The Juice Master: Turbo-charge Your Life in 14 Days. Jason Vale
what to do is one thing, but doing what you know is what makes the big difference between those who talk a good game and those who are actually in the game.
‘But I don’t really need to change as…I’m only a little overweight’
Not everyone reading this book is overweight. Some are underweight and some are slim but have no energy and bad eating and drinking habits. However, for those who are overweight – and I mean overweight – but have for years been saying things like ‘I’m a little overweight’ or ‘I could do with losing a few pounds here and there’, please let me say what all those you come into contact with are thinking and saying behind your back – you are not a little overweight:
Not only are you fat, but as is the way of the world, your character is also called into question, and you can add the words ‘git’ and ‘bastard’ after fat to get a true picture of what’s being said.
I realize that sounds harsh, but until you see things as they really are you will never make the change.
If you continue to make the situation seem better than it is then what possible motivation would you have for change?
I realize that in some cases people saying to you out loud ‘you fat bastard’ isn’t exactly useful, and could have you locking yourself in a room with half a hundred weight of cake and ice cream in order to ‘comfort’ yourself. However, if you are constantly being real about the situation, and if you no longer hide behind things like ‘I’m just a tad tubby’ or avoid looking in the mirror, then your brain will feel more and more frustrated about the current situation and try to do something about it.
When I was at school I was nicknamed ‘Fatty Vale’, and every day I would get picked on for being overweight. My mother and all the people who cared about me said things like, ‘It’s just a bit of puppy fat’, and ‘You’re not fat, just a little tubby’, but with children you get the truth. They tell it as it really is and, yes, I was indeed ‘Fatty Vale’. This constant barrage of verbal abuse led me to go from Fatty Vale who couldn’t run a bath and was always last at cross-country to a person who just 12 weeks later was Slim Vale who not only finished the cross-country course on time, but even broke the school record for that distance!
I was not willing to be called Fatty Vale again and from that point on (when I was 13) until I left school at 15 I was never fat again, and I never got detention for being late after cross-country. As soon as I left school, however, I discovered beer, bar snacks, the kebab shop and video games, and was Fatty Vale again before you knew it. Only this time I didn’t have people coming up to me everyday telling me so; they just did it behind my back.
So please, if you are very overweight – and I mean 20 pounds or more over what you should be – get real with your situation and understand fully what people are saying. You are not overweight, you are not a little ‘rotund’ and you are not ‘big boned’. Use the ‘F’ word – you are FAT! And as such you are at huge risk of developing heart disease, diabetes or one of the other major debilitating illnesses as well as having to live your daily life in a body with little energy that brings you down.
‘But I’m fed up with having to conform…big is beautiful and I’m fat and happy’
This is another excuse I hear over and over again. When all else fails, tell the world the reason why you don’t change is because you don’t actually want to. In reality, all women would love to be slim, and all men would love some definition and at least a four pack – that’s just how it is.
Women love to buy weekly magazines with picture after picture of celebrities with something wrong with them. If Britney gets a spot, or Cameron Diaz has some cellulite, then all of a sudden the world seems a brighter place. I know It’s hard for women to believe, but nowadays men do exactly the same. If David Beckham were to ever get a few spots or, heaven forbid, get fat, most of the men in the country would be jumping for joy. This is because it’s much easier to drag someone else down in order to try to make yourself look better than it is to put in the effort to lift your own world. Many people don’t even do this consciously and there’s no malice involved; it’s just they’ve done it for so long and, given we also have a culture that does it readily, it appears normal.
Fat is Not Attractive
People can say that many years ago, being fat was seen as a sign of wealth and regarded as sexy, and they can even harp on about how in many cultures it still is today, but that doesn’t change how it is in the West here and now. If we’re being frank, and I believe we are, someone who is fat is not as pleasing to the eye as someone who is slim.
In today’s politically correct world, that statement will have some people ranting and raving and reaching for the nearest cream bun, but if we cut through the crap – it’s true. If it wasn’t, then people like Dawn French would be used to advertise the latest Ferrari rather than chocolate! I don’t think anyone could look at Dawn French and say she isn’t a beautiful-looking woman. My point is that if she’s beautiful as she is, she would be stunning if she were slim.
‘But that’s shallow – beauty comes from within.’ Yes I agree, and in an ideal world people would be able to see the inner beauty in everyone. However, having been fat and suffered from severe psoriasis in the past, I know first hand that most of the world isn’t like that.
They say personality goes a long way, but in some cases it can never stretch that far!
And talking of personality, it’s not just coincidence that you often see ‘fat and jolly’ people. We have to make the best of what we’ve got, and if your external shell isn’t what the world likes to see, you tend to develop more of a personality. This is why some models seem to have had major personality bypasses. They haven’t had to develop that side of themselves to attract people; often they just need to walk into a room and people come running.
I know it’s not fair and I know it shouldn’t be this way – but it is! I didn’t make the rules and neither did you, but if you’re in this ‘game of life’ and you want to get the best out of it, we have to accept some of them. There is of course one huge advantage when you have been overweight and then lose it: you end up with a slim, trim body and a personality!
If people genuinely thought being overweight was a good thing then they would actively encourage their children to overeat and get fat, but if you ask any parent if they want their child to be slim or fat, they opt for slim every time.
This is not just for health reasons but also so that they’re not picked on by their peers and have the energy to really enjoy their life.
Those people who say, ‘I’m fat and happy’ may well be just that, fat and happy – but this doesn’t mean they’re happy because they’re fat. It also doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be a damn site happier if they were slim. If you feel there’s nothing you can do about a particular situation, like being fat in this case, you have no real alternative but to try and justify why you are the way you are. Because no one wants to look as though they are weak-willed jelly fish who cannot control their eating, it seems easier to say, ‘I’m happy the way I am, I don’t want to change.’ But the reality is that’s a load of old tosh as everyone who’s fat, regardless of what they say out loud, would love to wake up in a slim, trim, energy-driven body. It’s only when they have exhausted all other possible ‘excuses’ that they come out with the ‘I don’t want to change’ line; after all how can anyone possibly argue with that? If they don’t want to change and are happy as they are – good for them! But in truth they are not as happy as Larry as they are, despite what they say; they would love to change. The saddest part about the ‘I’m fat and happy line’ is that the person saying