The Perfect Match?. PENNY JORDAN

The Perfect Match? - PENNY  JORDAN

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was being too forward and usurping his role? He wasn’t to know, after all, how unique this whole situation was for her, how unique her desire for him and her responsiveness to him were, how unique he was.

      ‘If you’d rather...’ she began hesitantly, but Guy didn’t let her finish.

      He gathered her up in his arms as he told her softly, ‘No. this is are perfect. This is how love should be, not contrived or forced, achievable only with the right backcloth, the right props, the right setting, but simply instinctive and natural, wholesome and clean. We don’t need any of the trappings of seduction, because this isn’t seduction. And besides, no setting however beautiful could anywhere near match your beauty or the beauty of what we’re going to share, to create.’

      Chrissie felt her eyes start to fill with emotional tears. It was almost as though he could read her mind, as though he shared her thoughts, as though the two of them were so much in harmony that they were already almost a part of one another.

      Unsteadily she lifted her hand to his face, touching her fingertips to his mouth, trembling as she explored the difference between the slightly rough flesh above his lip where he shaved with the sensual smoothness of his mouth.


      Slowly, one by one, he sucked her fingers into his mouth as he looked deep into her eyes.

      As she looked equally intensely back at him, Chrissie had no awareness of the soft keening sound of pleasure she gave in response to the sensation caused by the sensually rhythmic movement of his mouth and tongue as they caressed her fingers.

      Deep within her body, she could feel herself starting to ache and melt, to experience feelings and needs as old as humankind itself. Her body suddenly felt as though it were weighted down with heavy, inhibiting armour, her clothes a chafing restriction against which her skin and her senses rebelled.

      In the past, sexual intimacy for Chrissie had always been a fairly passive activity with the man taking the lead. She had certainly never envisaged a situation where she might do as she was doing now and start to tug impatiently at her own irritatingly unyielding clothes in her yearning hunger to experience a man’s hands on her body. But then, this was different... this was... Her small moans of frustration gave way to voluptuous sighs of pleasure as Guy started to help her remove her recalcitrant garments.

      It shocked her a little at first to recognise when she finally stood naked before him that the unfamiliar scent of her body was the scent of her arousal, her desire for him, but if she found the realisation unexpected and slightly shocking, Guy, it seemed, viewed it in a totally different way and had no inhibitions about telling and showing her.

      As he nuzzled the hollow between her breasts, he told her appreciatively, ‘You smell so good. Just like a woman should.’

      ‘I... there is a shower,’ she began to suggest, but as though he guessed what she was thinking, Guy smiled slowly at her, then shook his head and told her firmly, ‘No. Don’t you know how erotic it erotic you are... how much the scent of you makes me want to touch you, taste you, explore and know every inch of you?’

      For the first time since that initial contact when they had looked into one another’s eyes and known, Chrissie felt slightly flustered and uncertain.

      ‘I don’t want you all washed and antiseptic,’ Guy added meaningfully. ‘I want you the way you are now. A woman, warm and aroused, wanting me and scented by... tasting of that wanting... and I want you to want me in the same way,’ he finished rawly.

      ‘I do,’ Chrissie whispered back, and she knew as she said it that it was true and that already she ached for the scent of him in her nostrils, the taste of him on her mouth.

      Once again her eyes gave her away and Guy muttered hoarsely to her, ‘You know what I mean, don’t you?’

      The only thing she needed to do was simply to nod her head and watch in trembling anticipation as he swiftly removed his own clothes. His body was taut and athletic, all clean lines and strong muscles. The sight of the soft, dark body hair that lay in silken whirls against his skin seized her body with a pang of female appreciation and made her curl her toes in sensual response to such masculinity.

      Again in direct contradiction to her previous and admittedly rather prosaic and mundane sexual experience, she discovered that with Guy she actually wanted to look at his body, to explore it visually with an open-eyed female curiosity, not just to know its differentness but, she suspected with a small sense of shock, to inspect and judge its male ability to satisfy the hunger that she knew she wasn’t going to be able to control for much longer.

      She hadn’t realised quite how long she had been studying him or quite how hard she was frowning until she heard Guy asking her with rueful lightheartedness, ‘Do I pass?’

      Thoroughly mortified, Chrissie started to look away, nodding her head as self-consciousness began to overwhelm her, but Guy simply laughed and hugged her reassuringly.

      ‘It’s all right,’ he told her warmly. ‘You have every right to look and judge. There mustn’t be any barriers between us, Chrissie, or any inhibitions or murky areas that can’t be touched. That isn’t what you and I are about. Of course you want to look at me. Just as I want to look at you. After all, doesn’t half the pleasure in enjoying a meal come from its visual presentation, and doesn’t that presentation stimulate and increase our appetite for it, just as looking at you is stimulating my appetite for you?’ he asked her softly.

      And then, before she could make any response, he bent his head to kiss her.

      Gently at first, almost too gently, Chrissie decided, she started to press herself closer to him whilst she tried to prolong and deepen each kiss like a fish chasing a lure, not realising that she was the one being lured until Guy’s arms snapped tightly round her and then the tongue she had been trying yearningly to caress and coax with hers was suddenly no longer teasingly tempting her into his but instead thrusting powerfully and sensually within her own, causing her whole body to jerk against Guy’s in a shudder of pleasure she was completely unable to control.

      Not, or so it seemed from Guy’s approving reaction, that he wanted her to control it, or anything else, she recognised as his hands swept her body and cupped her buttocks, pulling her tightly against him whilst he murmured against her mouth how much he wanted her, how much he ached for her.

      No more than she wanted and ached for him, Chrissie knew, but she wasn’t aware of having whispered the words against his mouth until Guy picked her up in his arms and carried her across to the bed.

      As he placed her on it, she could feel the warmth of his breath against the skin of her midriff. Shakily she closed her eyes as she felt herself starting to quiver and then tensed as she felt Guy’s mouth brush lightly against her body, his tongue tracing round her navel.

      Once and then again, a thousand tiny darts of sensual pleasure exploded inside her like the seeds of a puff-ball exploding in the summer sunshine, the sensation at one and the same time so delicate and yet so powerful that it shocked her into speechless wonder.

      ‘Is it good?’ she heard Guy questioning her thickly. ‘Do you like that?’

      Like it? The only reaction Chrissie could manage was a soft groan followed by a sharply indrawn breath as his mouth started to move downwards across her stomach towards her hip-bone in a series of caresses so light that they barely seemed to graze the surface of her skin and yet so sensually erotic that what lay beneath that skin was already reacting to them with a rhythmic urgency that couldn’t be ignored.

      Not even the sensation of his hand gently and protectively covering her sex could detract from the effect the delicate, tender exploration of his mouth was having on her body.

      Which, she decided later, had to be the reason why she finally opened her eyes and saw Guy kneeling between her thighs, his whole concentration focused on the feminine heart of her as he slid his hands beneath her and gently tilted her body upwards so that he could have complete and total access to her intimacy. She felt no sense of inhibition or false modesty, no need to cover herself

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