Killing Ways. Alex Barclay
of the other girls, she was last seen on East Colfax, getting into a dark sedan. No description of the driver. We’re going through the HALO cams now, see if we see anything. Her last cell phone signal was picked up in that area, then nothing.’
‘Is she a user?’ said Ren.
‘No,’ said Glenn.
‘Do you have a photo of her?’
‘Yup,’ said Glenn. ‘Emailing it through.’
‘OK.’ Ren got off the phone, opened the email, and saved the image. Donna Darisse had a thick head of chestnut hair that fell past her shoulders. She had a warm smile, good teeth. She looked healthy. She didn’t look like a street hooker.
I’m finding comfort in that. If the skinny blonde is his type, and not just a coincidence.
Shit. Cancer … she had cancer.
Ren called Glenn back. ‘Sorry, again, Glenn – had Donna Darisse dropped a lot of weight?’
‘Oh – yes, according to one of the other girls.’
‘And did she lose her hair?’ said Ren.
‘Yes,’ said Glenn. ‘Shit, I didn’t think of that. Let me see if I can’t get a more recent photo.’
Twenty minutes later, a new photo of Donna Darisse hit Ren’s inbox. She was holding a little girl in her arms. Both of them were laughing. The girl had her hand in the air, having just placed a tiny gold plastic tiara on her mother’s head.
Oh. Shit. Hollow cheeks, blonde hair … blonde wig.
Stephanie Wingerter, Hope Coulson, Donna Darisse. These women look too alike for this to be a coincidence.
Donna Darisse, I think you wore the wrong-colored wig. That is fucked up.
Ren opened a document and typed: prostitute / teacher / prostitute.
Did you return to what you knew best? Women who were easier to take? Did the media attention on Hope Coulson send you back under your rock? Well, we care about all of them, you fucking reptile.
Everett came into the bullpen. ‘What’s going on in your world?’
She filled him in on Donna Darisse.
‘Shit,’ said Everett.
‘I know.’
They both turned as they heard footsteps rushing down the hallway.
‘Where is she?’ a woman was roaring. ‘Where is she?’
No security in the building …
Everett and Ren both got up, drew their weapons, ran to the door. Gary rushed out of his office past them toward the woman. He had no weapon drawn.
‘Don’t do this,’ he said. ‘Don’t.’
What the …?
The woman almost growled, struggled to make herself seen around Gary. Ren saw a flash of blonde hair.
‘Where the fuck is she, Gary?’ she shouted.
That’s Gary’s wife! What the fuck?
Ren put her weapon back into her shoulder holster. She turned to Everett, shaking her head silently, letting him know to put his away. They started to back into the bullpen.
‘Ren!’ Karen was screaming. ‘Ren!’
But Gary was wrestling Karen down the hallway toward the conference room.
Everett turned to Ren. ‘What the hell is that all about?’
Ren made a face. ‘That’s Karen Dettling – Gary’s wife. And I have no idea.’
‘Is she nuts?’ said Everett. ‘And why was she looking for you? Are you guys friends? Was she pissed at you? Or looking for your help? What’s going on with those two?’
Ren turned to him. ‘Jesus, you sound like a girl.’
‘What the hell, though?’
‘I know.’
‘Ren!’ Karen was coming back toward the bullpen.
‘Karen, get into the conference room,’ said Gary. ‘Do not say another word. Ren … in the conference room now.’
Me? What the fuck is this shitshow?
Ren followed Gary and Karen into the conference room. Karen turned to Ren.
‘You bitch!’ she said. ‘How could you do this to us?’
Am I hallucinating?
Still drunk?
Starring in Punk’d?
‘Do what?’ said Ren. She looked at Gary. He was warning her with his eyes.
What IS this?
‘You came to our home, you taught Claire Spanish!’ said Karen. ‘How long has this been going on?’
‘What?’ said Ren. ‘Oh my God.’ She thinks—
‘Did you spend all night together or did you just fuck her and leave?’ said Karen, stabbing a finger into Gary’s chest. She turned to Ren. ‘Did you wake up in my husband’s arms?’
Oh. Jesus. Christ. Don’t laugh. Don’t do your nervous fucking laugh.
Ren started laughing.
Karen looked fit to explode. ‘How dare you? You—’
‘I’m sorry – I’m nervous – but we’re not having an affair!’ said Ren. She turned to Gary. ‘Gary!’
‘We’re not,’ said Gary. ‘Jesus, Karen.’
So casual, while I’m getting attacked. What the fuck?
‘Where are you getting this from?’ said Ren. ‘Gary wouldn’t dream of cheating on you. Gary adores you! Everyone knows that.’ And the fact that you drive each other nuts, but still.
Karen was stalled. She looked from Ren to Gary. Mortification started seeping into her face.
‘Karen,’ said Ren, ‘Gary’s my boss, he loves you. And I’m with Ben.’ Have you lost your mind? Gary, say something, for fuck’s sake. Why am I getting all this shit?
‘Gary!’ said Ren. Wake the fuck up!
‘Karen,’ said Gary, ‘I’m not having an affair with Ren.’
Jesus, even I’m not sure I believe that …
‘We’re on an important case,’ said Gary. ‘So, please … just go home.’
Go home? She’s distraught, you fuckwit. Go home? That’s it? Get your wife out of here. Go with her. Get her help.
Karen slumped into a chair. ‘I don’t know what to believe,’ she said. She started to cry.
‘I’m going to give you some privacy,’ said Ren.
‘Don’t go,’ said Karen. ‘I’m so sorry. I … I’m not feeling great right now.’
‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ said Ren. ‘But, really, I don’t think it’s my place to be here.’ She gave Karen a hug. ‘Gary is not cheating on you.’ He’s too fucking straight! He sees me as evidence of why not to cheat!
Not that I haven’t thought about fucking your husband, but still …