Dangerous Evidence. Sergey Baksheev

Dangerous Evidence - Sergey Baksheev

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jacket with a ripped-off badge and a traveling bag over his shoulder. His wind-blown eyes groped at his father with a wary sullenness.

      “Come in, come in,” fussed Bayukin Sr., slapping his son on the shoulder. “Straight to the kitchen. We’ll have a drink to celebrate.”

      He sat Aleksey at the kitchen table, decked with a bottle of vodka and some light snacks. The general poured some shots.

      “It’s good that you’ve come. To our meeting – cheers!”

      Aleksey looked around.

      “Where’s your – ”

      “Forget it,” the general anticipated the rest of the question. “I kicked out that tease a long time ago. The young lady turned out to be a proper bitch. Wasted my money and cheated on me. Eh, you know what they say: ‘It is what it is!’”

      General Bayukin swallowed his shot and took a bite of a pickle.

      “I live alone now. When it comes to the deed… Well, I don’t really get the itch very often. Once a week, I have a call girl come over. She’s younger and doesn’t get on my nerves – it’s cheaper in the end too. What are you staring at me like that for? These days, it’s simple to arrange – not like years ago with party committees and all the other Soviet claptrap. Drink up, Aleksey.”

      Bayukin Jr. took his shot and wiped his lips with the back of his fist.

      “So basically, you’ve traded mom for a whore.”

      “Don’t start, Aleksey.”

      “You kicked her out and didn’t help me a damn either. I’m fighting in hell itself down there, while back home I’ve got neither an apartment nor a future. I don’t even have a place to invite a girl to – and yet here’s my Pops, bragging about how he bangs hookers in his palatial chambers.”

      “What’s done is done! I didn’t help you for your own good.”

      “Really?” Aleksey flapped his eyelids sarcastically. “Could you elaborate, general, sir, for the benefit of this stupid captain?”

      “Come on, let’s just have a drink like we used to. Remember how we got you your lieutenant’s epaulets?”

      “I couldn’t give a damn about your remembrances!”

      “Stop yelling at your father and let me finish!” The general took another drink and so did his son. “Do you watch TV? Do you understand what the situation is these days? Did you forget what my position is? Claims, verifications, comparisons of income and expenditures – eh, it is what it is! You think I can’t spare an apartment for my son? No! But I’m under constant watch. The slightest inconsistency and they’ll charge me with corruption and lock me up – and take your apartment away to boot.”

      “Are you trying to tell me you’re the only honest person in the Ministry of Defense?”

      “I’m the most cautious.”

      “Let’s drink then to the ostrich’s caution!” Aleksey raised his glass. “See no evil, hear no evil – but whoever comes along may treat my backside as he pleases.”

      “What a fool you are, Aleksey!” The general drank again. His face was beginning to flush. “I haven’t been sitting on my ass here, you know. I got some irons in the fire. Do you know how one may misappropriate housing intended for service members who’ve been transferred to the reserves? It’s a nice con! The directives for issuing state housing to these soldiers are incredibly long documents. It’s normal to simply draw up authorized extracts from them. What I do is make up a fictitious extract authorizing the issue of housing. Another person forges a rental agreement with the district public housing office. As you probably know, according to Russian law, a tenant renting from the government can apply to privatize their apartment. So we have a lawyer petition a court for the right to privatize the real estate in question. The judge, who’s also with us, rubber stamps the petition. A title is issued and that’s that – go ahead and list your new apartment on the market.”

      “And so then where does your caution lie?”

      “In that I forge my supervisor’s signature but don’t get any money in return.”

      “There it is – your saintly charity! You angling to become Pope or something?”

      “In return, I get something else entirely – something no less valuable.”

      “Gold and diamonds?”

      “Nope. Just a slender little envelope that’s easy to slip across the border.”

      Bayukin Jr. took another drink, poked around the salad with a fork, chewed the greens with one side of his mouth and glanced at his father askance.

      “What’d you call me up here for? I can munch on vodka down there just as well.”

      “They’ve launched an investigation into the embezzled apartments – and it’s looking serious.”

      “‘They’ll put you away – that’ll teach you not to steal!’” Aleksey parried with a famous quote from Beware of the Car, a classic Soviet movie.

      “Don’t talk to your father like that, Aleksey!”

      “I prefer it when people call me Alex.”

      The general took another shot, chased it with a bite and studied his son from under his brow.

      “In two weeks I’ll be fifty-five, in case you remember. A good age to get out of dodge, before it’s too late. I’ve already submitted the paperwork for my discharge. I’ll retire on my pension, buy a house in Lithuania and apply for citizenship. I won’t be taking anything with me. You’ll get this apartment which, may I remind you, is in a prestigious generals’ building. I’ve already hired a lawyer to deal with any problems that may crop up. His name is Denis Gomelsky. He’s preparing the documents as we speak. All you have to do is sign them and the apartment is yours! I’ll also see to it that you’re transferred to a post here in the city. There are two options – ”

      “What options! Are you even aware that I was concussed in a blast? That I have PTSD? I spent two months lying around the hospital; then, a week ago, I got a medical discharge!”

      “It’s that serious?”

      “There are times when it all comes rushing back and…” Alex glared and knocked on his head bitterly. “It’s like there’s a worm in my head. And then I’m ready to tear everyone apart!”

      “Alright, alright. There are good positions available in civilian life too. We’ll think of something.”

      The general poured some water in his glass and drank it slowly, furrowing his eyebrows.

      “One more thing.” Bayukin Sr. looked up at his son. “I’ll be honest with you. Gomelsky, the lawyer, warned me that if the investigation turns towards me, they may search the place. I need to get rid of any incriminating evidence. I don’t keep any money or valuables around here; however, the envelope… It’d be better if you take it and stay with your mother for a bit.”

      “What envelope?”

      “The one I mentioned. The one that’s better than money. I got rid of two others – but this third one is the most valuable.”

      “I don’t understand a damn thing.”

      The general smiled slyly.

      “Come on, I’ll show you.”

      Father and son entered the spacious living room. The general approached the bookshelf. He pushed apart two books, froze for a second, and then began to frantically riffle through the neighboring volumes.

      “What the hell? Where is it?” he exclaimed. “It was here just yesterday!”


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