will help produce inner security and self-acceptance when anxiety about aging threatens to overwhelm: frankincense, jasmine, sandalwood, and bergamot.
Career Born self-starters
These people have good financial know-how and tend to be able to accumulate plenty of money. They often function better in small rather than large businesses, or when they are self-employed. Music, drama, comedy and media hold their appeal but they are also very good at fighting for humanitarian issues or pushing forward social reforms, so they can also excel in politics, charity work, career counseling and education; perhaps even running for office one day.
Destiny To show others that the impossible can be possible
Once people born on this day have discovered that they can be committed to a cause without losing their identity, their personality is so powerful that they have no trouble influencing others and winning against all the odds. Their destiny is to show others that the impossible is possible and that determination can yield remarkable results.
Power Thought
“The darkest hour is before the dawn and I will come shining through”
January 3
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Capricorn
Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Horned Goat
Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher
Tarot card: The Empress (creativity)
Favorable numbers: 3, 4
Lucky days: Saturday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 4 of the month
Lucky colors: Dark gray, purple and pale brown
Birthstone: Garnet
4 January the birthday of the eclectic
Your greatest challenge is…
coping with not feeling understood
The way forward is…
to put yourself in the other person’s shoes; slow down and explain your perspective.
You’re drawn to people born on…
October 24 to November 22
You share a love of experimentation and analysis and this can create a bond that is endlessly fascinating to you both.
Luck maker
Determine when patience or persistence is needed
If you truly believe you are right, you will stick to your guns and do what it takes to get what you want.
Those born on January 4 like everything eclectic. In other words, they like to collect, sort and then select only the best, and they use this quick-witted, creative approach in all aspects of their lives. A list of their friends looks like a media mogul’s address book, and their work résumé—with numerous stints in different lines of work—reflects their curious personality and unlimited powers of imagination. To others this may look like an undisciplined and erratic approach, but there is always method in the madness of those born on this day. By learning all that can be learned from a variety of sources, they eventually emerge triumphant with an encyclopedic knowledge of life that appears to serve them well in almost any situation.
Because of their eclectic nature and interest in so many aspects of life, January 4 people tend to be the catalyst that stirs up issues in others and makes them face things that they might rather not face. They are very direct people and any interaction with them has to have meaning and purpose, otherwise they quickly lose interest. Their directness and inability to indulge in chitchat can work against them—as idle conversation is often a means of establishing rapport and common ground with others—but more often than not their ability to sum up a situation and to come straight to the point is welcomed as a breath of fresh air.
Although these people do know how to have fun—especially when they are young—they don’t tend to be diverted by the trivial for long. In their thirties and beyond they prefer to exert their considerable energies and talents on a variety of projects to give them fulfillment; these are the years when their potential for professional success comes to the fore. Those born on this day really do need to concentrate their energies on finding a line of work that indulges their need for change but also allows them to be the creative, spontaneous and innovative person they were born to be.
On the dark side
Cold, controlling, intolerant
At your best
Independent, imaginative, methodical
Love Effortlessly attract admirers
With their quick wit and encyclopedic knowledge, January 4 people naturally attract friends and admirers. Their changeable nature can sometimes make it hard for loved ones to keep up or know where they are coming from, and—until they find someone who is equally vibrant and experimental—their relationships can be a bit hit and miss. Their directness can be off-putting but underneath there lies a sensitive and caring person.
Health The mind-body link
The need of those born on this day for experimentation means that getting into a healthy lifestyle routine is not always easy to achieve. Over-reliance on caffeine and/or mood-changing drugs to feed their over-active mind is also a danger. It is extremely important for them to understand that a healthy body equals a healthy mind and for their minds to work at an optimum level they need to take care of themselves by eating sensibly, getting enough sleep and taking regular exercise. Meditation will be particularly beneficial. Ginger essential oils are known to clear the head and improve memory, so if they have a load of work or study in front of them, a ginger-scented aromatic candle is a good choice.
Career Born motivators
It is vital for these people to choose a career that gives them plenty of variety, such as those within the media or travel industries. Their love of knowledge and great communication skills suggests that they can also make great motivators and teachers, as well as scientists, lawyers, researchers, writers, statesmen or stateswomen, journalists and inventors. Whatever career they choose, their ability to inform and inspire others has the potential to bring them great success and respect from their colleagues.