HR Profiling - BY STUDYLIE

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the goal is blurry, then the result will be the same. A clear idea of the tasks to be solved by the employee is a prerequisite for successful recruitment. Therefore, the first thing that is required is to describe the relevant competencies, individual and personal characteristics, requirements for knowledge, skills, qualifications and experience of the employee (candidate).

      Such a description is called a position profile.

      If we neglect the compilation of the position profile, guided by some vague image of the desired, then the selection of employees will be made «by guess and by gosh». That’s how companies hire mediocre, poorly motivated, and sometimes obviously undesirable performers.

      Companies often send candidates to the International Academy of Lie research both to assess their psychological portraits and to identify risk factors. Here it turns out that customers have little idea what they want to receive. In other words, these companies simply select more or less liked resumes from the stream of incoming ones. Moreover, the selection takes place on the basis of some vague ideas about what kind of employee is needed!

      In this situations we have to make a profile ourselves. Later when we agree on this profile with the customer, he says: «It looks good! Why not?».

      Sometimes there is another error which occurs because of using obsolete profiles. Well, yes, the profile has been once compiled, and you cannot say that it is not there. But since then the company has changed the direction of its development, and employees continue to recruit according to the criteria formulated for other tasks. The world is changing very quickly. And even if it sounds like a cliche, it’s a fact. And, nevertheless, a number of companies use «cemented» profiles, the «filling» of which has long been requiring a radical revision.

      I believe we agreed that the current profile of the position is necessary. And now let’s consider how to make it properly.

      Writing down the list of competencies and values that are mandatory for the candidate.

      For instance, for the position of sales manager such competence will be sociability or stress resistance. Further, based on the prevailing corporate ethics and values of the company, it is necessary to prescribe the values that the candidate should have. It is desirable that the company and the employee have similar values.

      Main requirements for the employee, his experience and knowledge.

      The list of requirements, as a rule, includes specific knowledge, skills and abilities that the candidate must possess. I will not dwell on this in detail. I will only note that there are basic requirements, without which a person cannot be effective in a particular field of activity. For example, if the work of a manager is connected with foreign companies, then one cannot do without knowledge of English. This is a prerequisite, since a person cannot quickly learn a foreign language in the process of doing his job.

      I will talk more specifically on such components of the profile as work experience and learning capability. If you want the employee to be engaged in the work immediately, then preference should be given to an experienced candidate. If the nature of work has its own narrow specifics, it might be better to invest certain resources into the employee while he is learning and getting into the position. By the way, in driving schools, instructors often ask a student if he had previously driven a car. The answer «no» usually makes the instructor happy, since he won’t have to retrain. If you need to find a specialist for the «bottleneck», or train him «for yourself» – it is better to choose a candidate without experience.

      What is more important for you, experience or personal characteristics? For example, an active student applies for the position of sales manager. Yes, he has no experience, but he is so charming, charismatic, he rocks and inspires so that the question of experience is not even an issue. Or, let’s say, here comes a manager with 10 years experience, but upon closer inspection it will become clear that all these years he has been sitting on incoming calls in the same company.

      However, if we are talking about a highly specialized field or specific knowledge – work experience is necessary. If you select an employee for a large foreign company, and, for example, job responsibilities include technical translation from a foreign language, then experience is desirable. To work in shops or to manage the production, one needs experience of at least 3 years. Experience has shown, that during the first 2 years a person figures out the nuances and specificity, makes mistakes and learns from them. Therefore, before answering the question of who you want – beautiful or smart – analyze the specific nature of the work.

      I need to warn those who want both an experienced and capable of learning employee, that sometimes the «box» is fully stuffed. And things that you will try to add to the top might simply pour.

      Expected employee motivation.

      You need to understand what kind of motivation you expect from a person. For example, there is a motivation «To positive results» (for short – «TO»). And the motivation «From negative consequences» (for short – «FROM»), which means avoiding unpleasant situations. Mind the main credo of doctors – «Do no harm!». Especially in emergency situations motivation «FROM» allows to make the right decisions.

      Let us compare the motivations of a risk manager and a sales manager. The first one should be motivated to get away from unnecessary risks, solve assigned tasks without mistakes and get the salary on time. The second one is motivated by the results worth the effort, by management recognizing him as the best manager. You need to understand what you can give the employee, and what pole of motivation he is relying on. Below, in the chapter on metaprograms, we will talk in more details about the program of motivation.

      Behavioral model in different situations and when making decisions.

      Model the most common situations that an employee will encounter in the course of the work. Then identify the most effective models.

      Suppose an employee is invited for a process, operational activity, where the main requirement is sense of duty. This work does not require super-skills, and here the model of conflict avoidance is acceptable. But if we select a candidate for the position of leader, then avoiding conflicts while solving issues will have a destructive impact not only on his work, but also on the entire organization.

      How will the candidate behave in conflict situations? In order to test, argue with the candidate, just do not start right away, let him get used to you a little, adapt. After that, create a conflict situation around disagreement with something. This will be a hint for you. But still for an exhaustive analysis a deeper check is usually required.

      Before we start talking about it, let me introduce the term «metaprogram, linguistic and behavioral profile». This is a set of unconscious filters of a person’s perception, through which basic life and behavioral strategies and associated beliefs are formed.

      So, we study the past experience of the candidate, his psycho-type, and, of course, the metaprogram profile. Knowing the metaprogram profile we can tell a lot about the candidate.

      It will become clear how and in what form information should be conveyed to each specific candidate in the most accessible and capacious way.

      Analysis of the metaprogram profile will allow to form official duties, identify the professional opportunities and limitations of a particular candidate, find out how to motivate him.

      It will become clear whether the candidate is able to interact with the team members, how he makes decisions and on which basis, how long it will take him to do that. Instant respond to rapidly changing conditions is one thing, another thing is a systematic problems solving analysis in the field of strategic management. Who do you need, a call center expert who promptly answers questions, or a manager who determines the development strategy of an organization?

      Summarizing the above said, I would like to note that the analysis of the metaprogram profile provides an answer to the main question: whether the candidate will be successful in the position

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