Final Deposit. Lisa Harris

Final Deposit - Lisa  Harris

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has little to do with mathematics.” With her bare feet propped up on the coffee table, she looked content and relaxed. “College seems like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it?”

      He nodded. All except for that one day when he’d looked across a pile of math books at her and suddenly wondered what it would be like to kiss her. He’d be risking their friendship, but he thought it might be worth it. But before he’d had a chance to act on the notion, her mother’s cancer diagnosis had whisked her out of school. Out of school and out of his life. Missing his chance with Lindsey was one of his few regrets.

      And now, all these years later, she was sitting across from him again, making him want to forget the urgent phone call from his coworker, Monday’s business meeting downtown and more importantly, the fact that he lived a thousand miles away. He hadn’t expected that seeing her again would dredge up these feelings and remind him of the dozens of times he’d wondered what would have happened if he’d asked her out all those years ago.

      “The Star-Spangled Banner” played, jolting him back to reality.

      Lindsey rummaged through her purse and then held up her cell phone. “You don’t mind, do you?”

      “Not at all.”

      He watched while she took the call, making a determined effort to rein in his unruly emotions. Somewhere between listening to his best friend say “I do” and watching him kiss his bride, Kyle had dropped off the edge of insanity. His life was fine. Complete. He didn’t need a woman to find happiness. He caught another glimpse of her beautiful eyes and wondered at the truth of that statement.

      Lindsey’s face was pale as she flipped the phone shut.

      Kyle leaned forward, sensing something was wrong. “What’s up?”

      “That was the hospital. My father’s just been taken to the emergency room.”


      Kyle watched as Lindsey grabbed for her purse, her hands shaking as she stumbled to her feet. “I’m sorry. I’ve got to go.”

      “Whoa. Slow down.” He jumped up from the couch. “You’re not going out anywhere by yourself.”

      “I’ll be all right.” She slung her purse across her shoulder. The rosy blush she’d had all evening had completely disappeared from her face. “Apparently he fell and hit his head.”

      “You’re in no condition to drive.” He slid his laptop into his black leather briefcase before snatching up his tuxedo jacket. “I can drive you to the hospital and then take a taxi back to my hotel once I know everything’s okay.”

      She stared at his shirt, tears suddenly glistening on her eyelashes. “Are you sure?”

      He stopped himself from reaching out to touch her cheek. “Trust me. Even if they’re still here, which I doubt, Sarah and Brad won’t miss either of us.”

      “You have a point.” She cocked her head. “What about your shirt?”

      He glanced down at the chocolate smear, then pointed to the shoes she’d just picked up off the floor. “I’d say neither of us will win a prize in the best-dressed category.”

      Her faint smile brought a tinge of color back to her cheeks. “I’ll go grab another pair from Sarah’s bedroom.”

      “Good. I’ll let someone know where we’re going. I’ll meet you back down here in a couple minutes.”

      The relief that washed over her face made him glad he’d been with her when the call came in. It also made him realize how much he’d missed her. And how much he didn’t want their time together to end.

      He glanced at his watch. Nine forty-five. The hour time change from D.C. would make the late night even later for him, but he could grab a couple hours of extra sleep in the morning. All that mattered right now was getting Lindsey to her father.

      Five minutes later, they were speeding down the freeway toward the hospital. Lindsey sat beside him, her fingers nervously toying with the strap of her purse. “I appreciate you doing this for me. You were right. I don’t think I could have driven.”

      “It’s not a problem. It gives me a chance to see a bit of the city.”

      Lindsey’s soft laugh filled the car. It was a laugh he’d like to hear more of. “I can think of prettier cities at night, but you’re a sport.”

      He switched to the fast lane, thankful traffic was light for a Friday night. “Tell me what happened with your mother.”

      Her heavy sigh caused him to wonder if he’d brought up the wrong topic. Upsetting her further was the last thing he wanted to do. “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business—”

      “No, no, it’s fine. My mother’s cancer went into remission for several years, and then came back pretty aggressively. She died four years ago.”

      “I’m so sorry, Lindsey.”

      “I still miss her a lot, but I’ve come to accept that she’s in a better place.”

      “And your father? I always liked him. How is he?”

      Her gaze drifted out the window. “For the most part, he was coping pretty well, until about eight or nine months ago.”

      “What happened then?”

      “He was diagnosed with prostate cancer. His prognosis is good, but I’m worried about him.” The lights of a passing semi caught her grave expression. “He’s become detached. And he’s concerned about money even though he has a sizable retirement fund.”

      “Does he go out much?”

      She shook her head. “Not anymore. He used to be involved with church and the local Rotary Club, but I think his friends have pretty much given up on him.”

      Kyle let up on the accelerator and changed lanes again to allow a speeding car to pass him. “How does he spend his time?”

      “On the Internet. And watching television.” She motioned for him to take the next exit. “I invite him to go places with me as often as I can, but most of the time he comes up with an excuse to not go. He wouldn’t even come to Sarah’s wedding.”

      Kyle flipped on his turn signal and eased onto the exit ramp. The red glow of the emergency entrance announced the hospital ahead. His grip tightened on the steering wheel as memories of his last visit to the E.R. flashed before him.

      “What about your family?” she asked.

      “My parents retired to Florida and love it. My sister actually lives here in Dallas with her husband and twin daughters. I’m planning to have dinner with them tomorrow night. I don’t see them near as often as I’d like.”

      “Sarah told me that your brother, Michael…” Her voice trailed off, as if she didn’t know how to finish the sentence.

      Kyle swallowed. “He died about six years ago.”

      “I’m sorry, Kyle,” she said, her voice full with sympathy.

      “It was a shock to all of us.” He pulled up at the emergency entrance, glad to have a reason to change the subject. “I’ll park the car and meet you at the patient-information desk, okay?”

      “Okay. Thanks.”

      He met her ten minutes later and told her where he’d parked. “Any word on your father’s condition?”

      She slipped the ticket into her purse. “I saw him briefly. They’ve admitted him for observation, which is standard for a head injury. Plus, his blood pressure’s elevated as well as his heart rate. But hopefully he’ll be able to go home tomorrow.”

      Kyle shoved his hands into his front pockets. “Do you want me to stay with you for a while?”

      She shook her head. “You’ve done so much already,

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