Traceless. HelenKay Dimon
to it. “That’s enough.”
He morphed from bored and disinterested to battle mode in two seconds. He didn’t lift a weapon or even move a step. The grave delivery and sharp whack of his voice did it.
Luc had served with men like Bruce. They demanded attention and when they didn’t get it, they unleashed a wrath that destroyed everything. Luc suspected Bruce hovered about an inch away from snapping now.
No matter how clear the message, Rich appeared to ignore it. He hitched his chin in Bruce’s general direction. “Why should I listen to you?”
Reno nodded. “Good question.”
And there it was. Luc stepped out of the way just in time. The words had barely left Rich’s mouth when Bruce stepped right into Rich’s face with a hand wrapped around the back of his neck. With his other hand he pressed a knife against Rich’s throat. “Want to ask again?”
Rich thrashed until the knife pricked skin, then he went still. “What are you—”
“Do not move unless you want a deeper cut.” Bruce grabbed Rich’s bulletproof vest in his fist and dragged it right up to his throat, nearly chocking him. “Tell your friends to step back before I slice you.”
Rich didn’t hesitate. Didn’t move, either. “Listen to him.”
“Good.” Bruce leaned in even closer to his prey. “Now I have one word for you.”
Luc had to give Rich credit. His voice stayed steady and he didn’t beg. He used his free hand to wave his men back and Luc guessed that one gesture saved a bloodbath.
“Deniability.” Bruce emphasized all six syllables. “We don’t want details. Details put you in danger. Makes you usable to guys like Connor and a liability to us. The kind of liability a sharpshooter might eliminate with a shot to the forehead.”
When Bruce shoved him away, Rich stumbled back. He came to a halt and tugged on the bottom of his vest. “You made your point.”
For one more beat, Rich held Bruce’s stare then turned to Luc. “So what now? We have them trapped in a shack. I say we blow it up.”
Tempting, but not the plan. If he had his choice, Luc would take that tactic and cut his losses. But his boss was a very angry man with a definite plan. A powerful man bent on revenge. “We need them to escape. To believe they got away and turn sloppy.”
Rich snorted. “Why?”
“The plan hasn’t changed.” Bruce jumped in before Luc could answer. “We want Connor and his wife on the run. The others are expendable and it’s time for them to go.”
The other men mumbled but Rich put the feelings into words. “You think this Connor is a guy you can mess with? Track down like an animal? No way.”
But Luc understood this part. He had a wife once. Lost her in an instant at the hands of a drunk driver. He knew what he would do to bring her back. What lengths he would have employed to protect her if he could only go back in time, including taking the killing blow for her. Worse, he was intimately familiar with how a man pushed to the edge was capable of anything.
“When he’s out on his own, without backup and trying to keep his wife alive, he’ll fold. If we have her we can make him do anything. Racing across the country was just the start.” Luc spoke with absolute certainty.
He didn’t have to guess or wonder. He didn’t even need to hear it from his boss. The fear in Connor Bowen’s voice over the phone said it all—his wife came first.
Rich didn’t look convinced. Even in the limited light, the frown lines and twist of his mouth were clear. “He didn’t strike me as the collapsing type. It’s more likely he’ll double down and become a killing machine.”
The grating sound of Bruce’s knife sliding into a metal sheath stopped conversation and drew all of their attention. “Let’s get back to the team and discuss what we do to get rid of them this time around. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of losing men.”
“And we can’t afford to be down many more.” Last thing Luc could do was call in reinforcements. This job had a ticking clock and the countdown had started. “So we separate and destroy.”
If possible, Rich’s frown deepened even further. “Meaning?”
“I think explosion does have a nice ring to it.” Luc had the supplies piled in the back of his nondescript truck, just waiting to light up the sky before morning dawned. Nothing would trace back to him, not even the truck he bought for cash under a fake name.
Bruce’s dark chuckle echoed around them. “I like the finality of your suggestion.”
They could think whatever they wanted so long as they got the job done...this time. Luc scanned the dwindling group. “You have one assignment.”
Something in his tone had even Bruce looking around. “Which is?”
“Connor stays, but don’t let the other team members get out alive.” It was the one sure way to knock the man off his game. Take out his friends and leave him reeling.
And to save his own hide, that is exactly what Luc promised his boss only a few minutes ago he would do...and he’d deliver.
* * *
Holt lowered his fist and gave the all-clear signal. The group started walking again under the blanket of stars. Whatever he heard out among the red rocks and tree stubs must have turned out to be innocent. Possibly an animal and clearly nothing with a weapon. With his tracking skills, he’d know. Which was why Connor put Holt in the lead.
After a brief argument where Connor insisted Jana wear his bulletproof vest, they’d slipped out of the shack one at a time, with Shane and Holt in front drawing attention away from Jana. Connor doubted she even understood the tactic. Reality was, with the lineup then and gathering of his men around her now they’d have ample warning if someone went after her. They’d all sacrifice their lives for her.
Their willingness to die for her, for them, mattered to Connor. He didn’t take that sort of devotion for granted. He appreciated all of his men and grew more grateful every day for their agreement to throw in with him. People depended upon their skills and he’d come to expect them to stay honed and ready.
They ran drills because he insisted, but he knew they’d keep in shape and sharp without any prodding from him. That’s who they were—solid and stable. The very best at their jobs.
Connor checked the comm again. “Davis?”
“I just tried.” Shane shook his head. “Got nothing.”
Pebbles crunched and their feet fell in a steady cadence. When they broke through a mass of trees and over the rise of loose rock, Holt motioned for them to crouch down.
Up until then Jana had stayed quiet and marched along beside Connor. She had his belt in a loose hold between two fingers. If he walked too fast, she’d tug and he’d slow down. They’d rehearsed the system and used it the last time someone grabbed her.
Back then they didn’t know each other and he’d had to run through the silent signal and convince her not to talk during their escape. This time she knew making noise could get them all killed, and didn’t question.
Squatting on the balls of her feet, she leaned into his shoulder and whispered against his cheek. “What’s happening?”
Every muscle pulled tight from the adrenaline rushing through him. He wanted to sprint to the car and lock her in a seatbelt and send her away. Beating that instinct back took most of his energy, but he still wanted to touch her.
With a hand on her lower back, Connor pointed to the clearing ahead and the dark jeeps that blended into the skyline. “That’s our ride.”
Holt took a final