A Promise...to a Proposal?. Kate Hardy

A Promise...to a Proposal? - Kate Hardy

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If you’re not busy with a date at the weekend, maybe we could do something together,’ he said lightly. ‘There’s that new action film.’

      ‘You want me to go and see a guy-flick with you?’ She laughed. ‘Ellis, much as I love you…’

      As a friend, he reminded himself sharply.

      ‘….action flicks really aren’t my favourites.’

      ‘Hey, this one has a plot,’ he protested.

      ‘As if,’ she scoffed, still laughing. ‘All right, if you’re so desperate to see it, I’ll go with you. But it’s on the understanding that I want ice cream and popcorn.’

      ‘Deal,’ he said. It wasn’t a date date. But it would be enough. Because he didn’t have the right to ask for more.


      IT WAS A busy week on the ward. Ruby’s favourite day of the week was spent delivering twins in a birthing pool; the water birth was calm and peaceful, and it was a good experience for Coral, as well as being exactly what the mum wanted.

      Saturday afternoon turned out to be dull and rainy, so she went to the cinema with Ellis to see the action flick. As promised, he bought her popcorn and ice cream; although the film wasn’t really her cup of tea, she still enjoyed his company.

      After going to a tiny bistro for pasta and a bottle of red wine, Ellis saw her home.

      ‘Want to come in for some coffee?’ she asked.

      ‘I’d love to. Thanks.’ He smiled at her.

      When they were both sprawled comfortably on the sofa with a mug of coffee, Ruby said, ‘Tina says I shouldn’t give up on the dates just yet.’

      ‘She’s planning to set you up on a blind date with another of her colleagues?’ Ellis asked.

      ‘No. She suggested I try one of those online matchmaking sites.’ She looked at him and raised an eyebrow. ‘What, you don’t approve?’

      ‘It’s not like going on a blind date with someone who’s a friend of a friend, which means you sort of know them already, or at least know that they’re OK. With a dating site, you’re planning to meet a total stranger,’ Ellis said. ‘And people don’t always tell the truth on those things. They can put a photograph up that’s years out of date and claim to like a lot of interesting things, just to get someone to pick them for a date.’

      ‘Maybe the odd person would do that—odd in both senses of the word—but most people don’t do that sort of thing. Don’t be such a cynic. And think about it, Ellis. Once you’re our age, most of your friends are in a relationship and so are most of their friends, which means you know hardly anyone else who’s single. Apart from through friends or work, how else are you going to meet someone?’

      ‘I guess you have a point,’ he said.

      She paused. ‘Actually, you know, you could try it.’


      ‘Putting your profile on a dating site.’

      ‘Why?’ He looked at her in bewilderment.

      ‘Because you haven’t dated at all in the last year or so.’

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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