Fool's Gold Collection Volume 4: Halfway There / Just One Kiss / Two of a Kind / Three Little Words. Susan Mallery
clear on my goals. Getting involved would mess up everything.”
“It would.”
She appreciated that he didn’t point out he hadn’t actually said he was interested in her.
“But you’re leaving,” she continued. “In a way, that makes things safer. There’s a time limit, so even if we did get involved, it wouldn’t be for very long.”
“Lessening the distraction factor.”
“Are you making fun of me?” she asked.
One corner of his mouth curved up. “Maybe a little.”
“I suppose I deserve it. You’re right. It doesn’t have to be that complex. There’s an Easter Egg Drop tomorrow. Want to go?”
“An Easter egg what?”
She laughed. “People decorate raw eggs and bring them to city hall. Then we drop them.”
“Raw eggs?”
“It’s fun and strangely satisfying.”
“It’s a little disgusting.”
“Maybe. You in?”
“Absolutely. What time?”
“I’ll pick you up at ten. You’re at the Lodge, right?”
He nodded. “I’ll be waiting in the lobby.”
* * *
THE LUCKY LADY Casino Resort was north of Fool’s Gold, nestled on over a hundred acres at the foot of the mountains. Through time and rain and probably a few earthquakes, a pass had been created a couple of miles due east of the land where the casino sat. On the other side of the mountain were more mountains, each with its own unique shape.
With changing temperatures and perfectly placed canyons and valleys, there was a constant difference in barometric pressure, otherwise known to the layperson as what created wind.
For Ryan the unique placement of the casino and the land meant a sweet two-acre spot that was always blustery. It was the perfect place for wind turbines.
He stood with Ethan at the foot of the massive machines. Ethan downloaded the most recent readings onto his tablet, then tapped to get them in chart form.
His boss shook his head. “Well, damn. You were right. We’ve increased efficiency by three percent just this week.”
“A small sampling of what’s happening,” Ryan pointed out. “We need more data over time to be sure the modifications are working, but it looks promising.”
“Modest?” Ethan asked.
Ryan shrugged. “I like to be sure.”
He was confident about his calculations, but he had learned that what worked on a computer program didn’t always translate to the real world.
“Caution is good,” Ethan told him. “What about the blades themselves?”
“I’m still working on that. I should have new designs ready in the time we agreed on.”
He was tasked with modifying the existing blades for the turbines. The steady high wind by the casino meant more electricity could be generated with a higher degree of certainty. Maximizing that was why he was here. First with program tweaks, then with the physical blades.
“I have a lot of customers who are interested in what we’re doing here,” Ethan told him. “It’s going to be difficult to get them all in to talk to you before you leave.”
“I’ll fit them in as best I can.”
Ethan studied him for a second before nodding slowly. Their arrangement had been clear from the beginning. Ethan wanted a project completed, not a new employee. Ryan had needed time to figure out his next career move. So this had worked for both of them.
The job in Texas gave him a lot of what he wanted. Great pay, interesting work, a chance to advance in his field. Everyone he’d met on his interviews had been friendly, and there was a lot to be said for how pretty the girls were in the Lone Star State.
But he wasn’t sure. Maybe because the company was so large, or it was located so far from his family in eastern Washington State. Whatever the reason, he’d put off accepting the offer.
Now that he’d been in Fool’s Gold a couple of weeks, he found himself liking it more and more. It was a small town without being too small. Fayrene was part of the appeal, he admitted to himself. But she’d made it clear she was only looking for temporary. Which meant staying or going had to be his own decision—not based on his feelings for her.
“You take that job in Texas yet?” Ethan asked.
“No. I have six more weeks until I have to give them an answer.”
Ethan turned off his tablet, and they headed for the truck. “That’s a long time to wait for you.”
Ryan grinned. “I like to think I’ll be worth it.”
Ethan chuckled. “I’m sure you do.”
“SEE,” FAYRENE SAID as she and Ryan went down the front stairs of city hall and out onto the street. “Wasn’t that satisfying?”
Ryan chuckled. “Strangely, yes. I didn’t expect it to be.”
“You have good aim.” While her eggs had drifted off course, Ryan had hit the bull’s-eye nearly every time.
Now that she’d made the decision it was okay to have a casual relationship with him while he was in town, she was able to relax and enjoy the tingles and zaps she felt in his company. When they reached the street and he took her hand in his, she hung on tight.
This was nice, she told herself. Four years was a long time to go without dating. She should do this more often. Hang out casually. All she needed was a series of interim guys. Although to be honest, she couldn’t imagine any of them being better than Ryan. Not just in the looks department, but in how he acted. She supposed there was a reason people said that character mattered.
“Where to now?” he asked.
She glanced at her watch. It was nearly noon. “We have time to get lunch and still find a good place to watch the parade. Because it’s Easter tomorrow, there are a lot of bunnies.”
“Live bunnies?”
“A few of those, but mostly people in bunny costumes. Dozens of them. Entire families dress up like rabbits. It’s pretty cool.”
“How could I make that up?” she asked. “You’re going to see the parade. And there’s the Bonnet Brigade.”
“I don’t think I want to know what that is.”
“Women in bonnets, of course. Some are handmade, a few are bought. They’re all lovely. And huge.”
“These aren’t regular hats?”
“Not exactly. You’ll have to see for yourself.”
“I can’t wait.”
They walked down Katie Lane to Fourth and reached the park. Food vendors were set up along the parade route. They debated the traditional burger or hot dog versus more exotic street food.
“This is what my sister’s been talking about,” Fayrene said as they waited in line for the first elephant ears of the season. “Having a food cart of some kind.”
“She’s a chef, right?”
She nodded. “She found a trailer on eBay and is thinking of putting in a bid. She would have to remodel it pretty quickly to be up and running