Виртуальная история: альтернативы и предположения. Ниал Фергюсон
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Thomas K. Religion and the Decline of Magic: Studies in Popular Belief in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century England. London, 1971.
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Mink L. O. The Autonomy of Historical Understanding // Dray W. (Ed.). Philosophical Analysis and History. New York/London, 1966. P. 182, 189.
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Barzun J. Clio and the Doctors: Psycho-History, Quanto-History and History. Chicago, 1974. Другая сторонница традиционализма, Гертруда Химмельфарб, недавно внесла путаницу в консервативную аргументацию, объединив количественные методы новой экономической истории с субъективными методами психоистории: Himmelfarb G. The New History and the Old: Critical Essays and Reappraissals. Cambridge, Mass., 1987.
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Davis N. Z. On the Lame // American Historical Review 93 (1988). P. 572–603.
См., например: Spiegel G. M. History, Historicism and the Social Logic of the Text in the Middle Ages // Speculum 65 (1990). P. 59–86.
См.: Scott J. W. History in Crisis? The Others’ Side of the Story // American Historical Review 94 (1989). P. 680–692; Joyce P. History and Postmodernism // Past and Present 133 (1991). P. 204–209. Марксистскую критику см. в работе: Harvey D. The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change. Oxford, 1989.
Gallie W. B. Explanations in History and the Genetic Sciences // Gardiner P. (Ed.). Theories of History. Glencoe, Illinois/London, 1959. Pp. 389f.
Scriven M. Truisms as Grounds for Historical Explanations // Gardiner P. (Ed.). Theories of History. Glencoe, Illinois/London, 1959. Pp. 470f.
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