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‘but I do know that life is for living and sometimes you have to take chances, otherwise you would do nothing but sit and quiver in a corner and wonder about what might have been.’

      Rebecca scowled. He probably thought she was a complete wimp, but what did he know of how she had struggled to come to terms with what had happened before?

      In the end, though, what choice did she have in this situation? Connor was relying on her to stay with him throughout this journey, and she couldn’t let him down, could she? He was just a young boy who was sick and dependent on her. He had already been through more in his young life than any child should suffer. How would she live with herself if she went back on her word?

      With that solely in mind, she straightened her shoulders and began to walk towards the helicopter, well aware that Craig was staying close by her side the whole time. Perhaps he was afraid that she would change her mind and decide to turn back.

      Once inside the helicopter, Rebecca tried to put aside her fears and busied herself by going to check on Connor. She took no notice at all of what Craig might be doing.

      ‘How are you bearing up?’ she asked the child as she made sure that his safety harness was fixed securely in position.

      ‘I’m OK.’ The boy mumbled, already half-asleep, and for a few moments afterwards his breathing appeared to be slightly laboured. He looked as though he was exhausted.

      She checked the portable monitors. His heart rate had increased and there was a slight flush to his cheeks, but perhaps both of those things were only to be expected, given the nature of the journey ahead. His temperature was slightly raised, but there was nothing that she could see that would give her cause for concern.

      ‘You should make sure that you’re strapped in,’ the copilot advised her, ‘and then we can be on our way.’

      She nodded, acknowledging him and the pilot, a man in his late thirties, who gave a brief wave of his hand before turning back to check his instrument panel. Rebecca looked around at the seating area and then chose a position where she would easily be able to attend to Connor throughout the flight.

      In the meantime, Craig slipped a headset in place over the boy’s ears and then went to find his own seat nearby. He fastened his safety harness and checked that she had done the same.

      ‘Put on your headset,’ he told her. ‘It will be easier for us to talk to one another that way.’ He indicated a switch that enabled two-way communication, and she nodded to show that she understood.

      ‘He seems to be coping fairly well so far,’ he said, giving a slight nod towards Connor. ‘With any luck we’ll have him settled in the hospital back home before too long. I gather his parents are on the mend and waiting to see him?’

      ‘That’s right. They’ve been keeping in touch, of course, by phone. I rang the hospital this morning, and the staff nurse said that both of them were doing reasonably well. His father’s had an operation to fix his damaged knee, and Connor’s mother is up and about now, although she’s having to rely on crutches.’

      ‘That’s good. I expect it will have cheered Connor up to know that his parents are doing all right.’

      Rebecca nodded, but her concentration began to waver as the pilot put the helicopter in motion, and she felt the pull of being lifted up into the air. A huge knot started to form in her stomach. For a moment or two she felt nauseous, and after a while she realised that she was gripping the arm of her seat so tightly that her knuckles were turning white.

      She tried breathing in deeply for a while, but it didn’t seem to be having much of an effect. Pulling a tissue from her pocket, she dabbed at the clammy beads of perspiration that had started to form on her brow.

      ‘We’ll be going over Kielder Water very soon,’ Craig said. ‘You can already see the moorland and the pine forests coming into view. Keep watching and you’ll see that there’s a lovely hotel just beyond the lake. It’ll come into view any minute now. It’s a great starting point from there to explore the Chevin Hills and the woodland all around.’

      Rebecca was trying to listen to what he was saying, but her heart was thumping in an erratic fashion, and she was finding it difficult to stay in control of herself. She had to get a grip on her emotions, because she was there first and foremost to watch over her patient, and what use would she be to him if she let her nerves get the better of her?

      ‘Take a look out of the window,’ Craig urged. He leaned across her, his chest brushing her arm as he moved to show her the view. ‘See, over there,’ he murmured. ‘There’s a beautiful log cabin, nestled among the silver birch trees. I’ve stayed there, it’s fabulous. There’s a veranda, where you can sit on a hammock and watch the sun sink below the horizon.’

      He glanced down at her, a glimmer of teasing invitation in his eyes. ‘You should try it some time. There can’t be anything more satisfying than to simply laze away a summer’s evening with nothing more to do than snack on good food and sip cocktails.’

      It might well be a pleasant prospect, but Rebecca was in no state to take in his advice. In fact, she was doing her utmost to try to ignore the way his arm almost wrapped itself around her as he pointed out the distant hills. It set off alarm bells in her head, and her heart, still pounding from the anxiety of take-off, increased its beat to a staccato, heavy thud.

      Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to think about that log cabin for a while. At the least it might help to calm her down. The very image of a log cabin conjured up woodland scenes, fishing by the lake and long walks in the countryside.

      Who had joined him on those walks? Of course, she didn’t imagine for a moment that he would have been there alone. Her brow furrowed. And why should that thought bother her, anyway? She hardly knew the man, and yet even now when she was at her most vulnerable state he had managed to permeate her consciousness and stir her curiosity.

      Her mouth made a wry twist. ‘Chance would be a fine thing,’ she said, ‘but I imagine you must have an affinity for that kind of leisure activity.’

      Keyed up as she was, she regretted the words almost as soon as she had said them. After all, he might have come across as a kind of happy-go-lucky vagrant initially, but in reality he was nothing of the sort. It was only her heightened sense of apprehension that was making her so crabby and ill mannered.

      He laughed. ‘Don’t we all?’ He sent her a fleeting glance. ‘Be honest, would you still be doing this job if you could swap places with a millionaire playboy?’

      ‘Probably,’ she said, her tone short. ‘There is a certain satisfaction in knowing that you’re saving lives and helping people to recover from unfortunate events, don’t you think?’

      He gave a noncommittal shrug, as though he might be sceptical about that, and she frowned. Was he really as indifferent as he appeared? All her life she had wanted to be a doctor, to be able to take care of people in their hour of need. No matter what setbacks and dilemmas she had come up against in her career, none of that had ever changed.

      She looked over to where Connor lay, casting a sweeping glance over the monitors. The child’s breathing was becoming more laboured and his oxygen level was gradually falling.

      She unhooked the oxygen equipment from its mounting and, raising him lightly, showed Connor the breathing mask. ‘This will help to ease your chest,’ she told the boy. ‘I’m just going to place it over your nose. Try breathing in as deeply as you can.’

      Connor did as she suggested, and after a while Rebecca began to relax a little as his oxygen level began to rise slightly.

      Satisfied that she had done everything she could for the moment, she settled back in her seat. Or rather she tried to settle. There was no escaping the fact that they were still hurtling through the air, the rotors whirring above them, and far below her the landscape stretched out for miles around in all directions.

      ‘We’re heading towards the southern uplands,’ Craig said. ‘If you look closely, you might be able to see

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