A Regency Gentleman's Passion: Valiant Soldier, Beautiful Enemy / A Not So Respectable Gentleman?. Diane Gaston
Badajoz, Spain—1812
A woman’s scream pierced the night.
Countless screams had reached Captain Gabriel Deane’s ears this night, amidst shattering glass, roaring flames and shouts of soldiers run amok. The siege of Badajoz had ended and the pillaging had begun.
The marauding soldiers were not the French, not the enemy known to live off the bounty of the vanquished. These were British soldiers, Gabe’s compatriots, prowling through the city like savage beasts, plundering, killing, raping. A false rumour saying Wellington would permit the plundering had sparked the violence.
Gabe and his lieutenant, Allan Landon, had been ordered into this cauldron, but not to stop the rioting. Their task was to find one man.
Edwin Tranville.
Edwin’s father, General Tranville, had ordered them to find his son, who’d foolishly joined the marauders. Once inside the city Gabe and Landon had enough to do to save their own skins from drunken men in the throes of a bloodlust that refused to be slaked.
The scream sounded again, not distant like the other helpless cries of innocent women and children—this woman’s cry was near.
They ran in the direction of the sound. A shot rang out and two soldiers dashed from an alley, almost colliding with them. Gabe and Landon turned into the alley and emerged in a courtyard illuminated by flames shooting from a burning building nearby.
A woman stood over a cowering figure wearing the uniform of a British Officer. She raised a knife and prepared to plunge its blade into the British officer’s back.
Gabe seized her from behind and wrenched the knife from her grasp. “Oh, no, you don’t, señora.” She was not in need of rescue after all.
“She tried to kill me!” The British officer, covering his face with bloody hands, attempted to stand, but collapsed in a heap on the cobblestones.
At that moment another man stepped into the light. Lieutenant Landon swung around, pistol ready to fire.
“Wait.” The man raised his hands. “I am Ensign Vernon of the East Essex.” He gestured to the unconscious officer. “He was trying to kill the boy. And he attempted to rape the woman. I saw the whole thing. He and two others. The others ran.”
The two men who passed them? If so, it was too late to pursue them.
“The boy?” Gabe glanced around. What boy? He saw only the woman and the red-coated officer she was about to kill. And nearby the body of a French soldier, pooled in blood.
Gabe kept a grip on the woman and used his foot to roll over her intended victim. The man’s face was gashed from temple to chin, but Gabe immediately recognised him.
He glanced up. “Good God, Landon, do you see who this is?”
Ensign Vernon answered instead. “Edwin Tranville.” His voice filled with disgust. “General Tranville’s son.”
“Edwin Tranville,” Gabriel agreed. They’d found him after all.
“The bloody bastard,” Landon spat.
Vernon nodded in agreement. “He is drunk.”
When was Edwin not drunk? Gabe thought.
Another figure suddenly sprang from the shadows and Landon almost fired his pistol at him.
The ensign stopped him. “Do not shoot. It is the boy.”
A boy, not more than twelve years of age, flung himself atop the body of the French soldier.
“Papa!” the boy cried.
“Non, non, non, Claude.” The woman strained against Gabe’s grip. He released her and she ran to her son.
“Good God, they are French.” Not Spanish citizens of Badajoz. A French family trying to escape. What the devil had the Frenchman been thinking, putting his family in such danger? Gabe had no patience for men who took wives and children to war.
He knelt next to the body and placed his fingers on the man’s throat. “He’s dead.”
The woman looked up at him. “Mon mari.” Her husband.
Gabe drew in a sharp breath.
She was lovely. Even filled with great anguish, she was lovely. Hair as dark as a Spaniard’s, but with skin as fair as the very finest linen. Her eyes, their colour obscured in the dim light, were large and wide with emotion.
Gabe’s insides twisted in an anger that radiated clear to his fingertips. Had Edwin killed this man in front of his family? Had he tried to kill the boy and rape the woman, as the ensign said? What had the two other men done to her before it had been Edwin’s turn?
The boy cried, “Papa! Papa! Réveillez!”
“Il est mort, Claude.” Her tone, so low and soft, evoked a memory of Gabe’s own mother soothing one of his brothers or sisters.
Fists clenched, Gabe rose and strode back to Edwin, ready to kick him into a bloody pulp. He stopped himself.
Edwin rolled over again and curled into a ball, whimpering.
Gabe turned his gaze to Ensign Vernon and his voice trembled with anger. “Did Edwin kill him?” He pointed to the dead French soldier.
The ensign shook his head. “I did not see.”
“What will happen to her now?” Gabe spoke more to himself than to the others.
The woman pressed her son against her bosom, trying to comfort him, while shouts sounded nearby.
Gabe straightened. “We must get them out of here.” He gestured to his lieutenant. “Landon, take Tranville back to camp. Ensign, I’ll need your help.”
“You will not turn her in?” Landon looked aghast.
“Of course not,” he snapped. “I’m going to find her a safe place to stay. Maybe a church. Or somewhere.” He peered at Landon and at Ensign Vernon. “We say nothing of this. Agreed?”
Landon glared at him and pointed to Edwin. “He ought to hang for this.”
Gabe could not agree more, but over fifteen years in the army had taught him to be practical. He doubted any of the soldiers would face a hanging. Wellington needed them too much. General Tranville would certainly take no chances with his son’s life and reputation. Gabe and Landon needed to protect themselves lest Tranville retaliate.
More importantly, Gabe needed to protect this woman.
“He is the general’s son.” His tone brooked no argument. “If we report his crime, the general will have our necks, not Edwin’s.” He tilted his head towards the woman. “He may even come after her and the boy.” The captain looked down at the now-insensible man who had caused all this grief. “This bastard is so drunk he may not even know what he did. He won’t tell.”
“Drink is no excuse—” Landon began. He broke off and, after several seconds, nodded. “Very well. We say nothing.”
The captain turned to Vernon. “Do I have your word, Ensign?”
“You do, sir,” the ensign readily agreed.
Glass shattered nearby and the roof of the burning building collapsed, sending sparks high into the air.
“We must hurry.” Gabe paused only long enough to extend a handshake to the ensign. “I am Captain Deane. That is Lieutenant Landon.” He turned to the woman and her son. “Is there a church nearby?” His hand flew to his forehead. “Deuce. What is the French word for church?” He tapped his brow. “Église? Is that the word? Église?”
“Non. No church, capitaine,” the woman replied. “My …