The Forced Marriage. Sara Craven

The Forced Marriage - Sara  Craven

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said, ‘Perhaps you’d show me where the bathroom is.’

      She had, inevitably, to cross his bedroom to reach it, and she followed him, her eyes fixed rigidly on his back, trying not to notice the kingsize bed with its sculptured ivory coverlet.

      The bathroom was all creamy tiles edged with gold, and she stood at a basin shaped like a shell and took her first good look at herself, her lips shaping into a silent whistle of dismay.

      Shock had drained her normally pale skin and she looked like a ghost, her clear grey eyes wide and startled. There was a smudge on her cheek, and her shirt was dirty and ripped, exposing several inches of lacy bra. Which Marco Valante was bound to have noticed, she thought, biting her lip.

      Well, perhaps the valeting service could lend her a safety pin, she told herself as she removed her suit and carefully peeled off her torn tights.

      She washed her face and hands, then did her best to make herself look less waif-like with the powder and lipstick in her bag, before turning her attention to her unruly cloud of dark red hair.

      Usually, for work, she stifled its natural wave, drawing it severely back from her face and confining it at the nape of her neck with a barrette or a bow of dark ribbon. Although a few tendrils invariably managed to escape and curl round her face.

      But today the ribbon had gone, allowing the whole gleaming mass to tumble untrammelled round her shoulders, and no amount of struggling with a comb could restore it to its normal control.

      But then nothing was normal today, she thought with a sigh, as she put on the oversized towelling robe and secured its sash round her slim waist. It covered her completely, but she still felt absurdly self-conscious as she made her way back to the sitting room.

      Only it was not Marco Valante awaiting her but the nurse, a brisk blonde in a neat navy uniform, clearly more accustomed to reassuring elderly tourists about their digestive problems. But she cleaned Flora up with kindly efficiency, putting antiseptic cream and small waterproof dressings over the worst of her grazes.

      ‘You don’t expect that kind of thing,’ she remarked, giving her handiwork a satisfied nod. ‘Not in a busy street in broad daylight. And why you, anyway? You’re hardly wearing a Rolex or dripping with gold.’

      Flora agreed rather wanly. The same question had been nagging at her too. After all, she wasn’t the world’s most obvious target. Just one of those random chances, she supposed. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

      But, if it came to that, she was still in the wrong place, with no escape in sight.

      Marco Valante had tactfully withdrawn while she was receiving attention, but now Room Service had arrived, bringing the tea, and he would undoubtedly be rejoining her at any moment.

      And she would have to start thanking him all over again, she thought with vexation, because along with the tea had been delivered a carrier bag, bearing the name of a famous store, containing not only a fresh pair of tights but a new white silk shirt as well. Even more disturbingly, both of them were in her correct size, confirming her suspicion that this was a man who knew far too much about women.

      Accordingly, her smile was formal and her greeting subdued when he came back into the sitting room.

      ‘Are you feeling better?’ The green eyes swept over her, as if the thick layer of towelling covering her had somehow ceased to exist. As if every inch of her body was intimately familiar to him, she thought as her heart began to thud in mingled excitement and panic.

      ‘Heavens, yes. As good as new.’ From some unfathomed corner of her being she summoned up a voice so spuriously hearty that she cringed with embarrassment at herself.

      ‘And the hotel assures me your clothes will soon be equally pristine.’ He seated himself opposite to her. ‘They are being dealt with as a matter of priority.’ He paused. ‘But it seemed to me that your blouse was beyond help.’

      Flora said a stilted, ‘Yes’, aware that her face had warmed. She reached for her bag. ‘You must let me repay you.’

      ‘With the greatest pleasure,’ he said. He shrugged off his jacket and tossed it across the arm of the sofa, unbuttoned his waistcoat with deft fingers, then leaned back against the cushions, the lean body totally at ease. ‘Have dinner with me tonight.’

      Flora gasped. ‘I couldn’t possibly.’

      ‘Perche no? Why not?’

      ‘I told you.’ Her colour deepened, seemed to envelop her entire body. ‘I’m engaged to be married.’

      He shrugged. ‘You already told me. What of it?’

      ‘Doesn’t it matter to you?’

      ‘Why should it? I might be fidanzato also.’

      ‘Well—are you?’

      ‘No.’ Had she imagined an oddly harsh note in his voice? ‘I am a single man, mia bella. But it would make no difference.’ He paused, the green eyes sardonic. ‘After all, I am not suggesting we should have our dinner served in bed.’

      He allowed that to sink in, then added silkily, ‘Do you feel sufficiently safe to pour the tea?’

      ‘Of course.’ Flora dragged some remaining shreds of composure around her. ‘Milk and sugar?’

      ‘Lemon only, I thank you.’

      By some miracle she managed to manoeuvre the heavy teapot so that its contents went only into the delicate porcelain cups and not all over the tray, the table, and the carpet, but it was a close-run thing, and her antennae told her that Marco Valante was perfectly well aware of her struggles and privately amused by them.

      She handed him his cup, controlling an impulse to pour the tea straight in his lap.

      He accepted it with a brief word of thanks. ‘Did you telephone your clients?’

      ‘Yes.’ An impersonal topic, she thought thankfully. ‘They were very forgiving and rescheduled.’

      ‘You do not think your fidanzato would be equally understanding, and spare you to me—for one evening?’

      She gasped. ‘I know he wouldn’t.’

      ‘Strange,’ Marco Valante said musingly. ‘Because he cannot be so very possessive.’

      ‘Why do you say that?’

      He smiled at her. ‘Because he has never—possessed you, mia bella.’

      Flora gasped in outrage. ‘How dare you say such a thing?’

      ‘When possible, I prefer to speak the truth. And I say that you are still—untouched.’

      ‘You—you can’t possibly know that,’ she said hoarsely. ‘And it’s none of your business anyway.’

      ‘Destiny has caused our paths to cross, Flora mia,’ he said softly. ‘I think I am entitled to be a little—intrigued when I look into your eyes and see there no woman’s knowledge—no memory of desire.’

      She replaced her cup on the tray with such force that it rattled. She said tautly, ‘Actually, you have no rights at all. And I’d like to leave now, please.’

      ‘Like that?’ His brows lifted. ‘You will be a sensation, cara.’

      She said, her voice shaking, ‘I’d rather walk down the street naked than have to endure any more of your—humiliating—and inaccurate speculation about my personal life.’

      Marco Valante smiled. ‘I am tempted to make you prove it, but I am feeling merciful today. I will arrange for you to have the use of another room while you wait for your clothes.’

      He picked up the phone, dialled a number and spoke briefly and succinctly.

      ‘A maid will come and take you to your new sanctuary,’ he told her pleasantly when he had finished. He pulled a leather-covered

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