Azourland. Dream Elect Brave. Natalia Isaeva

Azourland. Dream Elect Brave - Natalia Isaeva

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could not read or write and had never seen a book before and was surprised that they recorded different events. Khronos promised to teach Hayat to this skill, and the lessons began.

      First, Hayat learned to keep a goose feather in his hands and draw sticks, circles, squares. This really was a difficult skill for him to learn. He also taught him how to write letters and read syllables. In the Wonderful Green Forest, they say: “Obstinacy is your friend, who will give you a hand so that you will be a master of any science in Azourland.”

      When Hayat learned to read, Khronos showed him his library. What interesting and amazing books there were, every time Hayat read about the exploits and adventures of the heroes in the books, his imagination would capture the spirits in such colourful painted pictures. One day, Hayat drew a black and white drawing and complained to Khronos that in his imagination the picture was painted with colours, in fact, no one else saw a drawing other than black colour.

      Khronos also became interested in the thought of using colours, because throughout Azourland there are no other colours except black.

      From that day the idea to make coloured paintings began to boil in both their heads. They tried to use different plants, the bark of trees and other materials that were in the forest with no success. The paint did not stick, it would crumble or the colour turned out to be dirty.

      For some time, they were forced to stop their experiments because of the events to follow in the Wonderful Green Forest.

      The most useful tail

      The squirrels did not cease to quarrel over their tails. All the forest animals that went to the lake in the morning were tired of watching how every day the squirrels measured their tails and make noise. The animals complained to the leader and he came to the lake to deal with the squirrel conflict.

      Early in the morning forest animals gathered at the bank of the lake to watch the negotiations. The leader asked the squirrels to stop quarrelling. To this, the squirrels answered him, stating that he does not understand much of squirrel tails, because the leader has a small stump, and for him not to judge the beauty of the squirrel tail.

      Forest animals

      This behaviour did not please to the forest inhabitants. They thought that the squirrels were conceited and even wanted to drive the squirrels out of the forest. The squirrels responded with a refusal to leave the forest, because the forest is their home and whoever disagrees can leave get out and live in the forest thicket behind a black strip.

      The forest thicket was behind the black strip in the woods and was a dangerous and damned place where none of the animals dare to go.

      The leader elk consulted with Khronos and invited the squirrels to hold the election of the best squirrel tail. The rules of the election have been established. The squirrel, who takes part in the contest, had to promote its tail in order to persuade the voters to vote for them. A prize was created for the winner of the elections – a squirrel with the best tail would be inscribed in the Chronicle of the Wonderful Green Forest and all other squirrels would have to accept this for one year, until the next election.

      Squirrels scattered around their huts to prepare for the election with the satisfaction, to write laudatory speeches about the beauty of their tail. This however, added more problems because now the foxes were outraged. They also had beautiful tails and they also wanted to get into the election.

      The leader elk announced the election: “The best tail election is open to everyone.” Anyone who had a tail could take part in it. This news angered the squirrels, they wanted to withdraw their candidacies from the election because this election was only to include the squirrels.

      After this complaint from the squirrels, other animals began to laugh at them and said that the squirrels were frightened by the free competition between the tails because they know their tails are of little value, they do not shine with beauty, they do not bring any benefit to the forest community.

      After such news, the squirrels united and began throwing items from the trees onto the other animals. Forest animals responded to the squirrels by fighting and getting into brawls, resulting in damaging their tails.

      This disgrace was repeated exactly until the leader elk decided that the election of the “Best Tail” was renamed into the election of “The Most Useful Tail for Society.”

      After this announcement, all the beasts were confused and saddened: “No one could come up with a good use for a tail in society?” But the fighting in the forest stopped. Beasts began to look for the advantages of their tails. Discussions, whose tail is most useful, began in the morning and did not stop until sunset.

      A coalition of foxes was formed in the forest. They believed that their tails were the most useful for society because in the winter they sweep their tracks with them, that is, they clean up the trails. In the elections, they considered themselves to be clear favourites. This news blew up the forest society, the squirrels again strongly resented this and could not find any benefit for their tails.

      All these tailed games made the forest dwellers so exhausted that the leader elk announced a month of silence before the election. Anyone who talks about the tail of his or someone else was declared disqualified. His candidacy would be removed from the elections and he would not be allowed to vote on the election.

      So hard bans the leader elk was forced to take after the incident with thrushes. This thrush only returned to the forest from the guests. On a visit he spent several months, so he did not know about all these skirmishes and fights in the woods because of the tails.

      Upon returning home, this thrush perched on the branch of a tree and sang a funny song about the tails, paws and mustache that he had heard at a party. He did not manage to finish the first verse, as he was captured by squirrels and foxes, who strictly observed the ban on the leader elk: “Do not say the word ‘TAIL’ in the forest.”

      Although, ardent supporters of their tails, squirrels and foxes organised two secret societies. These societies gathered at night to discuss how to shame their tailed rivals.

      And here in broad daylight, some thrush dares to declare about the tail, such a violation of the order did not allow anyone in the forest.

      Thrush did not have time to recover, as he was put under house arrest, and the falcon guard watched him round the clock. Thrush tried to justify himself, saying that he knew nothing about the ban, but his protests were greeted with a whistle, a hooting and a statement: “That there is nothing to sing dirty tailed songs in a decent society.”

      A ground patrol from a pack of wolves was launched along all forest paths, and falcon guard flew in the air. Forest residents were preparing for the elections, which were scheduled for the day of the harvest celebration.

      Pre-election race

      Hayat and Khronos were delighted with the news, suggesting that everything in the forest was getting better, and continued their experiments with paints. Hayat guessed to pound the multicoloured stones, mix the powder with droplets of nut butter. Such paint was easily smeared on thin paper, but after drying, the paper curled and crumbled. Khronos suggested painting the fabric and Hayat remembered that in his travel bag remained a piece of cloth. The paint fell well on the fabric but only when applied with the fingers. This turned out to be very inconvenient to draw. Hayat tried to draw with thin twigs, but they tore and spoiled the canvas.

      The forest did not subside. The nerves of the election participants were strained to the limit. Despite the ban on mentioning anything about the tail, there were rumours that the secret society of squirrels split into two halves. One half of the squirrels wanted to provoke a fox pack. In their opinion, it was necessary to get foxes to violate the ‘tailed ban’, so that they are banned from participating in elections, then the squirrels will get rid of their worst rival.


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