Just Friends To . . . Just Married. Renee Roszel
gets her fix, you get a meeting planner and I get to be the partner I deserve to be, not a coffee toting toadie.”
Though his mood was far from happy, he couldn’t help but grin at her imagery. “I’d like to see somebody treat you like a toadie.”
“Yeah?” she said. “Well, the next man who does will lose a favorite body part.”
Jax’s grin faded as he tried to get his mind around the whole Kim problem. He knew she would stay as long as she felt she needed to, but that didn’t mean he had to do all the giving. From the moment she arrived on his porch, he’d been frustrated and angry to find her back in his life, complicating things, shredding his peace of mind.
To balance the scales, maybe he could use her for a change. It wouldn’t be the kind of “using” that would break hearts, only the kind that would exploit her expertise. If he couldn’t have her as his life, he wanted her out, and that had to include shucking the title of “friend.” When all was said and done, he would have to lay it out for her, painful as it might be.
But for Tracy, for the present, he would bite the bullet. During the next ten days he would continue to play the role of friend and confidant to Kim, no matter how deeply it cut.
He refocused on his partner, decision made. “Okay,” he said. “For you, I’ll ask Kim to be our official hostess. Feel better?”
Tracy stood, walked around to him, took his face between her hands and kissed his forehead. “You, Jax Man, are a prince.”
After she left, he sat for a long time feeling like hell. “I’m sorry, Kim,” he muttered. “But your dear old Jax is about to use you—then lose you. It’s time.” He slumped back and closed his eyes. “You’ll hate me but…blast it, as hard as it will be for me to say goodbye, dealing with your anger, even your hatred, will be easier than living my life tortured by this unbearable, celibate intimacy we share now.”
Kim couldn’t believe her ears. Had Jax actually asked for her help? “Are you kidding?” she said, excited. “You want me to hostess your business meeting?”
He stood there looking so serious, as though he actually thought his request might be an imposition. “I would—that is my business partner and I would appreciate it.”
She hugged him. “I’d be thrilled. You’ve done so much for me to let me come here and stay with you. And since I’ve got some free time before my next job, it would be my pleasure, my honor!” She slid her hands down his arms to affectionately squeeze his fingers. “This is right up my alley.” She had a thought. “So what needs to be done? Set up catering? Arrange outings for the wives? Tell me and it’s done.”
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