Switchwords: How to Use One Word to Get What You Want. Liz Dean
Open Sesame!
A woodcutter named Ali Baba chanced upon a dozen men making their way through the forest. Afraid they were robbers, he climbed into a tree. Their leader called out, ‘Open sesame!’ and there opened a portal in the rocks into which all the men entered. The door shut behind them. After some time, the forty men emerged, all laden with goods. ‘Shut sesame!’ the captain called, and he closed the door, then he and his men turned back through the forest.
The woodcutter, from his tree, thought about what he had seen. He and his family had little food and no money, despite his brother, Cassim, who was wealthy but mean. So, remembering the magic words, Ali Baba approached the door in the rocks and called out, ‘Open sesame!’ On entering through the door, he found a vault of glittering treasure: gold coins, overflowing pearls and piles of precious jewels. He took all the gold he could carry, called ‘Shut sesame!’ and closed the door.
Paraphrased from Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
‘Open sesame’, ‘hey presto’, ‘abracadabra’: your wish is granted. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if words could really do this? Well, they can, and these miraculous words are known as Switchwords. These powerful declarations switch on the subconscious mind, helping you to manifest what you want in life. Forming a verbal code that the subconscious understands, Switchwords act immediately to align the subconscious mind with our conscious intention. When we are together with ourselves, aligned and resonating – completely ‘switched on’ – we are truly in possession of our own power, able to attract what we want in life. These power-words work more effectively than conscious affirmations (see here); they work in much the same way as mantras – the sound vibrations of the words, which are often not literal requests, affect the universal energy around us, so we become not only aligned within ourselves, but with a benevolent universe that can grant our wishes. In this way, Switchwords are a form of manifesting based on the Law of Attraction (see here): like attracts like. Put out a positive, authentic wish to the universe, and it is really possible to receive it – with just one word.
We use common words as ‘switches’ to open doors every day. Just as Ali Baba learned that ‘open sesame’ was the magic formula that unlocked the vault of treasures, the simple ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ were the magic words of our childhoods. ‘Say the magic word,’ we would be instructed in order to get what we wanted, whether it was a Christmas present, a piece of cake or the permission to play with a toy. Parents and other caregivers constantly set these magic words as a test, in the knowledge that we will need them to traverse the paths of communication as adults – please in order to get, thank you in order to politely receive. Like ‘please’, a Switchword is the ‘get’ word of magic, getting the subconscious and the universe onside so we can manifest whatever we choose – without meditation, guilt or bargaining.
The manifesting magic of words is seeded in the translation of the magician’s favourite, ‘abracadabra’, from the Aramaic avra kehdabra, ‘I create as I speak’ or ‘I create like the word’; in Hebrew, it may come from a phrase meaning, ‘It came to pass as it was spoken.’ The earliest written evidence of ‘abracadabra’ is the 2nd-century medical poem De medicina praecepta by the Roman physician Quintus Serenus Sammonicus, who recommended the word be written in the shape of an inverted triangle, beginning with ‘abracadabra’ on the first line, then for every line under it one letter from the end of the word was dropped, leaving just the first ‘a’ at the point of the triangle. Worn as an amulet to cure disease, the funnel shape of the words symbolised sickness being drawn downwards out of the body, vanishing into nothing; as if by magic, the illness would disappear. The magic words we associate with conjurors, like Switchwords, are used to make something appear or disappear, to access a special place or to magically transform reality – words are the passwords between this world and another realm. ‘Hocus pocus’ has its origins in the Latin phrase hoc est corpus, recited as part of the Eucharist when the wine and bread become the blood and body of Christ, signifying the magical transformation of matter from one form to another. Ali Baba’s ‘open sesame’ may translate as ‘heaven, open’. Switchwords, as you will see, are our magic key to opening up a whole world of possibilities.
The Three Switchwords You Need to Know Now
Here are the ‘manifesting’ Switchwords to bring you what you want:
TOGETHER – The ‘master’ Switchword for everything
DIVINE – Asks for a miracle
DIVINE ORDER – Helps you do anything efficiently and restores order from chaos
BRING – Brings you whatever you ask for
What can Switchwords do for me?
Switchwords can benefit all aspects of your life, from work and creative projects to relationships and finances (see Chapter 3, which gives Switchwords by life area, here). Here are just some of the benefits.
Switchwords can:
• Help deal with pain, low mood and stress-related ailments
• Support efforts to break negative habits
• Promote sleep and peace of mind
• Help problem-solve, and inspire creativity
• Boost leadership qualities
• Manifest money
• Attract love and friendship
• Deepen existing relationship bonds
• Assist education and study
• Support healing
• Combine with existing therapies such as Reiki and NLP
Although, as with any other therapy, Switchwords cannot claim to cure illness or take away pain, working with these words has led to a reduction in symptoms for some people, and helped them manage their pain and associated low mood more confidently and effectively. There are also many empowering Switchwords, to boost leadership qualities, bring courage, and engender happiness and calm. While we cannot be happy all of the time, we can adjust how we deal with difficult circumstances.
The case studies throughout this book give examples of exactly how people with a range of experiences have used Switchwords to turn negatives into positives and receive what they need in life.
How do Switchwords work?
Switchwords operate through vibration. Saying, intending or chanting these words of power changes our body’s vibration so that we resonate at the same frequency as the goal we desire. When we say, intend, chant or sing Switchwords we create sympathetic resonance and attract what we want. According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. When our thoughts, words, actions and beliefs become what we aspire to, we attract this to us like a magnet. The Law of Attraction, a philosophical movement that emerged in the early 1900s, is the foundation of the international bestseller The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (see the Appendix, here).
‘Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly – they’ll go through anything.’
When Switchwords are intended through thought, speech, chanting or singing, a vibration is created. Sound healer Petra Galligan describes Switchwords as an echo – a sound that reverberates after the initial sound has stopped. The energy pattern created by the word’s sound vibration continues – and so the Switchword replicates itself. This idea of replication through sound is embedded in Richard Dawkins’s concept of the ‘meme’. Meaning ‘to imitate’, memes are ideas or agents of culture that self-propagate like genes, transmitting from brain to brain through the senses. Sound memes, such as melodies and catchphrases, are transmitted through pronunciation. Like a virus, a meme can