What is the mystery of genius, still unsolved?. Юрий Михайлович Низовцев
viewpoint of Schopenhauer about genius come down to the following.
“Genius … consists in excessive intellectual surplus which can find for itself the application only in that to head to the general beginnings of being" (A. Schopenhauer. The World as Will and Representation. Volume 2. Chapter XXXI. On Genius).
"In the private constantly to see the general – exactly in it and consists the main line of the genius" (ibid.).
All great theoretical creations, whatever they may be, are realized in such a way that the one who begins them, all forces of the spirit direct to one point in which he connects them and concentrates to such extent strongly, firmly and exclusively that all other world for him disappears" (ibid.).
"The talent can create that above creative abilities of others, but not above their receptivity. That is why he immediately finds connoisseurs. On the contrary, creations of the genius go beyond not only creative abilities of other people, but also their susceptibility therefore they also do not recognize him" (ibid.).
Thus, Schopenhauer sees signs of genius in an extraordinary giftedness, alienating genius from the rest of the public; in a decisive tendency towards generalization, the high concentration. In addition, he notes the discrepancy between the products of the activity of a genius and the current epoch, which is not perceiving his works.
It should be noted that the specified signs of genius are absolutely not enough, especially as Schopenhauer does not open the nature of genius, that is, a source of genius , the driving force of a genius, the main incentives of genius, the main way of achievement of adequate result by the genius, but shows only the well-known need for the genius to have these or those natural endowments, which for some reason is associated by him with a high level of intelligence, that far not so; the detachment of the genius from public and the current time; his synthetic abilities and ability to concentrate on a problem.
These signs are rather commonplace, since, for example, among composers and scholars is a lot of clever people with the ability to concentrate excellently on solving the problem posed, and quite good to generalize the obtained data in the form of a symphony or dissertation. There are millions of these persons, and no more than a few hundred the geniuses have been manifested for all the time of existence of civilization.
However, Schopenhauer quite right noted the lack of a coincidence of creations of the genius with his era, but explained this phenomenon purely psychologically. However, behind the lack of a possibility of susceptibility of "works of the genius" has to be something?
Nevertheless, the properties of genius are one thing – and they are well described with many examples, and another is the source of genius, the driving force of a genius, the main incentives of genius, the main way the genius achieves an adequate result and the main signs of the expression of genius. They are not revealed in full yet and not formulated especially as the genius has to appear on certain "soil", that is have the signs and genesis coinciding generally with group of certain individuals, having, nevertheless, from them some essential differences.
Therefore, at first it is necessary to clear origin of geniuses and their general properties, for example, with creative persons, and then to turn to the differences of geniuses from them.
As things stand, on the subject of nature as well as the expression of genius arise such questions.
There are millions of outstanding, intelligent, energetic, highly educated, hardworking figures in engineering, science, and art, who sometimes achieve outstanding results, but few out of them are automatically recognized as geniuses in the public consciousness.
The entire educated public reads exactly them the novels and stories, even though they were sometimes written hundreds of years ago; on their pictures at exhibitions line up huge queues; practically, only their concerts, symphonies and operas are performed in all the halls of the world continuously, causing tears to listeners, although other musical works are innumerable; their scientific and technical approaches have made and make decisive changes in our lives, etc.
It means, that between endowments, talent even at unusual diligence of their owners, and the genius lies a certain abyss, which very few manage to overcome.
If manage to find out at the expense of what some persons are overcoming this abyss, having ensured themselves the recognition in centuries, then the principle of genius will clear up.
However, the principle is a principle, but it is still far not clear, what is that basis from which the genius grows and that stimulates it and supports such phenomenal results that are impossible not to recognize.
Let's try to answer these questions.
Everything that has being concocted in engineering and art can be divided into two parts: combinatory and inventive.
The combinatory activity, characteristic, for example, for the operation of computers and actions of chess players, is capable not on discovery of essentially new knowledge, that is unobvious, hidden, absent in the nature and the database of public consciousness, but its possibilities are limited to creation of only another combination of the known things and processes (phenomena).
It is on the principle of combinatorics that the overwhelming majority of representatives, science, technology, art acts. And there is nothing shameful here, since exactly a harvester has revolutionized the agrarian sector of the economy. Moreover, any rationalization makes an undoubted and significant contribution to the development of civilization, and, most importantly, to the development of self-awareness of each person who joins this activity. And it does not require special talents, outstanding intelligence. All that is needed – savvy and the desire to change something, that is, a manifestation of the interest in what the soul seeks, rather than lying on the sofa by the TV.
All this, of course, not bad, but the geniuses in this field, alas, in the afternoon with fire you will not find, inasmuch abrupt coups the combinatory activity does not give, and provides only rather slow development of both the person, and all civilization, including culture, owing to quite insignificant increase of new information to the available database of mankind.
Quite another matter – inventiveness, which, having generalized it on culture and art, it is possible to call creativity.
But from where creativity undertakes?
In order that to understand it, it is necessary to make small digression to the concept of consciousness of a person, inasmuch the consciousness of any person has two the main components.
One of them fully corresponds to the primate's consciousness, from which a person occurred, – the lowest, or animal consciousness (often referred to as the subconscious), another – the highest consciousness – it can be qualified as awareness of the self, or self-consciousness, that is, everything accumulated in the subcortex for two million years in the role of hominids, and then – Homo sapiens, – distinguishes the person from all other on the planet by his separation from the fauna, completely merged to the environment, by hiss alienness to this environment, thanks to what the person becomes capable to change surrounding and himself quickly enough according to the purposeful (conscious) understanding, which appeared at him, in comparison with sluggish development of the nature, based on random changes (mutations) of the body's genome. According to their aspirations, these types of consciousness are opposite: the animal strives for survival and reproduction, and self-consciousness, or the highest consciousness, tries to strive for perfection both individual and social.
So, there are two irreconcilable creatures in each person.
One of these beings is determined by the lowest consciousness, which is the only inherent in all flora and fauna, except the person; This type of consciousness manifests itself in inseparability with the environment on the basis of sensations.
Beings with this type of consciousness are in the general stream of life, but are not capable "to rise" over it, they do not understand that they live. In this regard they remind in advance programmed mechanisms capable to sense, forming own environment and adapting themselves to it, but deprived of spontaneous or conscious memories, fantasies, notions of time, they have only a genetic memory in the absence of oral or written memory of generations, and are not able