The Matchmaker's Sister. Karen Whittenburg Toller
Nate Shepard was everything Miranda had ever thought she wanted in a man
He made plans sporadically and changed them on a whim. He lived on the edge and loved it. He answered to no one but himself, took pleasure where he found it and made no apology for it. Life was big and he was living it.
It took less than twenty-four hours for his joie de vivre to drive Miranda crazy.
She didn’t know how anyone could live at such a pace. She didn’t understand, or much appreciate, his style of spontaneity. She didn’t care if his glamorous lifestyle wasn’t—as he put it—all it was cracked up to be. She only knew she couldn’t live that way. She needed routine, schedules, plans. She needed stability and steadiness. She needed…Nate.
She longed for him with a frightening intensity, missed him as if he’d been out of her life for months instead of hours. And although she told herself she had what she wanted, in the early-morning dusk of a new day she acknowledged that she might have made a terrible mistake.
The Matchmaker’s Sister
Karen Toller Whittenburg
Karen Toller Whittenburg credits her love of reading with inspiring her writing career. She enjoys fiction in every form, but romance continues to hold a special place for her. As a teenager she spent long, lovely hours falling in love with Emilie Loring’s heroines, falling in love with every hero and participating in every adventure. It’s no wonder she always dreamed of being a romance writer. Karen lives in Oklahoma and divides her time between writing and running a household, both full-time and fulfilling careers.
Books by Karen Toller Whittenburg
Monday, August 4
12:15 Lunch with Ainsley @ Torrid Tomato.
Items To Discuss/**Decisions MUST be made TODAY.
1. Date/time**
a. October 31st too soon/not enough time to plan!
1) need at least 18 months
2) Halloween! (No, no, no, no, no!)
b. Time of Ceremony
1) Evening 8:30 (8?)
2. Place—Newport Methodist. No discussion allowed.
3. No. of Attendants** (Must be four or six. Not three or five.)
a. Candlelighters (More than two is tacky.)
b. Children?
1) Calvin Braddock—ring bearer?
a) Adam and Katie’s little girl, Janey, too young for flower girl.
b) Does Ivan have a suitable family relation?
2) Children misbehave/create disruptions
4. Florist**
a. My area of expertise
1) My friend Cleo (First choice)
2) Victoria (If Cleo unavailable)
5. Photographer/Videographer**
a. Andrew’s area of expertise
1) Contract/deposit?
2) Consultation meeting?
3) Portrait sitting—No discussion!
6. Reception**
a. Danfair—talk to Matt about date; put on his calendar!
1) If country club preferred, contact Jacques immediately!
2) Caterer**
a) Menu
b) Wine list
b. Entertainment**
1) Music selection
7. Miscellaneous
a. Invitations**
1) Calligrapher
b. Guest List
1) Deadline—1 week!!
a. Must persuade A & I to change date.
9. Buy Aspirin.
a. Ask Dr. Ivan how many constitute lethal dose.
b. Don’t take that many.
Chapter One
Miranda Danville knew how to plan a wedding.
She’d never actually done so, but, really, how hard could it be? Especially for someone with her organizational skills. Planning anything successfully—be it a full-scale wedding or the layout of a breathtaking garden—was simply a matter of making a list. Or several lists, depending on the size and time constraints of the project. Then items on the list—or lists—prioritized by importance, organized by category and subclassified according to when and/or where action was required. There had to be some flexibility, of course, but successful planning essentially consisted of making and following a list.
A concept that was obviously unfamiliar to the wedding planner who’d put together today’s fiasco. Even taking into account the last-minute nature of the occasion—Miranda’s cousin, Scott, and his bride, Molly, had nearly married once before, but at the last minute and for reasons still unclear to Miranda, the bride had developed cold feet, decided she wasn’t good enough for Scott and instead of walking down the aisle, she’d hit the front door running. Miranda wasn’t exactly clear, either, on how the two had reconnected, although she attributed some of the blame or the credit—depending on which family member she was talking with—to her sister, Ainsley, who was, as improbable as it still seemed to Miranda, an apprentice matchmaker.
But however the reunion