The Desert King's Pregnant Bride. Annie West

The Desert King's Pregnant Bride - Annie West

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life she’d accepted for so long, at the hurt she’d endured. She’d wanted for one night the powerful pleasure she’d known instinctively Khalid could give her.

      He’d probably spent the encounter thinking of some voluptuous beauty, not the awkward emotional woman in his arms.

      Mortified, Maggie felt her face burn.

      She was strong, a survivor. But did she have the nerve to face him this morning? She imagined him trying to stifle his distaste.

      Maggie darted a furtive look over her shoulder. He lay asleep. Even in the pre-dawn gloom the set of his shoulders and deep chest above white sheets snared her gaze. Heat built inside her. That needy ache was back again.

      No! She buried her face in her pillow, only to inhale the faint spicy scent that lingered there. The evocative scent of Khalid’s skin. Her resolve splintered. The temptation to stay was so strong.

      But Maggie was done with fantasy. Last night had been a wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime experience, but it couldn’t lead anywhere. Better to let Khalid wake alone. He deserved that. He’d be relieved to find she wasn’t clinging to him still.

      Slowly, her heart heavy, she pulled back the covers and slipped noiselessly from the bed.

      Khalid woke at dawn. His recall of last night was instantaneous, evidenced by his early-morning erection. Despite the startling perfection of sex with Maggie Lewis it had been a frustrating night. Once was rarely enough for Khalid and last night his climax, despite its rare intensity, had barely scratched the surface of his need. He’d itched for more.

      Only the knowledge that, incredibly, he was her first lover had restrained him from sating himself in her slim, sexy body again and again.

      A powerful shudder ran through him.

      Her first. The knowledge stirred a deeply primitive satisfaction in his belly. He didn’t deflower virgins. He sought pleasure with women who were worldly, experienced and unlikely to cling. Women who knew he no longer had a heart to bestow even on the most generous lover.

      Yet here he was, rampant with sexual hunger for his next taste of Maggie.

      Last night’s shock at her inexperience had worn off. So too had his reservations, that hint of guilt that he’d taken advantage of her vulnerability. She’d wanted him. Had eagerly welcomed him. Then afterwards had curled into him with the trusting innocence of a kitten. No, there could be no regrets.

      The liaison had been unlooked-for, but now it had begun he knew no qualms about pursuing it further. He was a generous lover and she would have no regrets. He’d change his flights to extend his stay. But first… He rolled over, seeking the warm, welcoming embrace of his new lover.

      The bed was empty.

      He swiped his arm over the sheets. There was barely a trace of her warmth. A single movement propelled him out of bed, striding across the room. She wasn’t in the bathroom. Her clothes had disappeared.

      Khalid’s puzzled frown accelerated into a scowl.

      She’d left him without as much as a word? As if he was some sordid secret to be ashamed of! He sucked in a deep breath and willed his clenched hands to relax. But nothing could stem the surge of annoyance, of…outrage.

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