Male’s Health in the Objective of Stressology – Beyond the Usual. Армен Мурадян
by both the scientific and the general public.
Distinguished GDOU Chair Professor of Neuroscience and Pharmacology of the St. Petersburg State University, Professor of Neuroscience of the Institute of Translational Biomedicine of SPSU (Russia), Professor of Southwestern University (China), President of the International Stress and Behavior Society (ISBS)
Allan V. Kalueff
The very title of the book “Male’s Health in the Objective of Stressology – beyond the usual” did not raise any doubts and promised to be an interesting reading. Indeed, modern biology long ago came to understanding that the body of a man and the body of a woman are completely different in both physiology and neurobiology. This book thoroughly analyzes the male body also from the point of view of psychology and psychiatry.
The main attention in the publication is devoted to stress and how stress is combined with biological factors of the male body, creating a fine line between the pathology and the limits of the norm. The authors organically combine biology and psychology in their analyses and observations.
The theme of human sexuality touched by the authors is also important. Undoubtedly, human sexuality is an interesting topic in itself since it includes a whole range of preferences and complex forms of behavior, especially in men. For example, the authors try to give a rather objective biological picture of homosexuality and include it into socio-cultural frameworks and norms. Perhaps we can say that the authors are a bit conservative-traditional in their conclusions and that it is important for the society (and even necessary) to inculcate even greater tolerance. However, the reader will have to charge for himself how often the norms themselves changed in the history of mankind.
This also applies to other forms of behavior – aggression, paternity, suicidal behavior. The book gives a deep analysis of both psychoanalytical theories and modern psychiatric diagnostics in these behavioral domains.
Finally, a special, informal language of the material presentation is also of interest: on the one hand, it is clear that the book is written by experts with knowledge of the subject-matter, and on the other hand – it is read easily and comprehensible to any reader. On the whole, the authors’ book is not authoritarian conclusions of two well-known medical scientists, but rather, a thoughtful and considerate invitation to the reader to think about a complex system called the male body. The book turned out deep, philosophical and wise.
Head of the Department of Medical Psychology of YSMU, PhD in Psychology им. Гераци, к.п.н.
Khachatur Gasparyan
The monograph “Male’s Health in the Objective of Stressology – beyond the usual” is devoted to the study of male health from the point of view of medicine, psychology and psychiatry. A detailed and in-depth analysis of all those stressogenic impacts, factors and peculiarities of male socialization that affect health and longevity of male life has been done. Male’s health is seen as the result of the effect of multi-aspect factors including somatic problems, stressful life situations and psychological traumas. The authors demonstrate system and interdisciplinary approach to the problem of male health in which the entire structure of the personality and not just of a man as a carrier of a particular disease, is considered which corresponds to the modern approaches in medicine and medical psychology.
For a long time female gender role and the limitations associated with it have been in the focus of researchers’ attention. However, it should be noted that the traditional male role also has a number of stereotypes and limitations that overlap their carriers and men also suffer from gender prejudices and stereotypes. In this regard, the authors consider the historical development of concepts about male sexuality, male gender role and those difficulties that affect the psychological and physical health of men.
The authors pay great attention to phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of the concept of male sexuality. The phenomenon of body, phallic symbolism and phenomenon of libido energy are analyzed at different stages of the historical development of mankind, as well as within the life cycle of each male. The authors analyze the views of different scientists on the problems of consciousness, spirituality, relationship of ideal and material principles and conduct deep psychological and culturological analyses of the development of male identity. As part of the analysis of life stages of the development of libido energy and sublimation of this energy, the psychological aspects of erectile dysfunction along with the enormous influence that the psychological reasons have on the development of this problem are considered. The system approach to this problem of male health opens new opportunities for doctors, psychologists and patients since only with an interdisciplinary approach and taking into account the whole range of psychosomatic relationships it is possible to effectively treat not only the symptoms but also the disease itself.
Considering the above, it should be noted that this monograph is undoubtedly a valuable contribution to the scientific literature in the fields of psychology, medicine and stressology.
The wisdom of my grandfathers
stuck in my head:
we were born to enjoy work, fight, love,
we were born for this and for nothing else.
The Armenian painter Aram Vramshapu Vanetsian in early 1939 began writing I. Babel’s portrait which turned out to be the last lifetime portrait of the writer (repressed and shot at the age of 46, January 1940).
Isaak Babel
A serious scientific question can be put to Babel’s words. If he is right, then the male mortality at a relatively young age is the result of the biological characteristics of the male body and its functioning.
Further presentation of the material is a search for the answer.
We searched for the answer proceeding from the following provisions:
1. “Human evolution is an important part of the universal evolution as an open nonlinear system, and the most complex one” (V. E. Klochko, 2017).
2. “A person is such a level of system research, when the not very favorite word “system” can be quite adequately replaced by the more euphonic concept of “integrity” (I. Prigogine, 1986).
3. “A person is an integrative entity” possessing the brain and higher nervous activity (HNA) owing to which an internal notional subjective world is formed, including:
Conscious triunity (biological/psychic/social);
“appropriate” part of information from outside, from the collective unconscious;
the soul of a particular person (“affective/emotional clot”);
will and faith.
4. The psychology of the development of culture and religion led us to the need not to ignore the stages of development of the studied paradigms both in phylo- and ontogenesis.
5. The analytical interdisciplinary system adaptive approach was used.
Analyzing the phenomenon under study or the psychic paradigm, metaphors were often used. “In the era of changing paradigms and great breaks, the science starts to use the language of metaphors. To denote new phenomena, established concepts are insufficient” (T. Kuhn, 1975).
6. Research material:
rich clinical experience of working as urologist/sexopathologist;
rich clinical experience of working as psychiatrist/stressologist;
achievements of science in the field of studied paradigms
A. Muradyan, A. Tadevosyan, 2017