Stand-In Mum. Marie Ferrarella

Stand-In Mum - Marie  Ferrarella

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let Marta catch her breath.”

      Much to Sara and Mac’s delight, Marta shook her head, siding with them.

      “Oh, no, don’t let me catch my breath. This is great.” Half in love with the overwhelming duo already, Marta flashed a smile at Sydney over their heads. “There’re only two instead of thirty. I can manage, really.” Looking down at the pair, she fired back answers to their questions. “No, I’m not going to stay here forever, but I will be here for a couple of weeks.” From the corner of her eye, she saw Sydney’s look of pleasure. “And I couldn’t wait to get here myself.” She thought of the Cessna’s bumpy ride. “Although I wasn’t so sure about the last leg of the trip.”

      Wispy bangs caught in tiny furrows as Sara scrooched her brow. “Do trips have legs?”

      “That’s just an expression she’s using, darlin’,” Ike interjected.

      Marta noticed that the little girl preened at the endearment. Why shouldn’t she? At seven, Sara didn’t know any better. She hadn’t at twenty-four, Marta thought ruefully. But she did now.

      “And yes,” Marta continued, running a hand over each silky head, “I know that she’s your mom. Every single letter she’s written to me since she got here has been full of things about you.” The information pleased both children, who puffed up their chests importantly. “I don’t have any kids of my own for you to play with, but I’ll play with you myself if you let me.” The declaration was received with unsuppressed excitement. “And I would love to see your rooms.”

      Quicker than her brother, Sara caught Marta’s hand in hers first. “This way.”

      Sara might have been quicker, but Mac was stronger and more determined as he took the visitor’s other hand and pulled her in the opposite direction. “No, she said she wanted to see my room.”

      Sydney hung her parka on the rack, throwing her blue scarf on top of it. She looked at Marta, her point proven.

      “See what I mean by overwhelming?” She got in between the boy and girl. “Kids, let go of Marta, she’s not a pull-toy or a wishbone.” Reluctantly, they each let go of the hand they were holding. “She’s going to be here for a while, so everyone’ll get their turn with her.”

      “Does that include me?” Ike was behind her, gently helping her off with her parka before Marta could think to stop him.

      Soft and low, his voice moved like a seductive, rich scent along the spring breeze. Surrounding her. The smile on his lips hit her with the force of a lightning bolt when she turned around to face him. Unprepared, she felt the definite crackle of electricity passing over her. Into her.

      Gotta watch that, Marta, she warned herself. You know what charmers are like. The man obviously had had a lifetime to hone his skills of seduction, and, like the children, welcomed a new diversion.

      Not this time, mister. This time, you’ve met your match. I’ve had my shots.

      Like a referee stepping between two contenders to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, Sydney was quick to get between Marta and Ike. She took Marta’s parka and hung it next to hers. “Ike volunteered to show you around when you feel like sightseeing.”

      I just bet he did, Marta thought. Because the children were there, she kept the comment that immediately occurred to her to herself. Instead, she smiled broadly at Sara and Mac, placing a hand on each of their shoulders.

      “All the sights I came to see are right here in this room.” She cast an offhanded glance in Ike’s direction. “Besides, I’m here as a friend, not a tourist.”

      Sara’s pretty face puckered again. “But how are you going to fall in love with Alaska if you don’t see it?”

      So, there was a plot afoot. And Sydney looked so innocent, pregnant and all. Marta raised a bemused brow in Sydney’s direction. “I have no intention of falling in love with Alaska.” Her eyes strayed toward Ike. “Or anything else.”

      Ike stepped in, the expression on his face one that any poker player would have envied. “Wasn’t that the plan? To show her around and get her to stay?”

      It had been what she’d hoped for, but nothing that Sydney had put into so many words. At least, not to anyone but Shayne. Obviously she was going to have to have a word with her husband about what the word secret meant.


      He heard the warning note in Sydney’s voice and grinned. “Let the cat out of the bag, didn’t I?” His glance, all encompassing and appreciative, swept over Marta again before returning to Sydney. “Never mind, if it’s meant to happen, it’ll happen.”

      Marta had the very distinct impression that the tall saloon keeper wasn’t talking about a love affair that had to do with frozen rivers and snow-covered mountains. Pointedly, she smiled up into his face. “Just as long as no one is holding their breath.”

      It wasn’t his breath he was counting on holding, but a beautiful and quite possibly underappreciated woman, he mused. But for now, it was time to ease out of the range of fire.

      “Well, you two ladies have a lot to catch up on, so I’ll leave you—” he looked at Marta before momentarily linking his fingers with Sydney’s and holding her hand up “—in these very capable hands.” Before breaking the connection, he raised Sydney’s hand to his lips and kissed it.

      Annoyance pricked at Marta. She wasn’t his to leave anywhere. Why did he just assume he could take possession of her, as if she were some wild strawberry growing in the field, waiting to be picked?

      “Very considerate of you,” she said coolly.

      If she meant to put him off, she was going to have to do a lot better than that, he thought. Ike merely grinned, tickled by her tone. “Good thing I didn’t take off my parka.”

      “Me, next!” Sara held up her hand to Ike to be kissed. She looked at Marta over her shoulder. “Did you know Ike’s French?”

      “I knew he was something,” Marta murmured.

      The laugh was low, unsettling. When Ike reached for her hand, Marta reflexively pulled it behind her back. He didn’t press the matter. Instead, he inclined his head. “Nice meeting you, darlin’.”

      Marta raised her chin, a challenge in her eyes. “My name is Marta.”

      The grin grew wider, sexier. “Yes, I know, darlin’. I always pay attention, especially when there’s a pretty woman involved.”

      Sydney moved between them again, escorting him the few steps to the front door. Afraid that Marta might say something to spoil her plans. She hooked her arm through Ike’s. “Thanks for coming with me, Ike.”

      Genuine affection shone in his eyes when he looked at Sydney. “Always a pleasure spending time with you, you know that.”

      Impulse pushed an idea into Sydney’s head. She’d planned on moving slowly, but maybe a full-scale attack would be the better way to go. After all, there were only two weeks with which to work.

      “Come for dinner tonight. We’re having your favorite.”

      The Kerrigan table already boasted of a dish he was interested in, Ike mused. “Don’t go to any extra trouble for me. I’d come if you were serving shoe leather. It’s the company, not the food, that I look forward to, darlin’. See you tonight.” His eyes took in everyone in the room, resting fleetingly on Marta before he eased himself out the door.

      Walking back to the all-terrain vehicle he’d left parked in the garage that he’d helped Shayne renovate six months ago, Ike began whistling softly. The wind stole the melody less than a couple of seconds after it emerged.

      He glanced back over his shoulder, smiling. It looked as if things were going to be rather interesting for a little while.

      If nothing else, Marta Jensen was certainly very easy on the eye. Seeing her

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