An Amish Christmas. Patricia Davids

An Amish Christmas - Patricia  Davids

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Not so much. He needed something to do. Something to keep him busy besides endlessly turning over every rock in his mind looking for his memory.

      A sudden idea occurred to him. Karen’s father needed help with the chores. Horses were something John seemed to know about. He glanced out the window toward the barn. He was up, he might as well lend Eli a hand.

      He was in the barn thirty minutes later when Jacob and Noah came in yawning and with lagging steps.

      “Morning,” John called cheerfully. He finished shoveling out the last stall, then laid his pitchfork and shovel on top of the heaping wheelbarrow.

      “What do you think you’re doing?” Jacob demanded.

      “Mucking out the stalls.” John started toward the rear of the barn.

      Noah grinned and fell into step beside John. “Yippee. Now I don’t have to do it.”

      Jacob chided Noah in Pennsylvania Dutch. John understood the tone if not the actual words.

      Noah’s grin turned to a scowl. “I’m going to help Jacob with the milking.”

      Looking over Noah’s head, John said, “I have one more stall to do. If you want to show me how to milk a cow I could help with that, too.”

      “We do not need your help, English.” Jacob took his younger brother by the sleeve and pulled him toward the dairy cows patiently waiting by their stanchions.

      After dumping his wheelbarrow load, John returned to the last stall. Slipping a halter on One-Way’s head, John led him out to the small paddock and turned him loose. Snorting and prancing, One-Way showed his appreciation of the open space by bucking his way around the enclosure.

      Smiling at the animal’s high spirits, John said, “Work off a little of that ginger and maybe we’ll try some training later.”

      One-Way trotted to the fence. Stretching his neck over the top boards, he playfully nipped at John’s sleeve, then took off like a rocket.

      “I don’t care what you think of the plan,” John shouted after him. “There’s a harness in your future. You’d better get used to the idea.”

      Chuckling to himself, John finished cleaning One-Way’s stall. After making sure all of the horses had hay, grain and freshwater, he brought the young Standardbred back in. Locking the stall door, John leaned on it admiring the horse.

      Behind him, he heard Anna say, “There you are, John Doe. Have you forgotten where the house is?”

      Stifling his amusement, John crouched in front of her. “I’m so glad you found me. I thought I was going to have to stay out here with the horses all day. Which way do I go?”

      Anna shook her head as she grasped his hand. “Come, I will show you. Breakfast is ready.”

      “Thank you.” Rising, he let the child lead the way, but stopped when he saw Eli watching them.

      Anna said, “I found him, Papa. He forgot where the house was.”

      Eli’s lips twitched. “Thank you, Anna. Run along and tell Karen we are coming.”

      “Hurry up ’cause I’m hungry.” She headed toward the house at a run.

      Eli moved to the nearest stall where a pretty brown mare with a white star greeted him. “Noah tells me you did his chores.”

      “I hope you don’t mind. I felt the need to work. I’ve loafed long enough.”

      “Work is goot for a man’s body and soul.”

      “It felt good. It felt right.”

      Eli turned away from his inspection of John’s work and began walking toward the house. “What are your plans now?”

      John fell into step beside him. “I’ve talked to just about everyone in the community and I’ve come up empty. I guess I need to find work and a place to live now. I’m not giving up hope. I’m just being practical.”

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