In Her Rival's Arms. Alison Roberts

In Her Rival's Arms - Alison Roberts

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a new potential. Also suggests restlessness at work. Something’s not going the way you want it to.’ She touched the card at right angles to the one she’d just read. ‘This is the crossing card. It describes what is generating conflict and obstruction at the moment.’ She turned the card face up.

      The oath Nic muttered was in French but needed no translation.

      ‘You’re taking the pictures too literally,’ she told him. ‘The Hanged Man is a symbol. It suggests that a sacrifice of some sort might be needed. Maybe there’s something that would be difficult to give up but it needs to go because it’s blocking progress.’

      He was giving her that odd look again. As though he was including her in whatever thought processes were going on.

      ‘This is the crowning card,’ she continued. ‘It represents an aim or ideal that is not yet actual.’

      ‘The future?’


      ‘What’s the Queen of Wands?’

      Should she tell Nic that the Queen of Wands was the card that had always been picked as the significator for her own readings?

      ‘She’s industrious, versatile, strong-willed and talented.’ Zanna kept her eyes firmly on the card. ‘She’s also self-contained and stable. She holds her great strength and energy within, devoting them to the few things to which she chooses to give her heart.’

      The moment’s silence was enough to make her realise that she didn’t need to tell Nic about her own relationship to this particular card. He was joining the dots all by himself.

      ‘It may not mean a person, as such,’ she added. ‘It could mean that it’s time to start developing her qualities yourself. Things like warmth and loyalty and being able to sustain a creative vision.’

      He wasn’t buying that. He’d made his mind up, hadn’t he, and she could sense his immovability when that happened.

      The card depicting the immediate future suggested a dilemma to be faced with either choice leading to trouble and the card representing the kind of response that Nic could expect from others was one of her favourites—the Lovers.

      Nic clearly approved of it, too. ‘Now, why didn’t that one show up for my immediate future?’ he murmured. ‘That would have been something to look forward to.’

      The tone of his voice held a seductive note that rippled through every cell in Zanna’s body like a powerful drug. She hadn’t felt this alive for so long.

      Maybe she never had.

      Had this man come into her life to teach her to feel things she didn’t know she was capable of feeling?

      What would she do if he touched her with the kind of intent that tone promised?

      Could she resist? Would she even try?

      Maybe not. Zanna did her best to quell the curl of sensation deep in her belly. The anticipation. ‘You’re being too literal again. This card is the view of others. It could be that you’re doing something to make them think as they do.’

      She could sense his discomfort and it was disturbing.

      He may not be who he seems to be. Take care...

      She knew he might be dangerous. It was reckless to be taking pleasure from his company. From this anticipation of what might be going to happen, but maybe that was what was making this such a thrill. Adding something wild and even more exciting to this chemical attraction.

      It was an effort to keep her voice even. ‘This particular card might mean that you have to make a choice and it probably concerns love. It might be choosing between love and a career or creative activity. Or it could be that you’re involved in a triangle of some sort. Or that someone’s trying to get you to marry in a hurry.’

      He was shaking his head now. ‘I never have to choose between love and my career. I’ve never even thought about marriage and I avoid triangles at all costs.’

      He walked alone, then? He was unattached?

      The thought should have made him seem more attractive but something didn’t feel right.

      Zanna read a few more of the cards before she realised what was nagging at the back of her mind. It was too much of a coincidence that she felt so involved with every interpretation he was making. For whatever reason, Nic had included her in the question or problem he had brought to this reading.


      ‘This card represents your hopes and fears.’

      ‘The Fool? Who isn’t afraid of making a fool of themselves?’

      ‘The fear might apply to the fact that a risk of some kind is required. It suggests that a new chapter of your life might be about to begin but it needs a willingness to take a leap into the unknown. It fits with a lot of other cards here.’

      ‘What’s the last one?’

      ‘That position is the final outcome. It should give you some clues to answer the question you brought into the reading.’ Her own heart picked up speed as she turned it over. ‘Oh...’

      The tension was palpable. Nic didn’t have to say anything to demand an explanation.

      ‘The Ace of Swords means a new beginning,’ she told him quietly. ‘But one that comes out of a struggle or conflict.’

      He drained his glass of wine. It was all rubbish. So why did it feel so personal? It was obvious that Zanna was part of his immediate future. That it was going to be a struggle to get what he wanted. But did she really need to be sacrificed?

      The thought was disturbing. She was part of this place and it felt like a home. A kind of portal to those memories buried so far back in his own story. Nic looked away from the table, his gaze downcast. It was the first time he’d noticed the floor of this space. A background of grey tiling that resembled flagstones had been inset with mosaic details. Starburst designs made up of tiny fragments of colour that dotted the floor at pleasingly irregular intervals.

      ‘It’s not original, is it?’ he queried. ‘The floor?’

      ‘Depends what you mean by original.’ Zanna was refilling his glass. ‘The old floorboards became unsafe because they were rotten. Maggie and I have always considered our creative efforts pretty original, though.’

      ‘You made this floor?’

      ‘Yes.’ She topped up her own glass. ‘Took ages but we loved doing it. In fact, we loved it so much we did flagstones for the garden, too. And a birdbath.’

      Nic shook his head. Extraordinary.

      ‘Maybe it’s something to do with gypsy blood. Making do with what you find lying around. We dug up so much old broken china around here that it seemed a shame not to do something with it so we broke it up a bit more and used it for mosaic work.’

      ‘Taking an opportunity, huh? Dealing with a problem.’

      ‘Yes.’ She was smiling at him as if he’d understood something she’d been trying to teach. The sense of approval made him feel absurdly pleased with himself.

      ‘So you really do come from a gypsy bloodline?’

      ‘Absolutely. It’s only a few generations ago that my family on my father’s side was travelling. Maggie was my dad’s older sister. My great-grandfather was born in a caravan.’

      ‘Where does the name Zelensky come from?’

      ‘Eastern Europe. Probably Romania. That’s where my aunt Maggie’s gone now. She was desperate to find out more about her family before she’s too old to travel.’

      The smile curled far enough to create a dimple. ‘What’s funny?’ Nic asked.

      ‘Just that Maggie’s got more energy and enthusiasm than most people half her age have.

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