Your Tarot Predictions for 2015. Karmel Nair
you in correlation to your zodiac sign in this book. This will give you an interesting perspective of how Tarot perceives you at its best. The 56 Minor cards and 22 major cards can also be segregated into four elements namely Earth, Fire, Water and Air that form our existence in this Universe. In the four suits, Cups stands for WATER, Wands denotes FIRE, Swords signifies AIR and Pentacles EARTH. Similarly the 22 trump major arcanas too can be divided into these 4 categories. I have divided the 12 zodiac signs into the 12 tarot trump cards associated with them under these four elements:
Aries- The Emperor (fire)
Taurus- The Hierophant (earth)
Gemini- the Lovers (air)
Cancer- The Chariot (water)
Leo- The Strength (fire)
Virgo- The Hermit (earth)
Libra- The Justice (air)
Scorpio- The Death (water)
Sagittarius- The Temperance (fire)
Capricorn- The Devil (earth)
Aquarius- The Star (air)
Pisces- The Moon (water)
Each of these 78 cards is numbered. These numbers have a bearing on the person’s readings as and how these cards appear. The numbers especially on the 12 major Arcanas mentioned above delve into the individuals’ characteristic traits and other qualities associated with their personality.
How is Tarot Reading done?
Tarot reading involves two key elements:
The Tarot card Reader
The querent (one who questions the reader)
The process of tarot reading is an exchange of energy levels and aura which travels from the querent to the reader and then to the tarot cards which finally reveal the answers to your questions. Much of the occult and magical powers that tarot exhibits come from the Tarot Reader’s psychic ability. The stronger a psychic’s ability, the more accurately does the Tarot perform as a tool to predict the past, present and future. So it eventually boils down to how a Reader uses her skills to interpret your destiny from these cards, thus giving them their occult touch.
The querent may start by asking a few questions or giving a brief of concerns for which the querent seeks guidance from the reader. On the basis of the keys concern areas, the reader will formulate precise and direct questions with the querent’s consent and get the answers to them through the querent’s cards. The precision and clarity of the querent’s questions will determine the precision and clarity of the reader’s questions and thus, the response from the cards. It is thus the responsibility of both the reader and querent to be clear and distinct about the nature of queries put forth to the cards. If the querent is clear in her queries, the reader will be in a position to ask pointed or accurate questions and thus arrive at accurate and certain responses from the cards.
Tarot works primarily through the Aura one brings at the time of reading. Aura can be better explained as the energy frequency that the mind and body exude at a given time. This frequency can be happy, sad or simply confused. The energy that you emit is your aura. When you sit for a reading, Tarot predicts your fate on the basis of this energy frequency. This is Tarot’s most important benchmark. So in simple terms, Tarot is nothing more than a reading of your Aura or Energy level. On the basis of your present state of mind, your past, present and future are predicted. Tarot has no scientific base but a strong metaphysical essence. It is like this; you may not have seen god but you believe in divine power and presence. This strong belief system gives life to an unseen, unknown subject. Similarly, Tarot’s powers are unscientific and unexplainable, yet seductively convincing and real. When your readings come true, this fact is reaffirmed.
Tarot derives its power of unravelling fate through the Reader. The Reader is the one who pulls the cards that addresses your questions, concerns and doubts. The reader’s intuitive abilities give tarot the power to transform its projections into reality. Tarot’s success rests with the Reader’s intuitive psychic ability. The more a reader is in close contact with his/her psychic powers, the more accurate the reading. We all have intuitive abilities, what we generally call the sixth sense, but only a few are able to develop the power and the potential to use them constructively. One needs to harness this sixth sense through dedication and perseverance; to explore the realms of the subconscious (mind) and at times even use the powers bestowed upon one through their super conscious being (soul/spirit). To reach this level we need to dedicate our life to the study of aura through constant meditation and the practice of spirituality. This is the only way for a psychic to tap her full psychic ability. A reading or a prediction may go right or wrong depending upon the psychic ability of the Tarot reader to interpret the cards’ outcome in the context of the seeker’s questions. If the reader interprets the cards’ outcome correctly, the predictions will be right; else they will falter.
Tarot Reading is thus the process of foretelling the future, looking into the past or revealing the present through a series of 78 cards. These cards turn bewitching and mystical through the intuitive and psychic ability of the Tarot reader. A good reader holds the key to your life and I would like to thank you for believing in me and giving me this opportunity to read your future for you.
What kind of questions does Tarot answer?
Tarot can answer just about anything that you wish to ask the cards. However, in my experience, most questions revolve around the five important aspects of life: Love, Health, Wealth, Career and Spirituality. These five aspects form the crux of your future in this book of Tarot. You will get a detailed understanding of where you stand in the year to come vis-à-vis these five areas. However, I would like to share a few of the popular questions my patrons often ask in their readings. These questions may be of concern to you too at this moment. If so, then this book could be the answer to these questions:
When will I get married?
Will my relationship last?
Will my marriage last? Do you see divorce or any other such setbacks?
Will peace be restored in my love life?
Would I get the house that I wish to buy?
Will I be successful in my career?
Will I get the desired promotion, incentive or bonus?
Will my return on investments be as planned?
Will my health be good? Do you see any serious worries?
Will my stocks shoot or fall?
Will my finances be good in the year ahead?
Will my job last?
Will I get my dream job and would I be successful at it?
Where am I headed spiritually?
What is the purpose of my life?
What was I in the last birth?
Where do you see me five years hence?
Tarot has answers to all of the above. It can predict your future, reveal your past and present with respect to anything that you may ask. You have to be clear in your mind about your concerns and accurate in your questions.
The next chapter focuses on how tarot can help you. It is not just the predictions that can make a difference to you, but also the overall change that Tarot can bring about that will help you in shaping your life ahead.
How Can You Benefit From Tarot
In my long practice and experience of reading people’s future, I have come upon three important ways in which Tarot can help you. This book of future is based upon these three aspects of Tarot.