The Reincarnationist. M. Rose J.

The Reincarnationist - M. Rose J.

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was connected in seconds with an operator.

      “Medical emergency,” he shouted as soon as he heard another human voice, hoping the words were similar enough in Italian for her to understand. They must have been because the woman said and switched him over. While he waited he wondered what he would do if the next operator didn’t speak English. But that turned out to be the least of his problems.

      “Yes, I understand. An ambulance. Where is your location?” the next operator asked.

      An address. A simple thing, really. Except Josh had no idea where he was. He looked down; the professor’s eyes were shut.

      “Professor Rudolfo? Can you hear me? I need to tell them where we are. An address. Can you hear me?”

      No response.

      Josh explained what was going on to the sympathetic woman on the other end of the phone. “He’s not responsive. I’m afraid he’s dying. And I don’t know where we are.”

      “Are there any landmarks?”

      “I’m sixteen feet under the ground!”

      “Go outside, look for something, some sign, a name, a building. Anything.”

      “I’ll have to leave him.”

      “Yes, but you have no choice.”

      He leaned down to the professor. “I’m going outside for a minute.”

      Rudolfo opened his eyes and Josh thought he’d heard the question and was going to tell him where they were, but he wasn’t focused on Josh. Searching the room frantically, his eyes settled on the body of the woman who had died here so many years ago. Then he slipped back into unconsciousness.

      Josh looked over at her, too. “Keep him safe,” he whispered, oblivious of how strange a thing that was for him to do.

      Even though he climbed up the ladder as quickly as he could, he didn’t think he was moving fast enough. Reaching the surface, he scanned the area.

      “I’m in a damn field. I see … there are cypress trees … oak trees …” He turned. “A hill behind me. About five hundred yards away there’s a piece of a gate or a building, very old… .”

      “That doesn’t help. No signs?”

      “If there was a sign, goddamn it—” His voice was strained and loud.

      “There is probably a road, sir. Find the road if you can,” she interrupted.

      “Right. Stay with me. I’ll find something.”

      Josh jogged down the slight hill. Looked left, right. It was just a stretch of two-lane highway. To his right there was a bend blocking the view. To the left, more of the same vista: cypress tress, lush verdant fields with terracotta rooftops far in the background. Nothing specific to help him tell her where they were.

      Someone must know where the hell this place was. Someone other than the man who lay dying in the crypt.

      “Tell me your name,” Josh said to the woman on the phone. “There’s someone I can call to get the address. I’ll call you right back.”

      “My name is Rosa Montanari, but I can stay on the line and connect you. Give me the number, sir.”

      Ninety seconds later, Malachai Samuels answered his cell phone on the second ring. “Hello?”

      “I don’t have any time to explain this to you, but quick, I need you to find Gabriella Chase and get me the exact address of the dig.”

      “I just this minute sat down with Gabriella Chase. For breakfast. Aren’t you coming?”

      “Put her on the phone.”

      “Why don’t you tell me what—”

      “I can’t now,” he interrupted. “This is an emergency.”

      There was a brief pause during which Josh heard Malachai repeating what he’d said. Then he heard a woman’s voice, deep, silvery and anxious.

      “Hello, this is Gabriella Chase. Is something wrong?”

      Josh stayed on the line while Gabriella dictated the address and then while the operator ordered the ambulance. He didn’t understand what was being said, but it was reassuring to know that help was on its way.

      When she finished talking to the paramedics, Rosa told Josh she’d stay on the phone with him until they got there and suggested he check on the professor so she could keep the ambulance drivers updated.

      Rudolfo’s breathing was even shallower and he had less color than minutes before.

      “Professor Rudolfo? Professor?”

      His lips parted and he whispered a few unintelligible syllables.

      “Mr. Ryder? Are you there?”

      Josh almost forgot he was still holding the phone to his ear. “Yes?”

      “How is the professore?” Rosa asked.

      “Very bad. He’s unconscious.”

      “The ambulance should arrive in eight to ten minutes.”

      “I don’t know if he can make it that long. He’s still bleeding. I thought it had stopped. Is there anything I can do until they get here?”

      “I have a doctor standing by.”

      This wondrous woman had an emergency room doctor on another line, and for the next interminable few minutes, with Rosa translating, Dr. Fallachi helped Josh keep the professor alive and stop the blood loss. It would take approximately twenty minutes for someone to bleed out and die from a wound like the one the professor sustained, the doctor said. Josh judged ten to twelve minutes had already passed. It was going to be close.

      From the corner, Sabina, because now that was how he thought of her, looked over at them with her sightless eyes, and under her ghostly gaze he felt the full force of his failure. If this man died, it was his fault. If he hadn’t been in the tunnel, he would have been able to help Rudolfo. Instead, he’d been deep in the earth, bathed in sweat, almost paralyzed with anxiety, crawling toward some long-forgotten remembrance or some insane man’s delirium.

      “I’m sorry,” he whispered. But only the bones heard him. Sabina’s bones.

       Chapter 9

      One minute, Josh was cradling the professor, waiting for the ambulance. The next, the scent of jasmine and sandalwood blew past him, and he braced himself for the first stirrings of exhalation that preceded an episode. At the same time that Josh desperately wanted to stop the lurch, he also ached for it. An addict, this was his drug. It was that exhilarating. It was that horrific.

      Josh had always thought that occasional sense of recognition people experience when they meet someone for the first time and feel an instant connection was nothing to pay attention to. You laugh and say, I’d swear I already know you. Or when you go on vacation to a town you’ve never been to but feel like you have been there before. It’s disturbing, but you shake it off. Or it’s amusing, and you mention it to a friend or spouse.

      It’s just déjà vu, you say, not thinking twice.

      Maybe when it used to happen.

      But not now.

      Malachai and Dr. Talmage had educated him beyond that. That fleeting sense was a gift, a moment of unforgetting, signifying that there was a connection between you and the person you’d just met or the place you’d just visited. Nothing is an accident, nothing is a coincidence, according to theories of rebirth that go back through history, through the centuries, circling through cultures, changing and developing, but only attracting so much controversy in the West after the fourth century A.D. In the East, being skeptical about reincarnation would have been as unusual as questioning the wetness of water.


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