Egil’s Saga. E. Eddison R.

Egil’s Saga - E. Eddison R.

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of it been that the King’s bailiffs had had thirty men, and whiles fewer. He had with him great store of cheaping. He set him speedily a tryst with the Finns and took of them scat2 and had with them a cheaping-fair. All went in kindness betwixt them and in friendly wise, albeit some deal ’twas awe made them willing.

      Thorolf fared wide about the Mark: but when he set his face east toward the fell, he had word that the Kylfings3 were come from the east and fared there a-Finn-cheaping, but some part they fared a-robbing. Thorolf set on the Finns to hold espial of the faring of the Kylfings; but he came after a-seeking for them, and hit upon thirty men of them in one lair and slew all, so as not one came off, and after that he hit upon fifteen together or twenty. In all, they slew nigh a hundred men and took there fee past all telling, and came back about spring-time, their affair thus sped.

      Thorolf fared then to his own place at Sandness and sat there long through the spring. He let make a long-ship, great, and a drake’s head thereto: let dight her like the best: had her along with him from the north. Thorolf swept much into his own net of those takings that then were in Halogaland: had men of his in the herring-fisheries and so too in the cod-fisheries.4 There were seal-takings too enow, and egg-takings. He let flit all that home to him. He had never fewer freedmen at home than a hundred.5 He was an openhanded man and a bountiful and made friends much with the great men, all those men that were in his neighbourhood. He became a mighty man, and laid much thought to his ships’ arraying and his weapons.

      HARALD the King fared that summer into Halogaland and there were made feasts against his coming, both there where were houses of his, and so too did the landed men make feasts and the powerful bonders. Thorolf made ready a feast against the King’s coming and laid out great charges thereon: that was appointed for when the King should come there. Thorolf bade thither a throng of men, and had there the best pick of men that was to choose from. The King had near three hundred men when he came to the feast, but Thorolf had to meet him five hundred men.

      Thorolf had let make ready a great corn-barn that was there, and let lay benches in it, and let drink there: because there was there no hall so great as that that throng of men might all be within it. There were shields withal fastened to the walls all round about inside the house.

      The King sate him in the high seat. But when all was arrayed both withinward and to doorward, then the King gazed about him and turned red, and spake not; and men thought they knew that he was wroth.

      The feast was of the stateliest and all the fare of the best. The King was something unmerry, and was there three nights, as he had meant to be.

      That day when the King should fare away, came Thorolf to him and prayed that they should go down to the strand together. The King did so. There lay afloat by the land there that drake which Thorolf had let build, with her tilts and all her gear. Thorolf gave the King the ship, and prayed that the King should so esteem it (even as it had gone in his own mind), as that he had only for this sake had so great throng of men, that he might do the King honour, and not at all for a matching of strength with him. The King took well with Thorolf’s words, and made himself now blithe and merry. And now many laid good words thereto, saying (as true it was) that the feast was of the honourablest and the parting-gift of the splendidest, and that there was great strength to the King of such-like men. Then parted they with great loving-kindness.

      The King fared north in Halogaland as he had had the mind to do, and turned again south as summer wore. He fared then still to feasts, where they were made ready before him.

      HILDIRID’S sons went to see the King and bade him home to a three nights’ feast. The King said yea to their bidding, and told them whenabouts he should come there. But when the appointed time was come, then came the King there with his folk, and there was there no throng of men to meet him, yet the feast went forward at the best. The King was all merry.

      Harek fell a-talking with the King, and it came to this in his talk that he asketh of the King’s farings which had been that summer. The King answered so much as he asked him: said all men had made him good cheer, and each much according to his means.

      “Great odds,” said Harek,1 “will there have been in this, that in Torgar will your feast have been most thronged with men?”

      The King said that so it was.

      Harek saith, “That was to be looked for, sure, for as much as for that feast was the most provision made. And you did bear, King, the mightiest good luck therein, that so it turned out that you came into no danger of your life. It fared, as indeed was likely, that thou wast both wisest and best gifted with luck, in that thou didst misdoubt thee straightway that all should not be wholesome, when thou sawest that great throng of men which was there drawn to a head. Ay, and it was said to me that thou didst let all thy folk be ever all-weaponed, or didst have watch and ward kept alway both night and day”.

      The King looked on him and spake: “Why speakest thou such-like things, Harek, or what canst thou thereof to say?”

      He saith, “Whether shall I speak with your leave, King, even as likes me?”

      “Speak,” saith the King.

      “That is my thought,” saith Harek: “if thou, King, mightest hear the word of each man, when men speak at home after their own heart and mind, what slavery that seemeth to them that you do put upon all men-folk, methinks thou shouldst think it not well. And that is truest to say unto you, King, that there wanteth no other thing to the common sort that they should rise up against you, save only hardihood and a captain. And that is nought wondrous,” saith he, “in such-like men as Thorolf is, that he think himself far above every man else. He wanteth not might, nor goodly seeming neither. He hath, too, his bodyguard about him, like a king. He hath a mort of money, were it he had that only which himself had a right to. But, more than this, he maketh free to do as he list with other men’s fee as of his own. You have granted him withal great revenues; and ’twas now all gotten ready so as he should pay you back nowise well for that. Because that is truest to tell you, that, soon as ’twas heard that you were a-faring north to Halogaland with no more folk than you had, three hundred men, then was that the rede of men hereabout that here should a host come together and take thy life, King, of thee and all thy folk; and ’twas Thorolf was leader in these counsels, because that offer was made him that he should be king over the folk of Halogaland and over the Naumdale folk. Fared he then both out and in by every firth and about all the isles and gathered every man that he found and every weapon, and that went nowise hidden, that that host-gathering was for the going against Harald the King in battle. Yea, but that is true, King, that, albeit you had a host something lesser than theirs when you met them, there shot terror into the breasts of these bonder-lads,2 soon as they saw your sailing. Then was the other rede taken, to go and meet you with blitheness and bid you to feasting. But then were they minded, if you should be drunken and be laid a-sleeping, to make an onslaught on you with fire and weapons: whereof this for a token, if I have heard tell aright, that you were bidden in to some corn-barn, because Thorolf would nowise burn up his own hall, new and well bedight. And that withal was for a token, that every house was full of weapons and war-harness. But when they found no good way to work their wiles on you, they took that rede that seemed best to hand: cut all adrift of these former plottings. Methinks all know well how to dissemble these redes, for few I ween may know themselves sackless if the truth come up. Now this is my rede, King, that thou take Thorolf to thee and let him be in thy bodyguard, bear thy banner, and be in the forecastle aboard thy ship: unto this is he by nature apt beyond all men else. But if thou wilt that he be a landed man, then find him revenues south in the Firths. There is all of his blood and kin. You may there have oversight of him, that he wax not over big. But give thy stewardship here in Halogaland into the hand of those men that be men of temperate mind and will with trueness serve you, and have their kin here, and their kinsmen have here

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