Over the Edge. Jeanie London

Over the Edge - Jeanie  London

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but his calm, almost serious demeanor made him seem unaware of his looks and the effect they had on the opposite sex in a way that was just too appealing.

      When he shed his glasses, his clothes and his professional persona, the real man emerged, a man who’d been blessed with a body that had been designed for sex. She paused with her hands hovering over his chest, his body heat spanning the distance to sink into her skin like a laser.

      “May I?” she asked, although she didn’t expect him to deny her. But there was something polite, necessary even, about the formality of gaining his permission before she went on a research expedition of his body.

      He inclined his head, a studied motion that suggested he’d been waiting ten years for her to ask.

      She’d been waiting, too. For ten years she’d wondered who this man really was, who he was growing up to be, had been alternately fascinated and repelled by him, and by herself because she’d so badly wanted to know.

      Now finally, finally…

      Threading her fingertips through the dark-gold hairs on his chest, she explored the terrain of muscle beneath warm skin. She splayed her hands upward over hard pecs, along the expanse of broad shoulders, down sculpted, powerful arms. The simple act of touching was an unusually potent experience given the years behind the need, given the sheer beauty of the man she touched.

      Silky hairs trickled to a V beneath his belly button, a golden arrow pointing downward to the breathtaking region below his waist…lean hips, muscular thighs, incredible erection.

      He was so…solid. Not just his equipment, but the whole deal. He was a man who could protect a woman from the world with his powerful body.

      If a woman wanted to be protected.

      Mallory wasn’t the need-to-be-protected kind, but rather the live-for-the-moment, savor-his-gorgeous-body variety. She was a woman with a healthy sexual appetite and she hadn’t made time for a lover in quite a while.

      Jake Trinity was a feast.

      Her own breathing grew shallow, echoing in the quiet as she smoothed her hands down his waist, then ventured around to explore the feel of his muscular, perfectly shaped butt.

      She almost wished he would say something to drown out the sounds of their excited breaths. But he only stood before her, legs braced apart, tolerantly allowing her to indulge her curiosity, which made her wonder what he would want in return for his patience.

      Brushing her fingers down his thighs, she circled around to the front of him, lightly grazing the underside of his scrotum, then stroking the hard length of an erection that was no less impressive than the rest of him.

      A huge shiver made him sway before her and his erection jumped in her hand, but he demonstrated an imposing willpower because he still didn’t say a word or try to touch her.

      The moment stretched with promise, a breathless moment where anything might be possible, where thoughts of sex and surrender and satisfaction all jumbled together in an almost visceral way.

      Her heartbeat fluttered wildly again at the thought of him wedging that hard body between her thighs, at this magnificent length pressing deep inside her, filling emptiness with heat.

      Her nipples beaded and her sex grew creamy wet. She wanted to lean forward and press herself against all this hot male bounty, feel her curves mesh with his, feel that erection brand the moist skin between her thighs.

      She wanted to look into his face, to see if he was similarly affected, but she resisted, unwilling to let him glimpse the raw need she wasn’t quite sure she successfully hid.

      Sweeping the mass of wet hair behind her shoulder, she leaned forward to press an open-mouthed kiss to the pulse beating low in his throat instead.

      The contact of her mouth against his skin was the fuse that detonated his restraint. All of a sudden he seemed to explode. His strong arms lashed around her like whipcords. He scooped her beneath him with a violence of motion that took her off guard.

      By the time she realized what was happening, she was lying on her back with his knee across her thighs, his heavy leg anchoring her to the mattress.

      He’d done it again—totally taken her by surprise with that scoop-her-up-when-she-least-expected-it thing. A function of their disparate sizes, she supposed. A unique sensation and one she found stimulating. There was something so unfamiliar, so tantalizing about his power to assume control.

      He brushed his palm across her nipples, a slow, very sensual motion, as if he wanted to draw out the moment, to savor every second of the way they speared toward his touch.

      Then Mallory got her wish. With her cheek pressed to his chest, she could hear the rumble start deep inside, a purring that nearly drowned out the steady thud of his heart. She couldn’t resist tipping her head back to look into his face, see if his expression mirrored that rumbling sound of contentment.

      And the look on Jake Trinity’s face, the reckless hunger, the yearning, just might have gone a long way toward satisfying her need for vengeance—if she hadn’t been feeling a similar reckless hunger and yearning for him.


      JAKE STILL didn’t have a clue about Mallory’s agenda but he’d reached his limit for her teasing. Denying her, and himself, wasn’t going to yield anything more than frustration. He’d play her game and fight fire with fire to see if he couldn’t shake loose the truth that way.

      Orgasm. Her breathy whisper resonated in his memory. Had she meant it? He intended to find out.

      Stretching out on her bed, Jake hauled her toward him, appreciating her size that gave him the advantage of maneuverability. He liked hearing her gasp in surprise as every inch of her slick wet skin unfolded against him. Her breasts pressed against his side. Her thighs parted around his hip, cradling him in lush warmth and acquainting him with her most private places.

      She arched her hips, a movement so slight Jake thought he might have imagined it—until silky hairs abraded his skin. Until her moist folds separated to brand him with her heat.

      Until she sighed aloud.

      He chased that velvet sound with his thumb, traced her full bottom lip. Dazzling white teeth suddenly appeared between her kiss-swollen lips, and she caught his thumb soundly and nipped hard, a challenge flashing in her clear green eyes.

      “So here we are, Jake Trinity. In bed. Naked.

      She exhaled the word, a sound that whispered through him alive with promise. So here they were. Skimming a hand along the curve of her shoulder, down the sweep of her arm, he tested the reality of her, explored her shape, her texture.

      “Definitely naked.”

      She fluttered a pale hand over his chest as though she meant to explore, too. He inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh scent of her damp hair, aware of her on so many levels that he experienced a strange sense of unreality to be lying in this woman’s bed, with her draped naked around him.

      Ten years was a long time to fantasize about what lay hidden beneath a ski mask.

      This woman had been worth every second of the wait.

      She stretched out before him, a lush terrain of creamy skin and slim curves, her red mouth pursed for his kisses, her rosy nipples pouting for his touch.

      The sunlight from the huge windows slanted across their bodies, reflected by the long framed mirror behind the bed, a trick of light that highlighted the swaying of Mallory’s sleek body, the way she rode his thigh with the slightest motion, warmed his skin with her heat.

      Her hand continued a path over his stomach and Jake smiled at the way his muscles quavered at her light touches.

      “Mmm, who do we have here?”

      Her fingers zeroed right in on his erection, which jumped toward her hand, eager

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