In Bed With...Collection. Emma Darcy
years ago, and the justice meted out was for the ultimate good of the community.”
“You’re warning me it was harsh?”
“More…primitive. But then the outback is primitive.”
“Go on,” she urged.
“To teach the man respect for the race he belittled, my father ordered that he be taken out to the most barren section of the King Leopold Range in the middle of the Kimberly, where he was to be left to survive on his own, as the Aborigines had for thousands of years.”
“Did he survive?”
Nathan shrugged. “The story goes he’s still wandering around the wilderness. There have been sightings of a feral white man over the years.”
“Cast out of Eden,” Miranda murmured.
“He’d destroyed his right to stay. There’s a lot of greys we can accommodate, but once the line of respect is abused, appropriate action has to be taken.”
“So that’s Lachlan’s law.”
“And mine,” he said quietly.
“I know. And Tommy’s. And Jared’s. Your father passed it on to all of you, didn’t he?”
“As it was passed to him.”
Family lore…survival built on support and integrity.
“It’s good, Nathan,” she said in a burst of heartfelt belief. “I like your world.”
His face lit with a smile that grew in warmth as he crossed her sitting area to where she still stood by the door. “I like…everything about you, Miranda Wade.” He lifted a hand and stroked his finger down the slight cleft in her chin. “Do you feel okay about Hewson now?”
“Yes. He can’t win. He won’t want to invite more defeat.”
“So you feel safe again.”
“Very safe.”
“I’d better go and let you get on with your work.”
“I’ll call you tonight.”
“I hope you keep liking my world, Miranda.”
How could she not with him in it? But he kissed her before she could speak, kissed her with slow, beguiling sensuality, with the simmering promise of much more to come…for both of them.
“A WEDDING!” Elizabeth King repeated, trying to contain the delight swelling her heart.
“Yes. Seven weeks from now,” Nathan instructed. “The weekend after the resort closes. Will you do it? I know Miranda wouldn’t ask but I want it for her. The whole big production…a marquee on the lawn by the river…”
“Nathan, I haven’t even heard of an engagement yet. Have you asked Miranda to marry you?”
“Not in so many words. I’ve been waiting on the ring. Jared brought it with him today.”
“You’re sure of her answer?”
His eyes flashed with an indomitable arrogance that was pure Lachlan, and for a moment Elizabeth was transported back to the night when her husband-to-be told her she was his woman, and not to give him any runaround about it because that would just be wasting time better spent together.
“I want you to stand in for her mother, since Miranda no longer has one,” Nathan went on. “Do all the wedding arrangements, take her to buy the dress, make her feel like a bride planning her big day. She’s had none of the family support we take for granted. I want you to offer it to her tonight, convince her it’s what you want, too.”
“It is!” Elizabeth laughed in a burst of elation. She’d got it right…bringing Miranda into Nathan’s life. It had worked! “My first daughter-in-law…”
“So you’ll do it?” Nathan pressed.
“Of course. Any dream Miranda has I’ll do my best to fulfil.” Because she will fulfil mine.
“Good!” Nathan’s face lit with satisfaction. “Then what I plan is this…”
Miranda felt increasingly nervous as she drove over to the station homestead for dinner with the King family. She hadn’t seen Elizabeth or Jared since the night early in May, when she’d revealed her own lack of family. That was five months ago…five months of learning everything about King’s Eden, and loving every minute of it.
But they hadn’t witnessed that, hadn’t seen as Tommy had, how much she’d taken to this outback life. However, they surely knew of her current relationship with Nathan and Nathan was not about to hide it. Nor did she want him to. Jared’s reaction didn’t worry her, but Elizabeth’s…
Miranda couldn’t help wanting her approval. Not that it would change her feelings for Nathan. It would just be so much nicer if his mother could readily accept her as part of Nathan’s life. An integral part, Miranda hoped.
He must have been listening for the Jeep to arrive. Miranda had no sooner pulled up beside the bougainvillea hedge, than Nathan was striding down the path. She simply sat and watched him, her man coming to claim her, emanating the force of energy that always entranced her. He collected her from the Jeep, swept her with him onto the verandah, but instead of taking her into the house, led her around to the west side of it.
“What are we doing? Is something wrong?” she asked, apprehension skittering through her.
“Absolutely not.” He grinned, the sparkle in his eyes denying any trouble whatsoever. “Just wanted a few private minutes with you. I find that lemon dress very fetching.”
She laughed, relaxing against him as he drew her over to the verandah railing. This side of the house faced the river, which was shining like a ribbon of yellow glass, reflecting the last vibrant rays of the sun as it slipped below the horizon. Nathan slid behind her, curling his arms around her waist, rubbing his cheek against her hair.
“A golden river, a golden sky, a golden woman,” he murmured.
“And you said you were never romantic,” Miranda teased.
“Ah, but I am, when I truly feel it in my heart. Look what I have in my hand, Miranda.”
He held it out as she glanced down. It was a grey velvet jeweler’s box—a ring box!
Her heart stopped, then catapulted around her chest. Was this it…the commitment of forever?
“Open it!”
The soft pulse of his words in her ear made her dizzy. Her hands trembled as they moved to obey his command. For a moment, the spring lid of the box seemed to resist the pressure of her thumbs and fingers. Then it opened and she gasped at the splendour of the ring twinkling up at her—a huge oval yellow diamond surrounded by smaller white diamonds, set on a band of gold.
“Wear this and the sun will never set on my love for you, Miranda,” Nathan murmured as he lifted the ring from its satin slot. “Will you marry me?”
“Yes,” she whispered, spreading her left hand so he could slide the ring onto her third finger. It fitted perfectly. She couldn’t stop gazing at it, stunned by the sheer magnificence of his choice for her.
“Do you like it?”
Her heart too full to speak, she whirled around and let her eyes speak for her as she flung her arms around his neck and pulled his head down for all her feelings to be expressed in a kiss. She loved him so much, unequivocally, had done for a long