Hostage Bride. Anne Herries

Hostage Bride - Anne  Herries

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up to them. Some of his men had followed the robbers into the woods to the side of the road and she could hear screams as the men-at-arms cut them down.

      The knight who had come to their rescue was wearing chain mail under his tunic. The tunic was white and bore a red cross on the tabard, proclaiming him as a Crusader well-hardened in battle. It was hardly surprising that the robbers had fled; they had attacked two women and three men-at-arms and been confronted by a Crusader and at least nine men-at-arms in full battle-cry.

      The knight’s hair was covered by the hood of mail and a heaume, which hid his face from her. He drew his horse to a halt and saluted her with his sword.

      ‘I trust you came to no harm, lady?’

      ‘None. My thanks to you, sir. Had you not arrived in such good time I think we should have been robbed—and worse.’

      ‘I dare say they would have killed you all, lady,’ the knight said. ‘You take risks riding with such a small escort in these parts. There are ruthless bands of robbers that take the law into their own hands.’

      ‘I have heard that there is one such ruthless robber—a powerful man whose castle is close by.’

      ‘Do you speak of Lord Mornay?’

      ‘Yes, sir. I am on my way to deliver something to him and if you are travelling in the same direction I would crave your protection.’

      The knight seemed to hesitate, then inclined his head. ‘Your men will follow us, lady. It is to the castle of Mornay that we are bound.’

      ‘You know Lord Mornay?’

      Again the hesitation, then, ‘Yes, I know him. Tell me, why do you visit this lord, since you fear him?’

      ‘I have business that I may discuss only with Lord Mornay. Please do not ask for I may not tell you.’

      ‘Very well, lady. Ride beside me. I shall escort you to the castle.’


      ‘This is as far as we go,’ Fitzherbert said as he drew his horse to a halt and looked at Rosamunde. ‘Our orders are to wait three days and then leave—but if you wish I will leave a man to watch for you.’

      The party had halted outside the castle while the drawbridge was let down. The sound of chains rattling and the sight of high, forbidding walls sent a chill down Rosamunde’s spine. A growing sense of foreboding had come over her as she rode beside the knight who had rescued them, and now her courage almost ebbed away.

      ‘Would you wait at the village we passed an hour since?’ Rosamunde asked Fitzherbert. ‘We may need an escort when we return to my father’s house.’

      ‘I shall wait for two weeks,’ he said. ‘Send me word if you wish me to wait longer.’

      ‘I thank you for your kindness,’ Rosamunde said. ‘We shall leave you now. Maire, ride close to me and lead the packhorse.’

      ‘Forgive me,’ Fitzherbert said as Maire tried to take the leading rein from him. ‘I would come in with you, lady, if it were up to me—but I must obey my orders. However, I shall wait in the village, as I have said, and the others can return to Sir Thomas.’

      Rosamunde looked at him steadily. ‘Are you sure you wish to disobey your master? He may be angry with you for not returning to your post.’

      ‘I shall risk his wrath willingly in your service, my lady,’ Fitzherbert replied. ‘I have watched you since you first came to serve Lady Angelina and admired you. I am but a soldier with no hope of becoming a knight—but I would give my life for yours, lady.’

      ‘Oh …’ Rosamunde felt her cheeks grow warm. The man’s look said more than any words and she felt her eyes sting. ‘I do not wish you to die for me, sir—but I shall be grateful for your support. I—I do not know what awaits me, but if I need your help I shall send word to the village. Please do nothing that would draw Lord Mornay’s wrath upon yourself. It will serve no purpose.’

      ‘I shall merely observe and wait in the village, my lady.’

      Rosamunde could not help but be comforted by the thought that he would be close if she needed him. Lord Mornay’s stronghold was built of grey stone and its walls were stout, almost impregnable once the drawbridge was raised. A prisoner within those walls could not expect to be rescued.

      How hopeless her uncle must feel as Lord Mornay’s prisoner. Even had she been tempted to run away, Rosamunde could not have deserted him now. She had brought the ransom in her cousin’s place and she must pray that it would be sufficient to secure her uncle’s release.

      The knight who had rescued her, and his men, had gone in ahead of her. He and his men were dismounting even as her horse clattered over the wooden drawbridge. The knight had taken off his heaume and was speaking to a thin man who wore the robes of a steward. The steward glanced at her and then leaned forward to say something no one else was meant to hear.

      Rosamunde’s throat felt tight and her heart was beating fast as someone came to help her down. She breathed deeply, because she had a terrible feeling that her escort was no other than Lord Mornay himself. He must have been angered when she’d accused him of being a ruthless robber, no better than the rogues from whom he had saved her. As she struggled to compose her thoughts, the steward came hurrying towards her.

      ‘Lady Angelina? Am I right—you are the daughter of Count Torrs?’ he asked, and bowed low as she nodded her assent. ‘I am Mellors, steward here, and my lord has sent me to welcome you to the castle. He has business that keeps him from greeting you himself. I am to show you to your chamber. He will speak to you when he has time.’

      ‘Lord Mornay knows that I have brought my father’s ransom?’

      ‘Yes, lady.’ The steward gave her an odd glance before turning to lead the way inside. ‘My lord knows why you are here, but for the moment he is too busy to see you.’

      ‘You will please tell Lord Mornay that I wish to see him as soon as possible. I have no desire to remain here for longer than necessary.’

      ‘It may be best if you wait until my lord is ready,’ the steward replied. ‘He has much on his mind at the moment.’

      ‘You will please give him my message.’ Rosamunde lifted her head in a haughty manner, imitating her cousin.

      ‘It might be best to wait, my lady,’ Maire whispered at her side. ‘You do not wish to make him angry.’

      She bit her lip but made no further request, a little shiver going through her as she mounted the stone steps to the room at the top of the west tower.


      ‘You have not told the lady that her father has already been released?’

      ‘You asked me to leave it to you, my lord.’ ‘Had she arrived a day sooner, she might have heard it from his own lips, but the count is already on his way to the Low Countries to meet in secret with others who seek Richard’s freedom. Two of my friends have gone with him, to protect him and keep him safe until his mission is complete.’

      ‘The lady seems impatient to leave, my lord.’

      A wry smile touched Raphael’s mouth. ‘If she has heard stories of my father, it is hardly surprising. She may be in some danger, Mellors. If Prince John hears what I’ve done, he might seek to take her captive and gain his ransom that way. Besides, we discovered her at the mercy of a robber band, and there are many others in this country. Prince John’s taxes have made the people desperate and they care little for his law. It may be best if the lady remains here under my protection until her father comes back to claim her.’

      ‘Do you wish to see her?’

      ‘Please ask the lady to join us at supper in the hall. I have more important tasks for the moment—Prince John’s messenger awaits an answer to his letter to my father. I must send him my answer before I attend to other business.’


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