Queens of Crime: 3-Book Thriller Collection. Kimberley Chambers

Queens of Crime: 3-Book Thriller Collection - Kimberley  Chambers

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what you’ve done, you don’t really have the right to ask me anything, Dad, but I will tell you anyway. I don’t hate Colleen, but Roy has changed so much since he met her. He has little interest in the club, our family, or bettering his life like he once did. If he gets hitched and starts banging out sprogs, then things will just get worse. Apart from a bit of help from Michael, I will have to run the business nigh-on singlehandedly, and I ain’t willing to do that.’

      Albie sighed wearily. He hated the thought of ruining his son’s happiness, but what choice did he have? ‘The thing I don’t understand, Vinny, is when Roy and the rest of the family find out what I’ve done, they will hate me anyway. I don’t stand to gain much, do I?’

      ‘You gain them never knowing what a wicked old con-man you are. I mean, what type of father tells his four children he is dying when he isn’t? As you said earlier, your life is over in the East End if that one ever gets out.’

      ‘OK, I’ll do it,’ Albie said, thoroughly miserable.

      ‘Good! I also want you to tell Colleen’s mum and dad the story of you being hospitalized that time with all your broken bones. Tell ’em it was Roy who beat you up though, not me. Anything you can think of which will make the family want Colleen to end her engagement to Roy, you tell ’em. Then in return, in a few weeks’ time, I will tell the family that I went to the hospital with you and your cancer is now in remission, OK? I will also try and smooth over what happens tonight for you. Your excuse for your outburst will be that you have more tests at the hospital tomorrow, and you were so worried about being told you only had weeks to live, you got plastered and didn’t know what you were saying. With a bit of luck Colleen’s family won’t make a fuss at the party, and will speak to their daughter on the quiet, so what you said might not ever come to light anyway.’

      ‘What time do you want me to get there?’ Albie mumbled.

      ‘Seven o’clock, and take that to have a drink or two before you arrive,’ Vinny ordered, throwing a twenty-pound note at his father. Then, without a backward glance, Vinny strolled casually out of the pub.

      When Nancy got home from work she immediately knew that something was wrong. The mood indoors had been very frosty ever since she hadn’t come home one night last week, but today she could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.

      ‘Sit down, Nancy,’ Donald growled.

      Her mum and Christopher were sitting opposite each other in the centre of the dinner table, her dad at the head, so Nancy sat down on the chair opposite him. ‘Have I done something wrong?’ she asked anxiously. Since making love to Michael, Nancy had wanted to shout their relationship from the rooftops, but somehow she couldn’t find the right time or words to tell her parents. Michael hadn’t told his family yet either, but that was only because Nancy had insisted she wanted to tell hers first.

      Donald cleared his throat. ‘Your little secret is out in the open now, Nancy. You and your fancy-man were spotted canoodling in a flash American car. Now, who the bloody hell are you courting?’

      ‘Just tell us the truth, love. We won’t be angry with you, but if you’re serious about this lad, we will want to meet him,’ Mary said, squeezing her daughter’s hand to reassure her everything would be OK.

      Christopher, his arms folded, was glaring at her. He had an evil glint in his eyes and reminded Nancy of a python waiting to strike. It was at that point that she knew it was now or never. ‘OK, I will tell you, but please try not to be too angry with me. Michael is the loveliest, kindest lad I have ever met, and what happened in the past had nothing to do with him.’

      ‘What do you mean, what happened in the past? Do we know this Michael?’ Donald asked impatiently.

      ‘Just tell us who he is then, love?’ Mary urged her daughter. Nancy was now crying and Mary hated seeing her so upset.

      ‘It’s Michael Butler,’ Nancy wept.

      Feeling like he had just been shot through the heart, Donald was too stunned to even speak. The name Butler was enough to put the fear of God into him, on its own.

      ‘That isn’t one of Queenie’s sons, is it?’ Mary asked her daughter, in total disbelief.

      When Nancy nodded miserably, Christopher banged his fists on the table. ‘How could you be so stupid to have got involved with that awful crime-ridden family? You know they ruined our lives, so how could you be so bloody selfish? You are no sister of mine any more, Nancy Walker. In fact, you truly repulse me.’

      Usually, Mary would always stick up for her daughter, but today Nancy had gone one step too far even for her liking. ‘You have to finish with Michael immediately, Nancy. You cannot get too involved with that mob.’

      Knowing that there was no point in lying any more, Nancy shook her head. ‘I can’t, Mum. I love Michael and he loves me.’

      Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Donald leapt out of his chair. ‘You have two choices, Nancy. You either end your relationship or you pack your bags and leave our home immediately. Now, what is it to be?’

      Seeing all three family members looking at her with a mixture of disgust and disappointment on their faces, Nancy knew she only had one choice.

      ‘Where’re you going?’ Mary cried, as Nancy stood up.

      ‘To pack my stuff. I’m moving out.’

      Not wanting there to be any trouble in front of Colleen’s relations, Queenie decided to have a quiet word with Roy to tell him what Vinny had planned.

      Roy breathed a sigh of relief that his future in-laws had been invited. It wouldn’t have been fair if it was just his family there, and perhaps now that he had been spared the aggravation of organizing his own party, he might take Colleen away for a weekend somewhere nice instead.

      After Roy left, Queenie and Vivian spent the whole day cooking and preparing food. Vinny had wanted to hire professional caterers, but Queenie and Vivian had been outraged by his suggestion. ‘If you think I’m allowing my family to eat a load of old shit that’s been prepared by a bunch of strangers who have the cleanliness morals of a pole-cat, then you’ve got another think coming,’ Queenie told her son.

      ‘And you’ve got all them migrants coming over here now. Lots of them work in catering and they’re dirty bastards. Most of the countries they come from ain’t even got proper khazis. They shit in a hole in the ground, so you don’t think they will wash their hands before they make the sandwiches, do ya?’ Vivian added.

      Vinny had just left them to it after that, and as Queenie stood with her hands on her hips studying their handiwork, she turned to her sister and smiled. ‘Well, that’s it. All done we are, I think.’

      ‘I still ain’t sure we’ll have enough grub, Queen. Vinny said earlier there could be anything up to seventy or eighty people there now, and we ain’t got enough for that amount. My Lenny eats enough for fucking five people alone.’

      ‘Stop worrying. We’ll have plenty, trust me. Vinny’s ordered a load of seafood as well. Right, I think I’ll ring Michael and get him to come and pick this lot up, then me and you can get ourselves looking all glam. I still can’t believe I’m celebrating not one, but two of my babies getting engaged. It only seems like yesterday that I was wiping the pair of ’em’s shitty arses.’

      Sitting approximately thirty yards from the nightclub on a Kawasaki motorcycle, Johnny Preston watched the comings and goings with interest. He was behind a lorry, so nobody could really see him, and even if anyone did, the road was a main one, and there were always cars, bikes, vans and lorries parked near the club.

      Worried about his daughter opening her mouth and the shit hitting the fan back home, Johnny couldn’t wait for Graeme’s pal to get back from holiday and exchange their clapped-out van, so had decided to go it alone. Graeme was still going to help him dispose of the bike and gun, but other than that he was totally on his jacksie.

      Johnny felt his heart start to beat faster as he saw Queenie Butler

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