Striptease. Alison Kent
“You want to get into my pants.”
“Repeatedly.” Jacob grinned.
“You’re talking about having an affair.” Melanie stared at him, not sure what to think.
“Is what we’ve done together so far nice?”
She glanced down, picked at a knotted thread on her linen top. “I’m not sure I’d call it nice.”
“Then call it not-so-nice. But not-so-nice in a way that it’s so hot, so tight, so—” Jacob clenched one hand into a solid fist “—so genuinely real that even if you do go back to the way things were before, nothing will seem the same.”
Melanie looked into his eyes, listened to his voice, loving every second of what he was making her feel. Never in her life had she felt this sort of connection that went far beyond anything she’d ever thought of as sexual. This, this…untamed sense of being ruled by her body instead of the mind, the intellect she’d cultivated all her life. What was wrong with her?
He wanted to continue what they’d started. He wanted to call it an affair.
She said the only thing she could, a very simple “Yes.”
Dear Reader,
I’ve had such a great time with the women of gIRL-gEAR, creating their stories and getting to know these heroines along with the rest of you. After reading the first three stories in early 2002, many of you wrote to ask the fate of the remaining gIRLS: Melanie Craine, Kinsey Gray and Annabel “Poe” Lee. So let’s get started.
In Striptease, we find techno-wiz Melanie Craine dealing with her worst nightmare—a man who challenges her need for order and control while being guilty of the very same thing. Sparks definitely fly—and not only from the video equipment! Striptease defines the concept of high-tech romance!
I hope the wait for Melanie’s story has been worth it. And I hope meeting Jacob Faulkner has you pulling that videocam out of storage to explore all the possibilities it offers! I’d love to hear what you think of Striptease.
Visit me on the Web at or! And stay tuned for Kinsey’s story, Wicked Games, coming in October, followed by Indiscreet, Poe’s story, in January.
Alison Kent
Alison Kent
For all the readers who continue to ask
after the rest of the gIRLS. This one’s for you.
A big thank-you to Larissa Estell,
Jill Shalvis and Donna Kauffman for the daily whine fest. That’s what friends are for!
And to Jan Freed.
I owe you, bud, for fixing the parts I knew were broken as much as for repairing what I couldn’t see. A girls’ night at the movies to celebrate sounds like a plan!
The gIRLS of gIRL-gEAR
by Samantha Venus for Urban Attitude Magazine
Samantha Venus, intrepid reporter, insatiable gossip, back at long last with news about our favorite fashion divas. They soon won’t be only our hometown honeys, but national—dare I say international—treasures.
My favorite L.A. production company and my favorite television show hostess with more mostess than most, Ann Russell, will pry out secrets even my bloodhound nose has not been able to divine. And the prospect is just that. Divine.
Even better is this little tidbit Samantha has scooped for all you darlings. Ann and the gIRLS will be baring all, so to speak, for our local Avatare Productions’ deliciously dishy videographer Jacob Faulkner.
This reporter, for one, can only hope for a bit of reciprocal baring. We all know that there is nothing quite as yummy as a man stripped to his bare essentials!
Until that blissful day, dear readers…Samantha Venus signing off for Urban Attitude Magazine.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
MELANIE CRAINE ENTERED the sanctuary of the neighborhood church two blocks from the Hollisters’ home. Three quick steps into the air-conditioned interior and she thudded to a stop.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she muttered, knowing he wasn’t kidding her at all.
What he was doing was ignoring every word of this morning’s phone conversation during which she’d told him—yet again—where she wanted the cameras located for tonight’s taping of Lauren and Anton’s wedding.
Melanie jammed her pocket PC’s stylus into its slot, then zipped the whole device into the pale yellow case at her waist. She was not about to let down the bride or the groom. Especially not after the honor of being asked to handle their wedding video details.
Setting her videographer on the straight and narrow had just become job one.
Her status as gIRL-gEAR’s resident geek gave Melanie the inside scoop on the city’s best in high-tech photographers and video firms. And Avatare Productions had been the obvious choice.
Or so she’d thought until she’d been stuck with the company’s hard-headed, opinionated and—yes, okay—admittedly hunky crew chief.
No doubt about it.
Jacob Faulkner had been put on this earth to ruin her life.
But she’d be damned if she’d let him ruin her day.
Marching down the aisle to the raised dais, she stood on the first step, watching him tilt one of the remote-controlled cameras he’d mounted on either end of the choir box railing.
“Back up about three steps,” he ordered her without looking up.
Melanie took three steps toward him instead. “What are you doing?”
“The job I’ve been hired to do.” Frowning at the camera’s LCD screen, he gestured to a point behind where she stood. “Not forward. Back. About six steps.”
She shoved hands to hips and dug in her heels. She so did not want to fight with this man. Not today. “I thought we agreed the planter boxes were situated in the best spot for filming the wedding party.”
Jacob continued to check the LCD image. “You suggested the planters.” He shrugged. “I considered the suggestion.”
Obviously for about as long as it had taken him to throw it away. She, on the other hand, had checked out the angle at least a dozen times