The Braddock Boys: Travis. Kimberly Raye
her touch. The long, hard thighs braced on either side of her own. The prominent erection pressing just below her belly button.
She reached out a hand to her left to feel for the light switch, but he caught her wrist and pinned her arm above her head. He went stiff in the next instant and if she hadn’t known better, she might have thought he was purposely trying to keep her in the dark. But just when his grip grew a little too tight, he eased his hold and drew the palm of her hand to his lips.
His lips pressed against her palm. The kiss was soft, tender, loving and for a split-second, she actually forgot this was meaningless sex.
“Exactly how warm are you?” Evan’s voice pushed past the frantic staccato of her heart and yanked her back to reality and the fact that she was getting naked in a storage closet with a man she’d met less than five minutes ago.
Romeo and Juliet it wasn’t.
“I think it’s here somewhere—” she offered, but then strong hands plucked off the headset. A heartbeat later, it clattered to the floor.
“But I’m working—” Strong, sensual lips silenced the rest of her protest in a fierce, determined kiss that scrambled her common sense and drew her full and complete attention.
He tugged the blouse from her skirt. Long, determined fingers worked at the buttons until the silk parted. A flick and her bra clasp opened. The cups fell away. Thumbs rasped her nipples and her breath caught.
Before she had a chance to drag some much needed air into her lungs, he dipped his head and drew the aching tip deep into his mouth. He sucked her so hard that she felt the tug between her legs.
She shuddered as he slid his hot, wet mouth to her other nipple. He caught it with his teeth and flicked her with his tongue, over and over, making her squirm until he opened his lips and suckled her again.
Heat spiraled through her body and pleasure gripped her for several sweet, intoxicating moments before she felt the sharp prickling sensation on her sensitive skin. His teeth, she knew. But it felt different. Sharper.
Just as the thought struck, he pulled away. His mouth closed over hers, drawing her tongue deep. She thought she felt the same sharp sensation against her bottom lip, but then he plunged his own tongue deep and the floor seemed to tremble.
Desire welled up inside her and suddenly she couldn’t help herself. Since she couldn’t see him, she needed to feel him.
Frantic fingers grappled at his shirt, pulling and tugging until she found her way underneath. Soft, silky hair met her hands and she trembled. Muscles rippled beneath her palms as she trailed them over his chest and down to the waistband of his jeans.
She unbuttoned him with several fierce, frantic tugs. He sprang hot and huge into her hands and she stroked his length. Her fingers slid back and forth, tracing the bulging head, the hard, smooth shaft. She cupped his testicles and massaged them, and his arousal pulsated against her.
He reached for her skirt then, tugging it up and hooking her underwear. He pushed them down her legs until the lycra sagged around her ankles and she stepped free. He reached down, dragging a finger over her sex in a smooth, sweet rhythm that made her moan.
For a fierce moment, she thought she saw a flash of blue in the darkness, like twin laser beams aimed directly at her.
Eyes. His eyes. Staring back at her.
A red alert went off in her brain. His eyes were green. She’d seen them herself.
She blinked and the bursts of color faded into the nothingness that surrounded them.
Still, something wasn’t right.
She reached for the light again, but then he caught her hand and guided it around his neck. “We’re not finished yet, sugar. Hold on tight,” he murmured, his voice deep and raspy. And then he was inside of her and her thoughts scrambled as exquisite heat flooded her body.
He moved in and out in a fierce rhythm. Pleasure needled her brain with each thrust until she couldn’t take any more. She closed her eyes as her orgasm crashed over and consumed her entire body. Tremors racked her and her knees buckled. She went limp, but Travis was there, his strong arms around her, holding her as he plunged deep one last time.
He followed her over the edge, his body rigid. A growl rumbled in her ears and she saw the pinpoints of blue light again. Brighter this time. Fierce.
She blinked, but there was nothing there. Just the consuming darkness and the tiniest sliver of light underneath the door that illuminated her discarded Spanx and the forgotten headset.
She became keenly aware of the noise and Evan’s frantic voice buzzing in the earpiece.
“I have to find the champagne,” she said, but Travis had already stepped back to give her some space.
Cool air washed over her and a strange sense of loneliness crept through her. It was an absurd reaction. She should be feeling anything but lonely. Relieved. Satisfied. Smug.
The sex was over. It was time to get back to work and forget all about this yummy cowboy.
No strings.
The thought stirred an expected rush of disappointment and she stiffened. Not that she wanted the past fifteen minutes to mean something. No sirree.
She’d been there, done that. Not once, but three times as a matter of fact. Each time she’d inched a little closer to wedded bliss. Allen had been her first serious boyfriend. They’d dated exclusively for six months, but he’d bailed before popping the question. Ben had been number two. They’d dated a year and a half and he’d gone so far as to give her an engagement ring. But then he’d asked for it back the next day so he could run off with a waitress from some truck stop. Chad had been number three. They’d dated for two years before he’d asked her to marry him. She’d spent the following year planning her dream wedding.
Third time’s a charm.
That’s what everyone had said, but in Holly’s case, the third had been the last and final piece of evidence that she just wasn’t the marrying kind. Chad had literally left her standing at the altar.
Which was why she’d joined Love Busters and decided to fall into lust instead of the big L.
Sex was easy. Fun. Satisfying.
Still … It had been awhile.
A long, long while.
No wonder her fingers tightened around the doorknob and she paused. Meaningless sex was hard to come by for Holly. It stood to reason that she wouldn’t want to turn her back on her sudden good fortune.
“We could try for round two if you’re game,” Travis’s stirring voice slid into her ears as if he’d read her thoughts. “But I think we might be doing it in front of an audience.”
She became aware of the distinct footsteps that grew louder with each moment that passed. A steady click of leather on tile that told her Evan and his new Feragamos had given up on the barn.
She bent down and snatched up the headset. “Meet me on the back patio,” she blurted. “Now.”
“Where have you been? I’ve been calling you forever!”
“I was busy going through all the boxes the caterer left on the back patio. Stop with the twenty questions and give me a hand.”
“But we found the champagne already. It’s being served up now. That’s what I was coming to tell you. I figured you had a malfunction on the headset and—”
“We have extra on the back patio,” she blurted. “Lots of extra. I’m practically drowning in the stuff. Help!” The footsteps turned abruptly and then a fading clatter signaled that Evan had bought the distraction and was