Alexei's Passionate Revenge. HELEN BIANCHIN
a vastly improbable if...the report held a grain of accuracy, the question had to be what Alexei intended to do with it.
At best the details would reveal any fraud had occurred without her father’s knowledge.
At worst...she wasn’t prepared to give that thought any credibility.
‘Read the report.’
Only a fool would fail to recognise the steely intent beneath his silky drawl, and she shot him a baleful glare as she picked up the proffered folder and flipped aside the covering page.
The first thing she noted was the name of the firm who’d compiled the data...and recognised it as one of the foremost sources well known worldwide for its excellent reputation.
Why did she have the instinctive feeling the goal posts had suddenly undergone a subtle shift, when it was she who’d determined to maintain control during this brief...very brief encounter?
A small ball of tension manifested itself in the region of her mid-section, and she took a calming breath before she began skimming the range of figures, dates, only to slow down as growing alarm escalated with each turn of the page. Detailed entries tracking each amount as it passed through an elaborate tracery of accounts.
A trail initiated by direct instructions from Roman Montgomery.
Amounting to millions of dollars.
Natalya felt as if she needed to sit down, and she froze for a few heart-stopping seconds as reality hit home.
If the report was brought to the notice of relevant authorities, her father would face restitution, penalties incurred for tax evasion, and probable jail time.
It was beyond belief.
She lifted her head and looked at Alexei with undisguised incredulity for a few unguarded seconds, before reassembling her features into a taut mask as realisation hit.
‘There’s more.’
Natalya’s eyes flashed dark fire as they fixed on his own. ‘How can there be more?’
Alexei reached behind him, collected a second folder from his desk and handed it to her.
Her reluctance to examine the contents was apparent, and he watched in silence as her shoulders stiffened before she turned her attention to the written details, the photographs, and caught the moment irrefutable proof led to the only possible conclusion.
Roman Montgomery led a double life and had been doing so for many years.
There was an apartment in Paris, occupied by a mistress. A London apartment in fashionable Notting Hill housed a second mistress. Each of whom were maintained by Roman, whose visits coincided over the years with so-called business trips to both cities.
Deeds to both properties were buried beneath a list of subsidiary companies, ultimately tracing back to one man...her father.
Disbelief, together with emotions she was loath to name, coalesced into anger she fought hard to control.
The burning question had to be why had Alexei Delandros hired accredited investigators to delve deep into Roman Montgomery’s business affairs and his personal life?
Why expend so much time, effort and money?
To do what?
Her father? Her?
On the surface, such conjecture appeared unconscionable.
It took considerable effort to remain relatively calm, when her overwhelming desire was to toss both folders onto Alexei’s desk and walk out, take the elevator down to basement car park level and exit with a squeal of tyre rubber.
Not the best idea...but incredibly satisfying. Provided she maintained control and didn’t crash the car. Or worse, suffer an injury or three.
Her eyes darkened as they fused with his own.
‘What do you intend to do with this information?’
Alexei regarded her thoughtfully, noted the tension evident in the way she stood, the straight back, squared shoulders, her eyes fixed intently on his own.
‘That depends on you.’
The only visible indication apparent was a slight narrowing of her eyes, followed seconds later by an increased pulse-beat at the base of her throat.
A vivid reminder of past occasions when he’d touched his lips to that pulse, savoured it, before kissing it gently with his mouth. Her soft husky groan followed by a faint gasp as he used his teeth to tease and nibble a little.
Almost as if his body remembered, he felt its damning response, and silently cursed as he shifted position, using the moment to transfer a slim document and pen from his desk and extend it towards her.
Natalya’s eyes flashed with fine fury as she recognised it as a duplicate of the contract she’d just destroyed.
‘I have no intention of attaching my signature to a document representing any company involving your name.’
‘That’s your final decision?’
‘You might care to consider the fallout if I disclose the information I have on your father to the relevant authorities and the media.’
He’d do that?
The answer was clearly apparent in the chilling darkness in his gaze, and her mind reeled at the impact the exposure would have on her parents, their lives, her mother once Roman’s infidelity became known.
Anger burned her throat. ‘You bastard.’
‘Language,’ Alexei chided mildly.
For a brief moment she wanted to cause him physical harm, unaware how well he was able to read her.
Silence filled the room...ominous, intrusive, threatening.
‘Decision time, Natalya.’
The silky warning apparent in his voice acted as a reality check, and earned him a baleful glare.
‘I need to consider my options.’
‘There are two.’ His gaze seared her own. ‘You sign, or you don’t.’ He waited a beat, then added with irrefutable inflexibility, ‘It’s a simple no-brainer.’
Her father’s indiscretions made public. Worse, much worse...her mother’s humiliation and heartbreak.
The mere thought of the snide whispers, the disdain as the social elite tore her mother’s marriage, her very life to shreds...
A silent curse rose and died in her throat. She couldn’t do that to a caring, loving woman who in no way deserved such denigration.
Natalya subjected Alexei to a killing look which should have felled him on the spot, and gritted her teeth in sheer frustration when he displayed no reaction whatsoever.
‘Give me the damn paperwork.’
Seconds later she tore it from his extended hand and began reading the various clauses. Carefully checking no word or phrase had been changed from the contract she’d initially signed.
Every detail was clearly defined, stating as his PA she’d be on call twenty-four-seven when necessary, and available to accompany him on business trips within Australia and overseas. The contract would be valid for one year...renewable by mutual agreement.
While a term of one year had seemed perfectly reasonable, now it stretched way too long. ‘I insist renegotiating the one-year term down to three months.’
His unequivocal refusal ramped up her anger to boiling point. ‘Revenge or blackmail?’ she demanded tightly. ‘Which?’
He expected her to believe that? ‘And the