Nicki Waterman’s Flat Stomach Plan: The Ultimate Abdominal Workouts and Diet. Nicki Waterman
under some degree of strain to keep down and back where they should be, so it is important to stretch and loosen the muscles across the front of your shoulders in readiness.
Sit upright, nice and straight, tummy tucked in and flat, your legs crossed loosely and with your arms low behind your buttocks, your hands clasped and loosely resting on the floor. Already you should feel your shoulders stretching and your chest expanding.
Still maintaining your nice upright posture, lift your hands up and away from you as far as they will reach until you feel some tension in your shoulders. Keeping the arms straight, hold until you feel some easing of the tension, then raise them a little more to another degree of tension. Hold. The pattern should be tension and ease, tension and ease. Hold to a count of 8–10 and relax.
Bowing Forward
Now let’s work your back muscles by doing a sleek, well-rounded curl.
Sit up nice and tall on the floor in a loose, cross-legged position and raise your arms straight above your head, palms forward and hands loosely lying in one another.
Pull your tummy in and up as you curl forward as if bowing. Your arms should remain in the same position over your head – your upper body should move as a single unit. You should feel your back muscles stretching. Hold for a count of 8–10 then slowly lift back up to an upright position.
Lunge Stretch
Kneel down on the floor. Now, ensuring that your head, neck and shoulders are all aligned correctly with your back – step forward and lean over your left knee. Your chest must remain lifted – don’t sag in the middle or allow your head to droop. Your arms will be straight on either side of your left foot, fingertips resting on the floor.
Holding your torso up, lunge forward slowly onto your left (front) leg, ensuring that the knee remains directly above the ankle. You should feel the front thigh muscles of the right (rear) leg stretch. Hold then relax.
Repeat on the other side.
Stand Up and Curl
This is a good exercise for stretching the back.
Stand upright, legs hip-width apart and your hands on top of your thighs. Now lean over slightly from the hips, bending the knees a little – but don’t sag. Make sure that your head, neck, shoulders and back are all aligned and your chest is lifted.
Pull your tummy in as far as you can while continuing to keep your chest up and your head and back correctly aligned. You should feel the stretch in your back. Hold then relax.
Hip Circles
This exercise loosens up your hips and lower back.
Stand upright, feet hip-width apart, hands on hips, fingers splayed and knees slightly bent and relaxed.
With tummy tucked in, smoothly rotate your hips in a circle – to the left, to the back, to the right and then return to the centre. Repeat 8–10 times then switch direction. Repeat another 8–10 times.
Torso Twist with Bar
You will need some kind of a pole for this – a broom handle is perfect. This stretch loosens and trains the waist muscles, thus helping to stabilize your upper body. The twist can be hard on your knees, but you won’t damage them if you make sure that the entire lower half of your body – from the pelvis to the feet – remains facing forward throughout, with knees relaxed and very slightly bent. Take care to control the twist from your shoulders to your waist. This is the area of your body that is worked during all oblique curls and it is important to make sure it is stretched and under control.
Stand with your legs hip-width apart, feet facing directly forward, knees relaxed and slightly bent. Place the pole behind your head against the top of your shoulders. Hold it loosely, with your palms facing forward. Pull your abs in and up as if they are connected to the crown of your head and to the ceiling beyond and hold them in that position throughout the stretch – this is your centre.
Slowly twist at the waist so that your upper half turns to the left. Your lower half, from the hips through to the knees and feet, must stay facing forward. Hold. Return to the centre and repeat to the right. Do 8–10 stretches on both sides.
Stand Up and Stretch
This stretch warms up the muscles at the side of the waist.
Stand upright, your back stretched and tall, your legs hip-width apart. Bend your knees just a little, put your right hand on your right thigh and reach up with left arm. Keep head, neck and shoulders aligned in a natural position. Do not raise the chin – keep it tucked in a little.
Slowly stretch over to your right side, your left arm still held up. You’ll feel your waist stretching. Hold then relax.
Repeat on the other side. Do 8–10 stretches on both sides, holding the stretch for a count of 8–10 between sets of reps.