The Magnate's Mistress. Miranda Lee

The Magnate's Mistress - Miranda Lee

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again, I won’t be able to wait. I’ll ravage you in the back seat of this car and to hell with everything.’

      Tara wasn’t sure if she liked this beastlike Max as much as the civilised one she was used to. But she suspected that if he kissed her again, she wouldn’t care if he ravaged her on the back seat.

      In fact, she was already imagining him doing just that, and it sent her head spinning.

      Just then, a couple of young fellows walked by and one of them ogled her before pursing his lips in a mock kiss. When he turned to his mate and said something, they both laughed.

      Tara cringed.

      ‘Then please don’t kiss me,’ she choked out.

      Max, who hadn’t seen this exchange, shook his head at her. ‘Still playing the tease? That’s a new one for you, Tara. What’s happened to the sweet, naive, extremely innocent virgin I met a year ago?’

      ‘She’s been sleeping with you for a year,’ she countered, stung by his inference that this change today was all hers.

      His eyes darkened. ‘Do I detect a degree of dissatisfaction in those words? Is that why you were late today? Because you were thinking of not coming to pick me up at all?’

      ‘So glad that you finally cared enough to ask why I was late!’ she snapped. ‘For your information, I had words with my mother and then I missed my train.’

      Did he look relieved? She couldn’t be sure. Max was not an easy man to read.

      ‘What was the argument about?’


      That surprised him. ‘What about me?’

      ‘Mum thinks you’re just using me.’

      ‘And what do you think?’

      ‘I told her you loved me.’

      ‘I do.’

      Tara’s heart lurched at his words. Do you, Max? Do you, really?

      ‘If you truly loved me,’ she pointed out agitatedly, ‘then you wouldn’t talk about ravaging me in the back seat of a car in a public car park.’

      He seemed startled, before a thoughtful frown gathered on his high forehead. ‘I see the way your mind is working, but you’re wrong. And so was I. You’re not a tease, or a hypocrite. You’re still the incurable romantic you always were. But that’s all right. That’s what I love about you. Come along, then, princess. Let’s get you home, where we can dive into our lovely four-poster bed and make beautiful romantic love all weekend long.’

      ‘Do we have a whole weekend this time, Max?’ Tara asked eagerly, relieved that the threat of being publicly ravaged in the back seat of Max’s car had been averted.

      ‘Unfortunately, no. I have to catch a plane back to Hong Kong around one tomorrow afternoon.

      ‘Sorry,’ he added when her face fell. ‘But things there are going from bad to worse. Who knows where it will all end? Still, that’s not your concern.’

      ‘But I like to hear about your work problems,’ she said truthfully, and touched his arm.

      He stiffened for a second before picking up her hand and kissing her fingertips. The entire surface of Tara’s skin broke out into goose-pimples.

      ‘I haven’t come home to talk about work, Tara,’ he murmured. ‘I’ve come home to relax for a night. With my beautiful girlfriend.’

      Tara beamed at him. ‘You called me your girlfriend.’

      Max looked perplexed. ‘Well, that’s what you are, isn’t it?’

      ‘Yes. Yes, that’s what I am. I hope,’ she muttered under her breath as she turned away from him and hurried round to the passenger side.

      She could feel his eyes on her as she climbed into the car. But she didn’t want to see what was in them. It was enough for now that he’d called her his girlfriend. Enough that he’d declared his love. She didn’t want to see the heat in his gaze and misinterpret it. Of course he desired her, as she desired him. Of course!

      But he won’t ever give you what you want, Tara.

      Yes, he would, she reassured herself as the car sped towards the city. Till he left for the airport tomorrow, he would give her his company, and his love, and his body. Which was all that she wanted right at this moment. His body possibly most of all.

      Even now, she was thinking of the hours she would spend in bed with him, of the way she felt when he caressed and kissed her all over, when he made her melt with just a touch of his finger or a stab of his tongue. She especially liked it when he played with her endlessly, bringing her again and again to the brink of ecstasy, only to draw back at the last moment, making her wait in a state of exquisite tension till he was inside her.

      Those were the best times, when they reached satisfaction together, when she held him close and she felt their hearts beating as one.

      The car zoomed down into the tunnel which would take them swiftly to the city, the enveloping darkness making Tara even more aware of the man beside her. She glanced over at his strong profile, then at his hands on the wheel.

      Her thighs suddenly pressed together at the thought of him taking her, her insides tightening.

      When Tara sucked in sharply Max’s head turned and his eyes glittered over at her. ‘What are you thinking about?’

      She blushed and he laughed, breaking her tension.

      ‘Same here. But we’re almost there now. It won’t be long to wait.’


      THE Regency Hotel—recently renamed the Regency Royale by Max—was situated towards the northern end of the city centre, not far from Circular Quay. Touted as one of Sydney’s plushest hotels, it had a décor to suit its name. Guests could be forgiven for thinking they’d stepped back in time once they entered the reception area of the Regency, with its wood-panelled walls, velvet-covered couches and huge crystal chandeliers.

      The arcade which connected the entrance of the hotel to the lobby proper was just as lavish, also resonant of England in past times, with its intricately tiled floor and stained-glass ceiling. The boutiques and bars which lined the arcade reflected a similar sense of period style and grace.

      Max had once told Tara that was why he’d bought the Regency. Because of its period look.

      The Royale chain specialised in hotels which weren’t modern-looking in design or décor. Because modern, Max told her, always eventually dated. History and grandeur were what he looked for in a hotel.

      Tara had to agree that this made sound business sense. Of all the hotels in Sydney, the Regency Royale stood out for its style and good, old-fashioned service. But it was the look of the place which captivated guests. The day she came here for her interview at Whitmore Opals eighteen months ago, she’d spent a good while walking around the place, both amazed and admiring.

      Today, however, as Max ushered her along the arcade past her place of employment, her focus was on anything but the hotel. Her thoughts were entirely on the man whose hand was clamped firmly around her elbow, and on the state of almost desperate desire he’d reduced her to.

      Never, in the twelve months they’d been seeing each other, had she experienced anything quite like this. She’d always been happy for Max to make love to her. But never had she wanted him this badly.

      ‘Afternoon, Mr Richmond,’ a security guard greeted as he walked towards them.

      ‘Afternoon, Jack,’ Max replied, and actually stopped to talk to the man whilst Tara clenched her teeth in her jaw.

      It was probably only a minute before they moved on but it felt like an eternity.

      ‘Glad to see you again, Mr Richmond,’ another

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