Cowboy To The Altar. Rosemary Carter
were well away from the bunkhouse. ‘Anyway, we’re not going in the same direction.’
The remark earned her a furious look. ‘I hope you’re not thinking of going back there,’ Jason snapped. ‘Even you can’t be as stupid as that. I won’t come to your aid again, Morgan, and you can’t expect Charlie to go on protecting you from Hank.’
‘I was never in need of protection,’ Morgan said.
‘Really?’ Jason’s voice was quietly dangerous.
‘Until you came looking for me the men had no idea I was there. Anyway, I’m not going to the bunkhouse, I’m going to my car.’
‘You’re leaving?’ Jason’s tone was odd and his eyes held an inexplicable expression of bleakness.
‘That’s what you’d like, isn’t it?’ Morgan threw the words at him bitterly.
‘Is that what you think?’ Jason asked enigmatically.
Looking up at him, Morgan was struck once more by an appearance that was all rugged toughness. The modelling part of her career brought her into the company of many attractive men. She remembered a man by the name of Casey who had striven for just this tough cowboy effect. But on Casey the stetson and boots, the carefully applied tan and the macho stance had looked contrived—perhaps because Casey was anything but a real cowboy. Jason was the genuine article. For a moment Morgan stared up at him, bemused.
‘I haven’t forgotten your warning,’ she remarked. ‘You said you’d be watching me every moment. I guess you feel free to fire me now. After all, you’ve been wanting me to go ever since you set eyes on me.’
‘What I want isn’t an issue right now.’ Jason’s jaw was inflexible.
Morgan was puzzled. ‘What do you mean?’
‘If you’re thinking of leaving the ranch you’ve left it too late—for today, anyway. It’s dark and you’d get lost long before you reached the highway.’
‘And you don’t want to be responsible if anything happens to me. Jason Delaney, owner of Six-Gate Corral, letting an irresponsible female loose at night on the lonely prairie. Wouldn’t do your reputation much good, would it?’
‘You really are the most provocative woman,’ he said through clenched teeth. ‘It will be good riddance when you do hit the road. And you’re right—I don’t want you on my conscience.’
‘Actually,’ Morgan said unhappily, ‘I don’t want to leave. Despite everything that’s happened. I want to stay at Six-Gate Corral until Brent gets back.’
Jason stiffened—no doubt, Morgan thought wryly, because he realized that he was not to be rid of her after all.
‘In that case,’ he asked aloofly, ‘why are you going to your car?’
Morgan looked up at him, and as usual she had to tilt her head. ‘I have nowhere else to sleep.’
Jason was silent for several seconds. When he spoke at last his tone was unwilling, the words abrupt and hard—as if they were being dragged from him. ‘There is a place—I took it for granted you knew that.’
Morgan looked at him hopefully. ‘An outbuilding?’
‘The ranch-house.’
‘I will not sleep with you, Jason Delaney!’ The words were out before Morgan realized how they would sound.
Jason’s hands gripped her arms. They were big hands, and strong. Hands that would be able to rope a steer just as competently as the hands of any of the cowboys. Hands that would rouse a woman to unimaginable heights with the same ease. Morgan was suddenly burning hot.
‘Don’t remember inviting you to sleep with me,’ Jason drawled sarcastically.
Morgan stared at him angrily. ‘It wouldn’t matter if you had. Either way the answer would have been the same.’
An eyebrow lifted. ‘Fact is,’ Jason went on drily, ‘for several good reasons you can’t sleep in the car—so the house is your only option. And I refuse—do you hear me, Morgan? I refuse to argue about it any more.’
In silence they made their way to the house. They walked side by side yet apart, as if each was determined to keep a deliberate distance from the other.
As they went inside Morgan remembered her first impression of the house—that it would have been lovely if it had not been quite so spartan. It was tidy and spotlessly clean, but devoid of any personal touch. There were few pictures, no vases of flowers and not a single ornament.
When Jason had put down Morgan’s suitcase in a guest room that was as neat and functional as the rest of the house he rounded on her. ‘Suppose you tell me what you were doing in the bunkhouse?’
‘I’ve already told you, I needed a place to sleep.’
‘Don’t remember telling you to go to the bunkhouse, Morgan.’
‘You didn’t, exactly—well, at least, not in so many words.’
One eyebrow lifted. ‘You’d better explain since I’m not in the mood for riddles.’
The arrogance of his expression was annoying. ‘You said I’d be treated just like the men.’
Jason stared at Morgan, before breaking into sudden and unexpected laughter. ‘What I said was that you shouldn’t expect special treatment.’ The laughter stopped as his dark eyes studied her intently. ‘I also said—’ his voice was quiet now ‘—that it would be difficult to think of you as one of them.’ His eyes were on her breasts and her hips. ‘In fact,’ he added drily, ‘it would be impossible.’
The expression in Jason’s eyes, that odd tone in his voice, made Morgan shiver. She tried to make herself ignore the feelings he awoke in her. She was already far too aware of his overwhelming masculinity—a quality that had as much to do with his superb build and looks as with his ever-present aura of strength and power. Jason was an implacable adversary, and it was imperative that she kept a clear head in all her dealings with him.
‘Didn’t it occur to you that you were humiliating me?’ she demanded indignantly. ‘Bossing me about in the bunkhouse. Demeaning me in front of the men—in front of that odious Hank. Threatening me.’
‘You didn’t get out of bed the first time I asked you.’
‘Only because the cowboys were standing around, and I was waiting for them to move away. I didn’t want a bunch of guys watching me. Besides, you didn’t ask, Jason, you ordered me.’
‘Have it your own way.’ Jason was impatient now. ‘We keep getting back to one fact. I didn’t invite you to my ranch, Morgan. I wouldn’t have let you have the job had I known about it. I can’t help it if you look at a request as an order. I don’t really care. One thing I do ask you to remember—I am boss here, and if you choose to stay I expect you to play by my rules.’
‘I don’t seem to have any other option,’ Morgan said tensely. And then, because she couldn’t help being interested, she asked, ‘Would you really have carried me out of the bunkhouse?’
‘You bet I would,’ he told her crisply.
He stood not two feet from her, towering above her and radiating such a powerful aura of sexuality that Morgan’s nerve endings felt raw. She ached with the longing to be swept up into those powerful arms and to feel the beat of his heart against her cheek.
Reluctant for Jason to read her emotions in her eyes, she forced herself to look away from him. Unsteadily she said, ‘Despite anything you might think, I’d have been OK in the bunkhouse.’
‘What makes you think that?’
‘I’ve been around men. I can take care of myself.’
‘You really believe you could have handled those cowboys?’ he