The Years of Loving You. Ella Harper

The Years of Loving You - Ella  Harper

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the writing of it. Reliving certain moments in history had been cathartic but also intensely challenging.

      Writing a love story that wasn’t quite a love story had been poignant and then some. But writing it was just something he had had to do.

      He heard Saskia murmuring something in his ear about how much she loved being with him … about her loving his house … the garden … everything about it … everything about him. Saskia wanted more. Ed knew she wanted more. And so did he. Ed wanted more. He was ready to settle down finally. And Saskia was a lovely girl. Perfect for him.

      Ed wasn’t sure about the whole having children thing. Not yet, at any rate. But he could possibly see himself with Saskia long term. She was sweet, funny and loving. They got on well. They had much in common, enjoyed the same things. All of Ed’s friends thought Saskia was beautiful and sweet.

      ‘I’m going to get some champagne,’ Saskia announced. ‘We need to celebrate this moment. Well done,’ she said, giving him a juicy kiss.

      Could he do better than Saskia, Ed wondered? In realistic terms, anyway. He had gone through a number of girlfriends over the years and none of them had captivated him the way Saskia had. She was a straightforward girl, but she appealed to Ed on so many levels. Maybe what he needed in life was someone uncomplicated. Saskia had moved in shortly after they started going out and Ed now couldn’t remember if she had asked or if he had given her a key unprompted, but it didn’t really matter. Saskia didn’t work, but she didn’t need to with all the investments Boyd had put Ed’s way. And Ed could hardly talk. He had worked so hard in the early years of his life, he had welcomed the years he had been able to focus on what he wanted to do – writing.

      Saskia appeared in the doorway. She had shed all her clothes bar her underwear (Saskia did a fine line in underwear) and she was brandishing two flutes and an open bottle of champagne.

      ‘Let’s get drunk,’ she said.

      Ed caught his breath. She really was lovely. They worked. Together, they worked. ‘Come here,’ he said.

      Saskia smiled and sashayed over. Sitting on his lap, she almost dropped the flutes. ‘Ooops! We need those.’

      Ed put his hands around her waist. ‘Marry me, Saskia.’

      ‘W-what?’ She almost dropped the glasses again.

      ‘Marry me.’ Ed kissed her. ‘Let’s get married.’

      Saskia stared at him. ‘Do you really mean it?’

      Ed panicked then pushed the feeling away. ‘I really mean it.’

      ‘Oh my God!’ Still clutching the champagne and flutes, Saskia put her arms around Ed’s neck and kissed him. ‘I can’t believe it. This is so unexpected!’

      Ed grinned. It had been somewhat unexpected on his part as well. He had always thought he would plan such an occasion for months – plotting all the details the way he had learnt to do with novel-writing. He had always thought the event would have a beginning, a middle and an end, not be something he blurted out on a whim.

      ‘You’ve made me so happy,’ Saskia murmured against his ear. ‘I just want to be with you.’

      Ed kissed Saskia. No. He’d done the right thing. He had finally finished his novel and he and Saskia were getting married. Everything was slotting into place. Everything was making sense. In fact, the only thing that didn’t make sense was that Ed’s next thought was that he wanted to call Molly. But this was his and Saskia’s moment. It was just that Molly was the first person Ed always thought of when something important happened …

      Back in the room again, Ed bit his lip. One person was notable by their absence. Where the hell was Molly?

      ‘Where’s Molly?’ Ed said to Sam again, noting that he was off the phone at last. ‘She promised she’d be here.’

      Sam frowned at his phone. ‘No idea. She had to pop out and do something but she didn’t say what. I’m sure she’ll be here. Congratulations, anyway,’ Sam added, tucking his phone away. ‘And I really mean that.’

      Of course you mean that, Ed thought to himself. Sam was hardly his biggest fan and seeing him married off would please him no end.

      He met Sam’s innocent-looking green eyes and something unspoken passed between them. Ed knew that Sam knew that he knew what Sam had done. All with the very best of intentions, no doubt, but still. What Sam had done might have changed the course of history. Maybe. Ed had no way of knowing for sure.

      Saskia appeared at Ed’s elbow. ‘And this is my fiancé,’ Saskia said to one of the friends Ed hadn’t yet met. She was slurring.

      ‘Charmed I’m sure,’ Ed said, leaning in for kisses and pleasantries. ‘Thanks so much for coming.’ Christ, he sounded as though he was already at his wedding. He glanced at Saskia. She really was very drunk. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair was in disarray and she was clearly having trouble standing up.

      ‘Are you ok?’ Ed said into her ear.

      ‘Of course!’ Saskia patted his cheek and looked past him. ‘I’m absolutely fine.’

      ‘You might have had a bit too much champagne,’ Ed grinned. Even plastered, Saskia was ravishing.

      Saskia smiled. ‘Maybe. I’m just having fun.’

      ‘Me too.’ Ed gave her a kiss. He watched her walk away from him, happy to see her enjoying herself so much.

      ‘I’ll give Molly a call,’ Sam said as he took his leave. ‘Chase her up. If I can’t get hold of her, I’ll probably call it a day and pop home.’

      Ed nodded back, itching to get his phone out and chase Molly. Where on earth was she? It was his engagement party, for heaven’s sakes! Ed had attended Molly’s wedding and they hadn’t even been speaking to one another at the time.

      ‘Ed, lovely do.’ Boyd pumped Ed’s hand.


      ‘Listen, we need to chat about some of our investments.’ Boyd raked a hand through his hair. ‘Sorry to do this at your party, but I’m afraid I have some bad news.’

      Ed raised his eyebrows. ‘Christ, I won’t have to sell the house, will I? Saskia will never forgive me.’

      Boyd shook his head gravely. ‘I don’t think it will come to that, no.’

      ‘I was joking, Boyd!’ Ed felt a jolt of shock. ‘Are you saying we’ve lost some serious money here?’

      ‘I’m afraid so.’ Boyd was joined by two of his many children. They wrapped their arms around his legs and started whining about wanting crisps. ‘As I say, apologies for the timing, but I had to warn you.’

      ‘Er … thanks. I guess.’

      Ed felt a tremor of anxiety. The last thing he needed was for his investments to take a turn for the worse. His life was finally getting settled. He glanced over his shoulder. Where was Saskia? She seemed to have disappeared. He decided to go in search of her; he was about to make a slushy speech and she really needed to be around to hear that.

      Ed headed for the toilets but couldn’t locate Saskia. About to give up, he heard a giggle coming from the kitchen area. A Saskia giggle. Hoping she was ok, Ed poked his head in. His smile faded.

      Saskia was kissing one of the bar staff. With some enthusiasm. She caught sight of him and stopped.

      ‘Ed.’ She put a hand to her mouth.

      The young bar chap looked extremely uncomfortable. ‘Shit. Sorry. I was … this is …’

      ‘Not what it looks?’ Ed shook his head. ‘Let’s not be silly.’ He held the door open for the boy who scuttled out, red in the face.

      ‘Ed, I’m sorry about that.’ Saskia swallowed.

      ‘About what?’

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