The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung
been through, or the past hurts they have experienced, they can find it hard to trust others.
Although those born on this day realize how important it is to feel in control of their lives, there is a danger for some of them in focusing their energy on changing their outside circumstances instead of the way they think and feel about themselves. Fortunately, in their early thirties, often earlier, there is a shift toward this inner life. Once they begin to understand that selfcontrol starts from within not without—and that negative thoughts and feelings can be challenged—their originality and directness aren’t just admired by others, they are considered inspirational.
On the dark side
Argumentative, narrow-minded, reckless
At your best
Purposeful, tough, committed
Love The freedom to love
Just as people born on January 17 like to take the lead in their working and social life, the same applies to their intimate relationships. Although loyal, loving and generous, they can also be extremely domineering and controlling; as they are attracted to equally powerful, independent people, such tendencies can create tension. They need to learn that freedom and independence are as valid and important in a relationship as intimacy and trust.
Health Work it out
People born on this day must be careful that they don’t rely too much on stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine to keep their energy levels high. They need to realize that a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of sleep and exercise is the best way to prevent fatigue and boost concentration. Because they have a tendency to repress their emotions, especially their anger, they need to find activities such as competitive or extreme sports in which they can safely express this side of their nature before it erupts in their daily lives. Volunteer work will also help boost their morale. They will benefit from regular reflexology massages and from wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with shades of brown, as this color will encourage them to relax.
Career Born disciplinarians
These people value careers in which self-control, organization and discipline are important, such as the armed forces, the police force or the clergy. They are also extremely good at delegating and supervising others, so management roles, politics and the civil service may appeal. They may also have an interest in food, fashion or catering, as well as careers in which they can inspire others, such as teaching and charity work.
Destiny To lead others by their fine example
The life path of people born on this day is to use their self-discipline and selfcontrol to overcome adversity. Once they have learned to get others on their side with cooperation and mutual understanding, and to lead by example, their destiny is to encourage others to work harmoniously together.
Power Thought
“It is my attitude that counts”
January 17
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Capricorn
Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Horned Goat
Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher
Tarot card: The Star (hope)
Favorable numbers: 8, 9
Lucky day: Saturday, especially when it falls on 8 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: All shades of black, brown and green
Birthstone: Garnet
18 January the birthday of fantasy
Your greatest challenge is…
learning to concentrate for long periods of time
The way forward is…
to never stop day-dreaming, as this is the secret to your creativity; but if you persistently notice that your mind wanders away from what you are supposed to be focusing on right now, simply say to yourself: Be here now.
You’re drawn to people born on…
March 21 to April 20
You share a mutual passion for togetherness and rebellion, and this creates a powerful and intense bond.
Luck maker
Finish what you start
Lucky people have discipline and are willing to do things they don’t like doing because they know it will help them reach their goal.
The imaginative and creative powers of people born on January 18 can lead them to extraordinary heights. They have a quick wit that can delight others, and their company and irreverent opinions are always in demand. In fact they often attract other people like a magnet.
Optimistic, trusting and childlike in nature, the only things that can bring down these friendly souls are rules, regulations and authority. Although they have boundless energy and drive, and love interacting with people, they don’t tend to thrive in a team or in a mundane job, unless they are one hundred per cent committed. They place an extremely high value on independence of thought and action; this can lead to reckless behavior and a stubborn refusal to conform. This trait is evident in both childhood and adulthood, and all the normal procedures for dealing with their rebellion don’t tend to work; they will simply withdraw even more as a result. They need to find an environment in which their need for freedom is respected, and once they do find that their gratitude, loyalty and devotion to it will be immense. They also need to make sure that they find ways to express their playful and friendly side, and their original sense of humor, as this will help them keep bitterness at bay.
People born on this day can become bored quickly, losing their concentration and retreating into a world of fantasy or fits of temper if their needs aren’t being met or becoming restless and impatient if they feel too confined by responsibilities. They need to learn to find ways to deal more appropriately with a situation; this kind of emotional maturity tends to emerge in their early thirties, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. Asking them to be more realistic simply isn’t an option—the way forward is for them not to deny their fantasies but to find ways to positively integrate their innovative ideas and extraordinary insights into their lives. By so doing they will be able to make not just their own lives—but those of all they touch—truly magical.
On the dark side
Childish, impractical, undisciplined
At your best
Visionary, creative, stimulating
Love Head over heels
Those with this birthday tend to throw themselves deeply into relationships and adore spending all their time with their loved ones. Some partners may find this too suffocating and this can deeply hurt those January 18 people to the extent that they hold back too much in future relationships. They often possess the fear that they will not find a soul mate who also wants to throw themselves into a relationship, but in the majority of cases they are successful.
Health Stay cool
Those born on this day need to be careful that they don’t