The Clitical Guide to Female Self-Pleasure: How to Please Yourself So Your Partner Can Too. Jenne Davis

The Clitical Guide to Female Self-Pleasure: How to Please Yourself So Your Partner Can Too - Jenne  Davis

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or belly, but above your vulva. It's the area of fatty tissue that covers your pubic bone and is designed to cushion/protect your pubic bone from the impact of intercourse. You might find it to be very sensitive when you are aroused, but this is not always the case. In its natural state it is covered by pubic hair, which is believed to trap the natural aroma of your vagina. Of course, if you've shaved it, this area will be clear of pubic hair.


      Once you are sexually aroused, or ‘horny’, why not try using different touches over and around the area of your mons area. Some women enjoy a tapping technique and the only way to discover if this works for you is to, well, try it. Vary the rhythm and also the pressure you apply, and also you can experiment with not just your fingertips but also the entire palm of your hand to discover what you like or dislike.

       Inner Thighs

      Let's face it, most good touches eventually lead to the inner thighs, as this is where you will find your vulva nestled, but before you get there, why not spend some time circling around the sensitive skin that you will find nestled between your thighs. As we rarely touch our inner thighs, you will likely find they respond to your touch in a positive way and are worth spending some time getting to know.


      As with your stomach or belly, spend some time getting to know your inner thighs. You may enjoy using a lighter touch here, as this is an area of your body that rarely gets any attention via touch. You can also vary the type of touch, by using a silk scarf, wearing woolen gloves or anything you might have handy. Experiment until you find what works for you.


      The vulva is the term that refers to all of a woman’s externally visible genitalia. Many people commonly make the mistake of referring to the vulva as the vagina, but the vagina is actually just the internal canal. Everything you can see from the outside is referred to as the vulva. One of the most interesting things about the vulva is that they are like fingerprints; they are each as individual as you are. I've yet to find any evidence that CSI has found a way to produce a reliable vulva print as yet, but it is an interesting idea nonetheless.


      Grab a hand mirror, get naked, get comfortable, and examine your vulva up close and personal. Locate all of your important parts. You wouldn’t believe how many women have never engaged in self-exploration. There are many reasons you should do so. First, it helps if you can locate, identify, and name all your body parts when you go to see your doctor. This may be a bit uncomfortable for you, but it is definitely less embarrassing than trying to explain to your doctor that your ‘kitty’ hurts, and it’s definitely more effective than telling the doctor that you hurt ‘down there’. It’s also good to know what your vulva looks like in its healthy state, so you can identify problems if things don’t look quite right.

       Labia Majora

      The labia majora are designed with one purpose – to enclose and protect your other external reproductive organs. Your labia majora are also often referred to as the ‘outer lips’ and are the fat, fleshy lips that extend the length of your vulva. Like most things associated with the vulva they will vary greatly in size from woman to woman and there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ size, with some being more visible than others. Unless you shave them, they are covered in a coating of pubic hair from the time you reach puberty.

      Your labia majora contain sweat and oil glands that are responsible for the familiar scent that is associated with sexual arousal. For many women this scent can cause anxiety but, to be honest, for many men this scent can be extremely attractive. A healthy vagina produces a slightly musky smell when you are aroused and this is a normal part of the arousal process and should not worry you.


      Lie on your back with your legs spread wide open. I like to prop myself up with a pillow when I do this as I like to see what I'm doing, but that's a personal choice. Now take some lube and apply it to your thumb and forefinger, pinch your outer labia together, and stroke them up and down. As always, concentrate solely on the feelings this produces within your body.

       Labia Minora

      Your labia minora, or inner lips, are designed to act like a pair of swinging doors guarding the entrance to the vagina and the urethra, the tube that leads from the bladder. Your labia minora are much thinner than your labia majora and even more sensitive. They also contain erectile tissue made up of clusters of tiny blood vessels, which means they become slightly stiffer (though not as stiff as your clitoris) when you are aroused.

      Like many other things about your body, inner lips come in an infinite number of varieties. Some are tiny and sit neatly between your outer lips, while others will be much larger and hang out from below the outer lips. Some are thick and some are thin, but whatever shape or size they may be, they are all hairless and sensitive to the touch. As you become aroused you will likely find they change color due to the fact that they fill with blood when you are more turned on.


      Remember that hand-held mirror I asked you to collect at the beginning of this chapter? Now is the time to find it and put it to good use again. Take some time to get comfortable and position the mirror so you have a good view of your vulva. I find it easier to do this by propping the mirror against the wall or a pillow and then sitting in front of it. Now take a good look at your inner lips, notice everything about them, for example their size and color. Now take one of your inner lips between your finger and thumb and start massaging it gently. Alternate between your two lips and notice any changes as you massage them. You will likely find that the color changes as you become more aroused.

       The Urethra

      The urethra is the medical term for your urinary opening or your pee hole. As the more common name suggests, this is where you pee from. The urethral opening is located between your clitoris and your vagina opening and is hidden between the labia minora. Its exact location will vary from woman to woman and it may or may not be clearly visible. The opening itself is a vertical, slit-like, or egg-shaped opening, that is around 4–5mm in diameter.

      Your urethra's main function in life is to give you somewhere to pee from. In some women it is possible to trigger an orgasm by stimulating the opening to the urethra but as a general rule it's not a great idea to place anything inside your urethra as this can cause a plethora of problems.


      The urethra, as I said before, is where you pee from, and although it's not really thought of as a sexual thing it can be used as part of an exercise to strengthen your PC muscles, which will help with your sex life as a whole. The first thing to do is identify the PC muscle. The next time you go to the bathroom, sit on the toilet with your legs spread apart and see if you can stop and start the flow of urine without moving your legs or squeezing your buttocks together. If you’re doing it right you’ll feel an internal flexing and tightening beneath your bladder, in which case, congratulate yourself! You just found your PC muscle! A word of caution here. This is a great way of finding your PC muscle, but once you’ve identified the muscle, then make sure you aren’t peeing when you actually begin practicing the kegels as this can cause bladder infections. So now you’ve found your PC muscle, just follow these simple steps and you are doing your kegels!

      1. Breathe normally.

      2. Contract your PC muscle.

      3. Hold for a count of five.

      4. Relax your PC muscle.

      5. Repeat ten times.


      The clitoris is the only organ in the human body that has no known purpose other than producing sexual pleasure. You can find the clitoris at the 12:00 position of your vulva. It’s located near the top of the vulva and may be hidden under the labia and/or clitoral hood. The head of

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