High-Stakes Inheritance. Susan Sleeman

High-Stakes Inheritance - Susan  Sleeman

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      She had to keep up the wall, or he’d hurt her again. “I really don’t want to talk about this with you.”

      Laying a gentle hand on her cheek, he turned her to face him. “You’re letting your anger at me cloud the issue, and you’re acting reckless.”

      She let his hand linger like a caress. The tender warmth felt right. Like old times, before the breakup. When she thought they’d be together forever. When she believed in the pure love of a man. When she could afford to take chances.

      She shook his hand off. “My safety is none of your concern.”

      “Given the way I treated you I can understand how you could think that, but I don’t want to see you get hurt.” He lifted his helmet and ran a hand over sweaty hair. “We should call Russ and tell him about the threat.”


      “He’s the police chief now. He can help.”

      “I don’t want anyone to know about this. I’ll handle it my way.”

      “But this is too—”

      “I said no! I don’t want everyone in town gossiping about me on my first day back. If you care about me like you said, you’ll keep this to yourself.” She locked her eyes on his. “Promise me you won’t tell him. Or anyone. You owe me that much.”

      “Fine.” He let out a frustrated breath. “I’ll go along with you, but you should reconsider and tell him yourself.”

      “She okay, Morgan?” A firefighter with Chief lettered on his helmet hustled toward them, breaking the mood.

      Ryan stood but kept his gaze glued on hers. “I sure hope so.” His double meaning didn’t escape her, but she forced back her feelings.

      “You the only one in the barn?” The chief directed his question at her.

      “I think so,” Mia said, blocking out Ryan and paying full attention to the chief. “There’s a truck in there, but it was completely engulfed in flames. I don’t know if anyone was in it, but at least Jessie got out safely.”

      The chief faced Ryan. “Morgan, you go help Becker investigate that truck. Dupree can take care of Mia for now.”

      “I’m on it.” Ryan let his eyes linger long enough to tug Mia’s emotions back to life, then he took off.

      As much as she tried, Mia couldn’t keep her focus from Ryan battling his way into the south end of the building. Fear equal to finding Jessie trapped in the blaze crept over her. He was risking his life to check the truck for survivors. Something brave firefighters did every day. But her heart didn’t clutch under her ribs for those firefighters.

      What was up with that anyway? Did she have residual feelings for him or had his kind, compassionate eyes caught her off-guard like they always had in the past?

      One of the EMTs plopped down next to her, ending Ryan’s captivating pull.

      Good. Now she could get her mind off him and on to figuring out how to follow up on the fire. She’d do what she always did, organize and control her steps so she didn’t let feelings get in her way. With Ryan threatening her emotional stability, she was going to need an extra-detailed plan so he didn’t derail her from her quest.

      Planting his feet wide apart, Ryan gripped the pulsing hose and trained the spray in front of Becker as he neared the truck. Becker picked his way through the smoldering ruins and flare-ups before giving a thumbs-up indicating the truck was clear. No lives were lost in the fire today.

      A wave of relief washed over Ryan as he turned the hose over to the other fireman and headed for the chief to tell him the news. Today had been a good day.

      Being a firefighter in a small town meant if someone perished in a fire, you likely went to school with them, or to church—or served on a committee together. Worst case, you were related or in love with the person, maybe planning to marry.

      Like Cara. Except she didn’t die in a fire. A madman ended her life. Much like the lunatic threatening Mia might do.

      Ryan halted his steps and fixed his gaze on her. Even beaten down by her ordeal she had the same vibrancy in her personality as he remembered from high school. Sure she’d been unstable in so many ways back then, but her longing to be loved by her uncaring father fueled that behavior. Ryan had hoped his unconditional acceptance of her might have been enough. But it wasn’t. Couldn’t fill the ache left by the loss of her mother and an overbearing father.

      Eyes fixed on her, Ryan resumed walking. He’d been wrong. So wrong to end things the way he did. Now he didn’t know how to get her to hear him out. He should just walk away with his guilt firmly planted in his gut. She didn’t deserve to relive the day just to relieve his suffering, but he had no choice.

      If he had to make her suffer a little more so she’d listen to his warnings before the lunatic behind the threatening letter and the fire struck again, then that’s what he would do.


      A blustery gust of wind kicked up from the north and slid crisply over Mia. Not that she minded the cooling air after the heat of the fire. Didn’t seem to bother EMT Sally Dupree either as she strapped a blood pressure cuff on Mia’s arm. She relaxed and let her gaze drift to Jessie.

      Sally’s partner ministered to the pipsqueak of a girl who didn’t stop asking questions about the procedures. Her tone was lighthearted, and she cracked up when the EMT tickled her, but a haunted glaze dulled the sheen of her eyes.

      Mia had no desire to laugh after what she’d just survived, not even if it was forced. As a counselor, she knew kids had the ability to recover faster from trauma than adults. Children could also appear to be fine but suffer tremendous emotional scars. She would make a point of telling Jessie’s parents about signs that indicated Jessie had a residual problem.

      “Do you know if anyone notified Jessie’s parents?” Mia asked.

      “Jessie’s mother died a year ago, but I’m sure someone called Reid, and he’ll be here soon.” Sally frowned and planted her stethoscope on Mia’s chest. “Deep breaths.”

      Feeling a kindred connection from the death of a mother, Mia studied Jessie more intently. Her shoulders drooped in defeat and her gaze skittered about as if fearing an attack from an unknown force.

      Today’s trauma coupled with the recent loss of her mother could plummet Jessie into a depression. Hopefully Reid parented Jessie better than Mia’s dad had her when her mother died, or the child could be destined for a rocky adolescence.

      Sally pulled her stethoscope free and tsked. “We need to get you to the hospital.”

      No. Not the hospital!

      Her father would be there.

      Mia sat up. “I’d rather not go, unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

      “Trust me. It’s necessary.” Sally’s somber tone left no room for argument. She summoned her partner on a radio then strapped a mask over Mia’s mouth.

      She inhaled the cool oxygen and tried to relax even as pain ripped into her side from the transfer to the gurney and trip into the ambulance. She offered a smile at Jessie sitting on a bench seat below a wall of equipment. Jessie’s eyes mirrored Mia’s emotions, and she returned the smile with an uneasy stare.

      After the EMTs secured the gurney and stepped to the end of the ambulance, Jessie jumped down and knelt near Mia’s head.

      “Don’t tell anyone I was in the barn,” Jessie whispered in Mia’s ear.

      Mia lifted her mask. “You weren’t supposed to be in there?”

      “No.” Jessie clasped her hands together and stared at them. “Since my mom died, everybody says I shouldn’t be alone so much. But I like to be alone so I can read.”


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